(1) Cycling the city: 'I have a dream that Jakarta should be like Copenhagen' Read more “Jalanku sekarang lebih bersih,” ujar orang-orang, tanpa memedulikan fakta bahwa 6,000 ton sampah dikumpulkan untuk kemudian dipindahkan tanpa tindak berkelanjutan ke bagian kota yang lain.
(2) 259, 3962-3970] and weaken the binding to gelatin [Zhu, B. C. R. & Laine, R. A.
(3) Asparagine-N-linked polylactosaminyl glycosylation of the chymotryptic 44-kDa gelatin-binding domain from human placental fibronectin confers protease resistance [Zhu, B. C. R., Fisher, S. F., Panda, H., Calaycay, J., Shively, J. E. & Laine, R. A.
(4) Where cells from different positions were confronted, new cuticular structures corresponding to the positions which would normally have lain between them were formed during the following moults.
(5) "Look – Putin didn't find down there jugs that had lain there for many thousands of years.
(6) A lain, a repair man, was up a ladder fixing shop signs and, as he put it, "working like a dog to earn 900 pounds a month and still barely feed the family".
(7) Tordenskiold has lain since 1819 in a marble sarchophagus in the Danish Naval Church in Copenhagen, but still without the blessing of the Church, because duels were forbidden.
(8) Our previous results suggest that 4.5-7-kDa poly(N-acetyllactosamine) structures reduce the binding of fibronectin and its chymotryptic Ala260-Trp599 subdomain GB44 to gelatin [Zhu, B. C. R. & Laine, R. A.
(9) Sat in front of the mainline train station at the top end of the North Laine, this pencil-straight street is often the first road visitors and commuters cut down to reach the centre of town.
(10) Known in China as the Diaoyu Islands, this small collection of islets and rocky outcroppings in the East China Sea has lain outside of direct Chinese control since 1895.
(11) They are some of the country’s greatest untouched treasures, having lain undisturbed on the seabed, in some cases for centuries.
(12) Their chosen medium was, by the sounds of it, terrifyingly primitive sax noodling lain atop cardboard box drums and one-chord detuned stumble-thrash.
(13) He's already revived a practice that had lain dormant for nearly a decade, destroying the homes of the men suspected of these killings.
(14) Lain Hensley, chief operating officer at Odyssey Teams, recalls the fear and loneliness he felt when he was diagnosed with cancer , for example.
(15) Their latest switcheroo sees Gare Ornano, a high-ceilinged station which had lain vacant since 1939, become an eco-focused cafe, restaurant, garden and urban farm.
(16) This futile cycle and the unusual sn-1-glycerophospho-sn-1'-glycerol stereoconfiguration of the water-soluble backbone (Joutti, A., Brotherus, J., Renkonen, O., Laine, R., and Fischer, W. (1976) Biochim.
(17) Explanations of rural-urban fertility differentials have normally lain in assumptions about the traditionalist nature of rural, and especially agricultural, societies in contrast to the more rationalist and modern attitudes towards the family that exist in urban societies.
(18) Having lain down in the delivery room, the patient immediately lapsed into a coma and developed hemiplegia on the right side of the body.
(19) They have a point: as a Brighton resident, I'm more concerned about the uncertain future of the tiny Borderline Records in North Laine than I am about the local HMV , because I love shopping in the former, and the last time I went into the latter, I came out wearing the expression of existential despair I normally reserve for Sunday visits to Ikea.
(20) I am certain that if he had not lain in hospital for five weeks, with no one who loved him to take care of him, he would not have descended into such a state of incapacity.
(n.) That part of a human being or quadruped, which extends on either side of the spinal column between the hip bone and the false ribs. In human beings the loins are also called the reins. See Illust. of Beef.
Example Sentences:
(1) Increasing slaughter weight from 60 to 90% was associated with an increase in panel tenderness scores for loin steaks.
(2) However, trimmed hams and loins from the 20-ppm RAC treatment represented a greater (P less than .05) percentage of carcass weight than did those from control animals.
(3) Stimulation increased the tenderness of loin steaks as determined by both panel scores and shear values, and of bottom round steaks (shear-force values).
(4) More than half of the symptoms were located to the head-neck or back-thorax-loin.
(5) Platelet life span was shortened and the index of renal platelet localization increased when patients with the loin pain and haematuria syndrome received oestrogens.
(6) He was admitted on August 14, 1991, because of right loin pain.
(7) Almost all patients complained of loin pain and 48% had lower urinary tract symptoms.
(8) Pigs fed ractopamine had shorter carcasses, less fat depth and fat area, smaller weights of stomach and colon plus rectum, but higher dressing percentages, longissimus muscle areas, weights of trimmed Boston butts, picnics and loins, ham lean and predicted amounts of muscle than pigs not fed ractopamine (P less than .05).
(9) One is for loin of pork spiced with green peppercorns.
(10) These results suggest that specific gravity or indicators from the carcass, ham or loin section can be employed to predict percentage of protein in pork carcasses.
(11) Two neonates, with a palpable mass in the loin, turned out to have adrenal haemorrhage.
(12) The larvae were expressed by pressure from 2 lesions, on the neck and the loin, and the pockets were disinfected with alcohol.
(13) In 44.3% of cases the disease started from the general cerebral symptomatology and consciousness disturbance; in 13.6% it started in a brain stroke-like manner followed by the development of the comatose status; in 13.6% of cases from memory disorder and unmotivated actions; in the same percentage of cases, the disease onset was marked by the dominance of dizziness, diplopia, ataxia and central hemiplegia ; in 15.9% the disease started from pains in the stomach, loin and lower limbs.
(14) Coefficients were positive (P greater than .10) for individual pig and litter weights at birth and weaning and for the carcass traits of length, longissimus muscle area and percentage of ham and loin.
(15) It is interesting that in our group not only membranous but also minimal change as well as mesangium proliferative glomerulonephritis had high incidence of RVT (47%, 45% and 36% respectively) Only 6 cases (26%) had a typical acute presentation with severe loin pain, significant increase of urinary protein, enlargement of involved kidney.
(16) Breakpoint analysis indicated that 1.11% lysine maximized longissimus muscle area, whereas trimmed ham and loin weights were maximized at .91 and .98% lysine, respectively.
(17) Loin muscle characteristics indicated that differences in tenderness between breed groups were not attributed to cold shortening effects or differences in amount or integrity of connective tissue.
(18) Contrast-enhanced CT and MR imaging of the kidney were performed in two patients with acute renal failure and severe loin pain following a track race.
(19) We describe four patients who presented with either a marked systemic illness or a loin mass due to pyonephrosis.
(20) For older children, loin or abdominal pain was the chief presenting symptom (68%).