(1) We therefore announce our intention to resign our positions as soon as transitional arrangements can be put in place.” Paul Lakin, the outgoing leader, was described in the report as “a decent, committed and hardworking councillor” who was poorly served by his officers.
(2) In a statement the council said: “Cllr Paul Lakin has confirmed his resignation as leader of Rotherham borough council with immediate effect.
(3) The council leader, Paul Lakin, said he would quit both as leader and councillor.
(4) In response to Martin Lakin's (1991) IJGP article, "Some Ethical Issues in Feminist-Oriented Therapy Groups for Women," this article examines recent developments in feminist theory and proposes that a feminist perspective is both ethical and can make significant contributions to the practice of group psychotherapy.
(5) Passing sentence, the judge Peter Lakin said: "You Ilyas Ashar and you Tallat Ashar did not treat this girl as a human being.