What's the difference between laminal and laminar?



  • (a.) In, or consisting of, thin plates or layers; having the form of a thin plate or lamina.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Although the reeler, an autosomal recessive mutant mouse with the abnormality of lamination in the central nervous system, died about 3 weeks of age when fed ordinary laboratory chow, this mouse could grow up normally and prolong its destined, short lifespan to 50 weeks and more when given assistance in taking paste food and water from the weaning period.
  • (2) The tractional resistance carried out on the laminate fronts where a treatment of only silane and resin of connection was applied, was greater where the treatment of silane was employed.
  • (3) The predicted protein shares significant homology with lamins A and C and other members of the intermediate filament family of proteins, and shares features important for the coiled-coil structure proposed for these proteins.
  • (4) Ependymal cells developed luminal fronds that projected into the ventricle and the subpial glia displayed a very subtle gliosis in the form of thin multi-laminated processes.
  • (5) We have perturbed the dynamics of the nuclear lamins by means of cell fusion between mitotic and interphase cells and have studied redistribution of lamins in fused cells as a function of extracellular pH levels.
  • (6) Considering that chromatin reorganizations during spermatogenesis may be directly or indirectly related to changes of the nuclear lamina we have decided to further investigate lamin expression during this process.
  • (7) Cortical lamination and parcellation of the anterogenual region in the human brain is studied in sections successively stained for nerve cells (15 micrometers), myelin sheaths (100 micrometers), and lipofuscin granules (800 micrometers).
  • (8) However, these lamin-depleted envelopes are extremely fragile and fail to grow beyond a limited extent.
  • (9) Lymphocytes migrated across these venular walls by moving through intercellular spaces in the endothelium and between gaps in the laminated, reticular sheath.
  • (10) The etched porcelain laminate veneer is a new conservative treatment that offers a solution to fractured, discolored, and worn anterior teeth.
  • (11) The existence of multiple isoforms of lamin proteins in vertebrates is believed to reflect functional specializations during cell division and differentiation.
  • (12) Although it is important that the level of energy fed is adequate to correctly establish a bull's ability to gain, it is essential to know that it will pose no risk of impaired spermatogenesis or cause any degree of laminitis.
  • (13) Bacterially expressed human nuclear lamin C, assembled in vitro into filaments, showed increased phosphorylation on specific sites in the extract in response to MPF.
  • (14) Those identified include K-, N-, and H-p21ras, ras-related GTP-binding proteins such as G25K (Gp), nuclear lamin B and prelamin A, and the gamma subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins.
  • (15) They also indicate that cAMP-dependent phosphorylation of interphase lamin B could cause remodeling of the lamina and establishment of homopolymeric domains.
  • (16) Furthermore, it has recently been shown that membrane association appears to be an important function in mevalonate-derive modifications of several important proteins such as cellular membrane G proteins, those coded for by oncogenes (ras proteins) and lamins (nuclear proteins).
  • (17) However, the mean response latency to stimulation of the optic chiasm was significantly shorter for Y cells in MIN than for Y cells in the laminated LGNd.
  • (18) This difference characterizes the cells from 14 to 72 hrs of HMBA treatment and indicates that the ability of lamin B to be phosphorylated by PK-C is linked to the differentiated state.
  • (19) The resulting data reported on labial enamel thickness of anterior teeth may offer guidance in the preparation of laminate veneers.
  • (20) Our results suggest that meiotic NEBD in Spisula oocytes may be controlled by a mechanism which involves lamin phosphorylation, similar to that which is thought to operate in mitosis.



  • (a.) Alt. of Laminal

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The ultrastructure of these fibers showed intramitochondrial paracrystalline inclusions, laminar and fingerprint bodies.
  • (2) Also, the neocortex is among the vulnerable structures, and often a characteristic laminar neuron loss is found.
  • (3) In all 11 patients, transesophageal echocardiography presented the definite visualization of the defect and a clear laminar shunt flow that showed its 2 peaks in late systole and late diastole.
  • (4) The clinical and histopathological features of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) include a relationship with age, and the presence of pigmentary disturbances, drusen, thickening of Bruch's membrane, and basal laminar deposits.
  • (5) The rate of infections can be reduced to 1% prophylactic administration of antibiotics, surgery in an laminar airflow operating theater, and by the use of cement containing antibiotics.
  • (6) In imaging porcine whole blood under steady laminar flow, under certain conditions a hypoechoic region was observed to appear near the center of the flow conduit.
  • (7) The findings described here are consistent with a role for FN in the development of a laminar organization in the dLGN.
  • (8) The laminar pattern of current sources and sinks coincident with this component was more complicated after bicuculline, reflecting the summation of current flows associated with disinhibited lamina 4 activity.
  • (9) Differences in antibiotic therapy, chemotherapy, use of laminar flow rooms, and grouping of patients make it difficult to compare these clinical trials.
  • (10) The laminar origin of the ILN and PAG projecting neurons were found primarily in the contralateral reticular portion of V, medial VII and the nucleus of dorsolateral funiculus.
  • (11) These data indicate that activation of neurons in laminar regions of Vc that process nociceptive information cause an increase in plasma ACTH, whereas activation of neurons in laminae of Vc that process mainly non-nociceptive input have no significant influence on plasma ACTH.
  • (12) CCK-5-labelled binding sites in a highly age-dependent, laminar-specific manner.
  • (13) 2) Malformations of the acrosome independent from the spermatid's nucleus: the acrosomal material is contained in small vesicles, large vacuoles, in ring-like structures, in globular or shell-like laminar structures.
  • (14) Electron microscopy of host rat perforant path fibers traced to the xenograft dentate molecular layer confirmed the laminar distribution and revealed numerous asymmetric synaptic contacts with spines.
  • (15) Most sections through the processes appear round or oval rather than laminar in normal astrocytes.
  • (16) With respect to distribution of gas, 53% of patients presented pneumatocele, 38% of patients had pneumoencephalos, and 15% presented a laminar distribution of the gas.
  • (17) Use of the laminar flow cabinet produced a significantly greater level of contamination than the other methods, and it is concluded that the exhaust-ventilated safety hood should be used for this procedure.
  • (18) Juxta-articular osteoid osteomas often show an absent or small perifocal osteosclerosis, whereas a laminar periosteal reaction was seen in all own cases.
  • (19) A laminar representation of sensory modalities was present in the hamster superior colliculus (SC) with upper laminar cells being exclusively visual, while intermediate and deeper layer cells were visual, somatic, acoustic or multimodal.
  • (20) Laminar field analysis of the antidromic spike potentials showed that the antidromic impulses invaded at least 200 mu of the main dendrites as well as the soma, there being then a steep decrement to the surface.

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