What's the difference between landmark and locality?



  • (n.) A mark to designate the boundary of land; any , mark or fixed object (as a marked tree, a stone, a ditch, or a heap of stones) by which the limits of a farm, a town, or other portion of territory may be known and preserved.
  • (n.) Any conspicuous object on land that serves as a guide; some prominent object, as a hill or steeple.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Tests in which the size of the landmark was altered from that used in training suggest that distance is not learned solely in terms of the apparent size of the landmark as seen from the goal.
  • (2) Two mechanisms are evident in chicks' spatial representations: a metric frame for encoding the spatial arrangement of surfaces as surfaces and a cue-guidance system for encoding conspicuous landmarks near the target.
  • (3) These predictions were confirmed in Experiments 1 and 2 when targets were local landmarks that had been learned via direct experience.
  • (4) The oblique interface between corneal and scleral stroma determines the appearance of the surgical limbus whose landmarks vary around the circumference of the globe but predictably correlate with structures of the anterior chamber angle.
  • (5) The agreement, hailed as a "landmark" deal and a breakthrough by politicians and the green lobby alike, came before a crucial EU summit opening in Brussels tomorrow at which 27 prime ministers and presidents are supposed to finalise an ambitious package to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020.
  • (6) Egged on by Israel, Trump has threatened to tear up Obama’s landmark 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.
  • (7) Australia is hoping to put a permanent end to Japan's annual slaughter of hundreds of whales in the Southern Ocean, in a landmark legal challenge that begins this week.
  • (8) Same-sex marriage: supreme court's swing votes hang in the balance – live Read more The court heard legal arguments for two and a half hours, in a landmark challenge to state bans on same-sex marriage that is expected to yield a decision in June.
  • (9) This is a correlative study of normal anatomy of the lumbosacral spine and pelvis demonstrated by SPECT and radiography in order to assure that morphologic detail resulting from SPECT is recognized and matched with radiographic landmarks in the same area.
  • (10) Facebook Twitter Pinterest A sticker worn on the shirt an attendee at a New York City landmarks commission meeting.
  • (11) Distances and angles between major anatomic landmarks were determined by using computer reconstructions of the serially sectioned embryos, three-dimensional analytic geometry, and Euclidean distance formulas.
  • (12) Therefore, an incision to expose fixed bony landmarks should be 15% longer than the distance between them.
  • (13) Using serial sections and a computer interfaced X-Y digitizer, the neuromuscular junctions were referenced to various anatomic landmarks and the neuromuscular junction distribution and reconstructed in three dimension using computer graphics.
  • (14) Water supplies are restricted to the wealthy few, and landmark buildings such as the presidential palace remain wrecked nine years after the end of the war.
  • (15) Several identifiable natural landmarks in each arm of the chromosomes were recognised.
  • (16) Attention to detail is required for all phases of shoulder arthroscopy, including patient positioning, draping, outlining of bony landmarks, and exact placement of arthroscopic portals.
  • (17) Recent court decisions since the landmark Wickline v. The State of California case in 1987 have addressed this issue of shared liability between payors and providers.
  • (18) A landmark review into university finance is expected to recommend that student loans, now only available to those on full-time courses, are extended to part-time students to cover the fees they must currently pay upfront, the Guardian has learned.
  • (19) Rosie Woodroffe, a professor and a key member of an earlier landmark 10-year study of badger culling , said: "It would be extraordinarily unusual for natural causes to change badger populations so rapidly, and indeed no such changes have been seen [elsewhere].
  • (20) Even before the then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had put climate change on the international political map with a landmark speech in 1988, the company was doing ground-breaking work into photovoltaic solar panels, wave power and domestic energy efficiency as part of a wider drive to understand how greenhouse gas emissions could be curbed.



  • (n.) The state, or condition, of belonging to a definite place, or of being contained within definite limits.
  • (n.) Position; situation; a place; a spot; esp., a geographical place or situation, as of a mineral or plant.
  • (n.) Limitation to a county, district, or place; as, locality of trial.
  • (n.) The perceptive faculty concerned with the ability to remember the relative positions of places.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The patterns observed were: clusters of granules related to the cell membrane; positive staining localized to portions of the cell membrane, and, less commonly, the whole cell circumference.
  • (2) A series of human cDNA clones of various sizes and relative localizations to the mRNA molecule were isolated by using the human p53-H14 (2.35-kilobase) cDNA probe which we previously cloned.
  • (3) The predicted non-Lorentzian line shapes and widths were found to be in good agreement with experimental results, indicating that the local orientational order (called "packing" by many workers) in the bilayers of small vesicles and in multilamellar membranes is substantially the same.
  • (4) Villagers, including one man who has been left disabled and the relatives of six men who were killed, are suing ABG in the UK high court, represented by British law firm Leigh Day, alleging that Tanzanian police officers shot unarmed locals.
  • (5) It would be fascinating to see if greater local government involvement in running the NHS in places such as Manchester leads over the longer term to a noticeable difference in the financial outlook.
  • (6) This scintigraphic localization of osteomyelitis seldom has been reported.
  • (7) Local embolism, vertebral distal-stump embolism, the dynamics of hemorrhagic infarction and embolus-in-transit are briefly described.
  • (8) This computer is connected to a fileserver via a local area network and is used exclusively for data acquisition.
  • (9) In addition autoradiography was performed to localize labelled cells in the inner ear.
  • (10) Handing Greater Manchester’s £6bn health and social care budget over to the city’s combined authority is the most exciting experiment in local government and the health service in decades – but the risks are huge.
  • (11) Community owned and run local businesses are becoming increasingly common.
  • (12) This effect was more marked in breast cancer patients which may explain our earlier finding that women with upper body fat localization are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.
  • (13) This study was designed to investigate the localization and cyclic regulation of the mRNA for these two IGFBPs in the porcine ovary, RNA was extracted from whole ovaries morphologically classified as immature, preovulatory, and luteal.
  • (14) These findings suggest that clonidine transdermal disks lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients, but produce local skin lesions and general side effects.
  • (15) Angiopathic and traumatic influences conditioned by metabolism, apart from local peculiarities are taken into consideration.
  • (16) Immunofluorescence analysis of Pr-28 antigen showed that the antigen was localized mainly in perinuclear cytoplasm.
  • (17) The authors report 4 new cases of heterotopic pancreas in children with prepyloric, jejunal, Meckel's diverticulum and mesenteric localization.
  • (18) The Nazi extermination of Jews in Lithuania (aided enthusiastically by local Lithuanians) was virtually total.
  • (19) Results in May 89 emphasizes: the relevance and urgency of the prevention of AIDS in secondary schools; the importance of the institutional aspect for the continuity of the project; the involvement of the pupils and the trainers for the processus; the feasibility of an intervention using only local resources.
  • (20) The amino-terminal region of a 70 kDa mitochondrial outer membrane protein of yeast and the presequence of cytochrome c1, an inner membrane protein exposed to the intermembrane space, are thought to be responsible for localizing the proteins in their final destinations after synthesis in the cytosol.

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