(n.) One who, or that which, lights a lamp; esp., a person who lights street lamps.
(n.) The calico bass.
Example Sentences:
(1) While working for government-owned newspapers and his own magazine al-Domari (the Lamplighter), he generally opted for a universal approach, taking on topics including militarism, corruption and women's rights, yet depicting no recognisable individuals.
(2) She has gloss-coated lips, and her yellow headband, holding back long hair, glows in the lamplight along Juscelino Kubitschek Avenue, which connects the city to the Castelão arena, one of the venues for the 2014 World Cup .
(3) Sitting on a plump hotel sofa in a black skirt, cream blouse and black bow tie, she resembles a spiffy doll; when special emphasis is required, she brushes aside her platinum hair and widens the lamplight eyes that have earned her comparisons with Bette Davis .
(4) The Lamplighter, which has 15 staff, including administrators, was started on Farzat's savings.
(5) Louise Brown, Lamplight Database Systems Louise is an Account Manager at Lamplight Database Systems, software that helps charities record, report, and reflect on their work and impact.
(6) I turned it in the lamplight then wrapped it in a small linen handkerchief embroidered with forget-me-nots, a present from my daughter.
(7) For example, his account of a London lamplighter's craft (collected in Inside Robert Robinson, 1965) deserves to be remembered, and his interviews with great international writers for The Book Programme in the 1970s should be collected and preserved in print.
(8) "For charities the possibilities are huge, ranging from internal data analytics to measure efficiency, external data metrics to measure effectiveness and big data to look at opportunity and bench marking," Finally if you are doing something with data, or know of other organisations that are, tell people about it, says Louise Brown account manager at Lamplight Database Systems : "What the sector needs is real life examples to learn from."
(9) He also published satirical paper al-Domar (Lamplighter), which ran from late 2000 until he was forced to close it in 2003.
(10) Inside, it’s all golden lamplight in a smoky haze.
(11) He has just become a newspaper proprietor - the first since Syria's last privately owned paper was shut down in 1963 - and promises that his satirical tabloid Addomari (the Lamplighter) will "bring light to the political, economic, and social situation".
(12) He also priced the Lamplighter at 25 Syrian pounds (39p), five times the cost of a Syrian daily.
(v. t.) The part of a candle wick charred by the flame, whether burning or not.
(v. t.) To crop the snuff of, as a candle; to take off the end of the snuff of.
(v. i.) To draw in, or to inhale, forcibly through the nose; to sniff.
(v. i.) To perceive by the nose; to scent; to smell.
(v. i.) To inhale air through the nose with violence or with noise, as do dogs and horses.
(v. i.) To turn up the nose and inhale air, as an expression of contempt; hence, to take offense.
(n.) The act of snuffing; perception by snuffing; a sniff.
(n.) Pulverized tobacco, etc., prepared to be taken into the nose; also, the amount taken at once.
(n.) Resentment, displeasure, or contempt, expressed by a snuffing of the nose.
Example Sentences:
(1) The relatively high levels of potentially carcinogenic TSNA in the saliva, together with the current popularity of snuff usage by teenagers, is of particular concern.
(2) Individual effects of tobacco on, a.o., the blood vessel supply of the oral mucosa were, thus, documented photographically every five minutes after cigarette smoking and snuff-dipping respectively in three healthy volunteers, aged 45, 35 and 30 years.
(3) The use of smokeless forms of tobacco, such as snuff and chewing tobacco, is growing at alarming rates.
(4) The dose-response relationship between pancreatic bicarbonate production and varying doses of synthetic secretin administered intravenously and in the form of snuff, was good.
(5) Twenty-nine subjects, 3 showing Degree 2 lesions, 21 Degree 3 lesions and 5 Degree 4 lesions, all of them loose snuff users were identified.
(6) These data confirm that a water-soluble extract of snuff has anti-cytolytic and anti-proliferative effects on peripheral blood lymphocytes.
(7) During the last ten years, over 900 samples of foods, snuff and other products on the Swedish market were analysed for N-nitrosamines.
(8) 184 using exclusively loose and 68 portion-bag snuff.
(9) Most of the snuff brands were rich in nitrate (greater than or equal to 1.5%), total polyphenols (greater than 2%), and in nicotine (greater than or equal to 1.5%), which is the habituating factor in tobacco use.
(10) Based on 133 cases diagnosed between 1976-1982 and 948 controls, there were significant excesses associated with use of the drug chloramphenicol (odds ratio (OR) = 5.4, 95% confidence interval (Cl) 1.2-23.9) and chewing tobacco or snuff (OR = 1.8, 95% Cl 1.1-2.9).
(11) Smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco and snuff) contains known carcinogens shown to increase the risk for oral cancer.
(12) However, the formation of N-nitrosoproline in cigarette smokers and snuff dippers proves that smoke and snuff have a measurable potential for the endogenous formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines.
(13) It was found that 50 (81%) of the 62 questioned patients used snuff in the form of saffa.
(14) Various Indian tobacco products--cigarette, bidi, chutta and their smoke, chewing tobacco and snuff (used for inhalation as well as a dentifrice) were analysed for their content of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (N'-nitrosonornicotine, 4-(N-nitrosomethylamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone and N'-nitrosoanatabine) by means of a gas chromatograph interfaced with a thermal energy analyser.
(15) After 3000 chewing strokes on each plate, the wear of the plate used while chewing snuff was significantly less compared to the plate used while chewing with nothing in the mouth.
(16) To estimate the risk of myocardial infarction in snuff users, cigarette smokers, and non-tobacco users in northern Sweden, where using snuff is traditional.
(17) Loose snuff users showed predominantly histologic Type 1 changes while portion-bag users showed more histologic Type 2 or only very discrete changes.
(18) The response of the human pancreas to varying doses of pure synthetic secretin administered intravenously and, for comparison, 8 days later in the form of snuff was examined, intraindividually, in 10 healthy test subjects.
(19) The suppression of ulcers was most evident for those groups smoking pipe or cigarettes without filter and only moderate for those using snuff.
(20) Why, it's Sepp Maier demonstrating how to use a snuff feather, of course.