(n.) A weapon of war, consisting of a long shaft or handle and a steel blade or head; a spear carried by horsemen, and often decorated with a small flag; also, a spear or harpoon used by whalers and fishermen.
(n.) A soldier armed with a lance; a lancer.
(n.) A small iron rod which suspends the core of the mold in casting a shell.
(n.) An instrument which conveys the charge of a piece of ordnance and forces it home.
(n.) One of the small paper cases filled with combustible composition, which mark the outlines of a figure.
(v. t.) To pierce with a lance, or with any similar weapon.
(v. t.) To open with a lancet; to pierce; as, to lance a vein or an abscess.
(v. t.) To throw in the manner of a lance. See Lanch.
Example Sentences:
(1) 8.17pm BST Meanwhile... Lance Lynn is having a bad day over at Busch Stadium.
(2) They revealed that Lance Corporal Craig Roberts, who died in searing temperatures on the Brecon Beacons, had been about to begin a new post in the office of the education secretary.
(3) Lance Sergeant Darren Shaw, whose daughter was two weeks old when he left for Afghanistan, said the parade would bring closure to the Afghan tour "then we can get ready and move on to what our next tasks are".
(4) The coroner, Alan Craze, blamed poor communication and lack of organisation for the death of Lance Corporal Michael Pritchard, who was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest and abdomen in the "blue on blue" incident in Helmand province.
(5) Six years and three months on, it was Landis's predecessor, Lance Armstrong in the eye of the storm as speculation built over what he might or might not have revealed to Oprah Winfrey.
(6) 1.06am GMT Red Sox 0 - Cardinals 0, bottom of the 3rd And Clay faces Lance Lynn to start off the third, and the Superman-character named pitcher works a decent at-bat, working the count to 2-2 and then fouling off the next two pitches and taking ball three to a full count.
(7) Lance Payton, a freelance hairdresser in his late 40s from Bath, who joined the Tories seven years ago, is one exception in his green-and-pink tartan suit.
(8) Lance Armstrong held the meanest grudges in cycling, in effect ruining the career of Christophe Bassons after the French rider dared to talk publicly about doping.
(9) He said the "blue on blue" death of Lance Corporal Michael Pritchard in Sangin during their tour in the winter of 2009-10 was symptomatic of the problems British soldiers faced in tackling the Taliban.
(10) Cardinals 6 Brewers 4 Top 3rd: Lance Berkman follows Pujols with a ground out to second.
(11) 1.23am GMT Red Sox 0 - Cardinals 1, top of the 4th Dustin Pedroia, quiet most of this postseason, is up to salvage anything here, it seems improbable that these Sox hitters can be rendered mute by Lance freaking Lynn, but so it goes.
(12) It is a major blow to the image of a team that commissioned anti-doping consultant Nicki Vance to conduct an independent review of their operations and staff in the wake of the Lance Armstrong scandal.
(13) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Lance Stephenson has become unstuck in time.
(14) And it worked by finally lancing the boil that had been swelling ugly all week.
(15) In the chaos that followed, and believing he was firing at an insurgent, a sniper, Lance Corporal Malcolm Graham, took aim.
(16) In the wake of the Lance Armstrong case , the revelations emerging from the Operation Puerto trial in Spain and the dire picture painted by the Australian Crime Commission investigation into organised crime and drugs, the Wada director general David Howman has admitted the problem is getting "bigger and more serious" and is "getting too big for sport to manage".
(17) This is the first reference in the medical literature of the unilateral localization in the Lance-Adams syndrome.
(18) For many, fantasy is typified by The Lord of the Rings ; Miéville worked up a righteous fury against Tolkien's "cod-Wagnerian pomposity, his small-minded and reactionary love for hierarchical status-quos", calling him "the wen on the arse of fantasy literature" and setting out to "lance the boil".
(19) Previous experiments had shown that motoneurons are specified to project to their appropriate target muscles prior to axon outgrowth and that they respond to cues in the limb in order to grow to those targets (C. Lance-Jones and L. Landmesser, 1980, J. Physiol.
(20) I got Lance’s number from one of the boys at St Helens.
(n.) A vessel or person employed in the whale fishery.
(n.) One who whales, or beats; a big, strong fellow; hence, anything of great or unusual size.
Example Sentences:
(1) Between June 20 and the end of August, whalers in Wadaura and three other villages will be permitted to catch 66 Baird's beaked whales that, because of their relatively small size, are not covered by the 1986 International Whaling Commission's ban on commercial hunting.
(2) This year the whalers plan to kill more than 900 minke whales and about 50 fin whales, reports said.
(3) The whalers began blasting conservationists on one raft with a water cannon, knocking one man off his feet and leaving him with cuts and bruises, Watson told The Associated Press by satellite phone.
(4) As they attempted to free themselves, a sudden pull swept up her colleague, who was left dangling in the air between the whaler’s bow and a 10-tonne corpse.
(5) The court said there was no research justification for the high kill targets set for Japan's whalers.
(6) Sea Shepherd's founder, Paul Watson, accused the whalers of deliberately ploughing into the front of the boat.
(7) Japan's whalers usually leave for the southern ocean in December and return in April.
(8) Of course you think maybe you are going to risk your life, or there might be an accident, but your beliefs are your engine.” A decade after Greenpeace activist Mark Hardingham was left in intensive care after getting in the way of a Norwegian whaler, Mompo sailed into Bergen to campaign for the protection of Norwegian coral reefs.
(9) Two historic ships are being repaired in dry dock, and a 17th-century whaler is moored near three tempting fish cafes.
(10) Wadaura's whalers will contribute 26 whales to the total, but they would like to be able to hunt many more.
(11) A court in Tokyo has handed a suspended sentence to an environmental activist after finding him guilty of assaulting a Japanese whaler and obstructing the country's whaling fleet.
(12) Glenn Inwood, the institute's spokesman in New Zealand , said the whalers' footage of the incident disproved the activists' account.
(13) Through cutting kill quotas by blocking their lethal operations, we have reduced kill numbers dramatically, saving more than 4,000 whales and costing the whalers their profits.
(14) Japan catches almost 17,000 smaller cetaceans off its coast every year – a tradition that its whalers say stretches back centuries.
(15) Anti-whaling activists today accused Japanese whalers of ramming and sinking one of their boats as international tension over Japan's annual "scientific" culls in Antarctic waters grew.
(16) Radical environmentalists who threw acid and smoke bombs at Japanese whalers were found in contempt of court for continuing their relentless campaign to disrupt the annual whale hunt off the waters of Antarctica.
(17) The ninth US circuit court of appeals on Friday ordered a commissioner to determine how much Paul Watson and members of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society he founded owe Japanese whalers for lawyer fees, damage to their ships and for violating the court order to stop their dangerous protests.
(18) The fisheries agency blamed the poor catch on bad weather and "sabotage" by Sea Shepherd, which has confronted the whalers every year since 2005.
(19) The Japanese whalers are demanding $2m in addition to their attorney fees and damage and cost to their ships for warding off the protests.
(20) Afterwards, the whalers contacted Greenpeace to apologise.