(1) Stress is laid on certain principles of diagnostic research in the event of extra-suprarenal pheochromocytomas.
(2) Lead levels in contents and shells of eggs laid by hens dosed with all-lead shot were about twice those in eggs laid by hens dosed with lead-iron shot.
(3) Many examples are given to demonstrate the applications of these programs, and special emphasis has been laid on the problem of treating a point in tissue with different doses per fraction on alternate treatment days.
(4) Special emphasis is laid on the new or unusual clinical patterns of dystonia as well as on the latest advances in its treatment.
(5) Hawking's latest comments go beyond those laid out in his 2010 book, The Grand Design , in which he asserted that there is no need for a creator to explain the existence of the universe.
(6) The building blocks were laid out in a sweeping document presented by Van Rompuy and colleagues earlier this week that included sharing debt in the form of jointly issued eurobonds.
(7) vittatus eggs laid on damp mud were placed in dry rockpools for 10 weeks and kept dry for a further 6 weeks in the laboratory.
(8) Subculturing of these cells onto substrata laid down by well differentiated (mature) colon carcinoma cells resulted in cell attachment and spreading.
(9) An area on top of a hill near to the spot where Sharon was laid to rest alongside his late wife, Lily, was penned off with crash barriers.
(10) As she was laid to rest fireworks illuminated the grey sky.
(11) I think rightly, people have been concerned about whether Syria will follow through on the commitments that have been laid forth, and I think there are legitimate concerns as to how technically we are going to be getting those chemical weapons out while there is still fighting going on.
(12) It will be the first time that governments have clearly laid out a vision of accessible usable data across the entire chain of public contracting.
(13) It is argued that this assumption is often made without sufficient attention to foundational principles of professional ethics; that once core principles are laid bare this assumption is revealed as largely unwarranted; and, finally, that these observations at the level of moral theory should be reflected, in various ways, in medical practice.
(14) In another, Underwood and his aide are monitoring police communications from his office – and laid out on their desk are no fewer than nine iPhones and iPads.
(15) A photo circulating among former school friends, which appears to show Abdullah dead and laid out on the ground, has been seen by the Guardian.
(16) The flowers were made and laid by thousands of people who had travelled to Hyde Park from around Britain for the Big IF rally.
(17) The best option for the west is to avoid taking sides and instead try to contain the crisis at a time when the region needs dialogue more than ever.” Officials and analysts with ties to Riyadh say it was just a timeline laid out by the judicial process.
(18) There are solutions to this and it is to be hoped that a more workable amendment will be laid very soon.
(19) Behind the mild-mannered, laid-back exterior, the extraordinary calm, is a man of great steeliness and backbone," said one adviser.
(20) On the basis of these observations, stress is laid on the importance of atrial rhythm disease as a cause of acute cerebral ischaemia in the elderly subject
Example Sentences:
(1) Typological and archaeological investigations indicate that the church building represents originally the hospital facility for the lay brothers of the monastery, which according to the chronicle of the monastery was built in the beginning of the 14th century.
(2) Labour MP Jamie Reed, whose Copeland constituency includes Sellafield, called on the government to lay out details of a potential plan to build a new Mox plant at the site.
(3) The hippocampus plays an essential role in the laying down of cognitive memories, the pathway to the frontal lobe being via the MD thalamus.
(4) The glory lay in the defiance, although the outcome of the tie scarcely looks promising for Arsenal when the return at Camp Nou next Tuesday is borne in mind.
(5) As of July 1987, 10 states have prohibitory laws, five states have grandmother clauses authorizing practicing midwives under repealed statutes, five states have enabling laws which are not used, and 10 states explicitly permit lay midwives to practice.
(6) Speaking at The Carbon Show in London today, Philippe Chauvancy, director at climate exchange BlueNext, said that the announcement last week that it is to develop China's first standard for voluntary emission reduction projects alongside the government-backed China Beijing Environmental Exchange, could lay the foundations for a voluntary cap-and-trade scheme.
(7) He speeded the process of decolonisation, and was the first British prime minister to appreciate that Britain's future lay with Europe.
(8) This situation suppressed egg laying and resulted in a clearly decreased bone mineralization.
(9) Agir, launched in June as the Sahel crisis was taking hold, lays out a roadmap for better co-ordination of humanitarian and development aid to protect the most vulnerable people when drought hits again.
(10) The charity Bite the Ballot , which persuaded hundreds of thousands to register before the last general election, is to set up “democracy cafes” in Starbucks branches, laying on experts to explain how to register and vote, and what the referendum is all about (Bite the Ballot does not take sides but merely encourages participation).
(11) To overcome some of these problems it is suggested that an investigation of lay evaluation of health care should be carried out within a conceptual framework which incorporates the following elements.
(12) Three of the abscesses were intrapulmonary, and each lay adjacent to a pleural surface.
(13) Nowadays hardly a publication comes out of the regulator without it laying down another "matter for government".
(14) An intelligence officer told Associated Press that they were aware of the movement, but that the military is acting with care as many civilians are still trapped in the town and Boko Haram is laying land mines around it.
(15) After 14 minutes, Rose got in behind the Hull defence to lay on the opening goal for Eriksen while the second followed an incision up the other flank from Walker.
(16) In contrast, bilateral lesions of all cerebral ganglion peripheral nerves did not abolish spontaneous egg laying, suggesting that sensory input to the cerebral ganglion is not necessary for activating the bag cells.
(17) Several axon terminals lay close to blood vessels, and may modulate the activity of these vessels.
(18) Seasonal and habitat influences on the egg-laying activity of four species of Culex were compared in south Florida using jar- and vat-type oviposition traps.
(19) Those fed royal jelly as larvae emerge as queens and do little but lay eggs.
(20) Prolactin secretion was stimulated less in incubating hens deprived of their nests for 24 h (nest-deprived) than in laying hens after administration of the 5-HT receptor agonist quipazine, or precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan.