(n.) A long, slender rope made of hemp or strips of hide, esp. one with a noose; -- used as a lasso for catching cattle, horses, etc., and for picketing a horse so that he can graze without wandering.
(v. t.) To secure with a lariat fastened to a stake, as a horse or mule for grazing; also, to lasso or catch with a lariat.
Example Sentences:
(1) The RNA-catalysed self-splicing reaction of group II intron RNA is assumed to proceed by two consecutive transesterification steps, accompanied by lariat formation.
(2) Two other discrete RNA species produced during splicing in vitro may represent reaction intermediates: free, linear exon 1 and a form of the intron lariat extending beyond the 3' splice site to include exon 2.
(3) Specifically, StAg splicing uses either of two lariat branch points, one of which is located only 4 nucleotides from the 3' splice site.
(4) The deoxyribose rings towards the 5' terminus exist predominantly in the S form (2'-endo-3'-exo) while residues on or adjacent to the 2' branch site in the eventual lariat structure [A(6) of TACTAAC] show more N-character (3'endo-2'-exo).
(5) Third, the lariat IVS is linearized after the release of the small RNP.
(6) Fewer branches were found in the poly A(-) RNAs of the nucleus and of late adenovirus transcripts suggesting that excised lariat introns do not accumulate in vivo.
(7) The internal exon was missing from the spliced product and together with two flanking introns was included in a large lariat structure.
(8) We also find linear IVS1 and a randomly nicked lariat, the latter probably being made during RNA isolation.
(9) The site of branchpoint formation was localized by debranching the Drosophila lariat with mammalian (HeLa) cell debranching enzyme and by P1 and T2 nuclease analysis.
(10) Processing of dead-end lariat intermediates to mRNA correlates with base pairing between U5 and the first two bases in exon 2.
(11) First, the pre-mRNA is cleaved at the 5' splice site and a branched (lariat) intermediate is formed.
(12) Here we demonstrate that 5' SS cleavage and lariat formation take place in vitro in the absence of the 3' SS and much of the 3' junction.
(13) Sequence analysis of these genomic clones revealed that the two short segments specific for the two mRNAs are tandemly arranged in a genomic sequence and form exonic sequences equipped with AG and GT sequences on their 5' and 3' ends, respectively, and the putative consensus sequences for the lariat formation.
(14) Furthermore, incubation of oocyte RNA with a HeLa cell extract with lariat debranching activity converted the small RNA to a class that now migrated as less than or equal to 140 nucleotides in length in 8% gels, consistent with the size of the linear intraleader intron.
(15) These results suggest that during the normal in vitro splicing reaction the 2',5'-phosphodiester bond of RNA lariats is protected from cleavage by the lariat debranching activity.
(16) Addition of fraction Ia to the combination of Ib and II resulted in the formation of spliced RNA and the intron lariat.
(17) The incubation of two of the fractions (Ib and II) in the presence of ATP resulted in cleavage of precursor mRNA at the 5' splice site and formation of the intron-exon lariat.
(18) Pre-mRNAs lacking the authentic branch point sequence are accurately spliced in vitro; processing of the mutant pre-mRNAs generates RNA lariats due to the activation of cryptic branch points within IVS1.
(19) In addition, the data strongly reinforce the importance of the distance constraint for lariat formation.
(20) Instead of inching my way along a busy B-road in the drizzle, wearing a hard hat and a hi-vis jacket, I was on a black-and-white pony in the wild west, riding alongside men with names like Cody who talked kinda slow and carried lariats on their saddles.
(n.) A rope or long thong of leather with, a running noose, used for catching horses, cattle, etc.
(v. t.) To catch with a lasso.
Example Sentences:
(1) The main advantages of the Steffens lasso loop are its olive-tipped, 45 degrees-angled Tiemann guide, which allows easier and less traumatic passage above the ureteral stone, the tri-part lasso, which affords a better grasp of the stone, and the outlet for urine drainage.
(2) Chris – lassoed from a parallel universe where Tom Cruise gave Hollywood a swerve to focus on taking his guitar-alt-musings to open mic spots instead – looks on, coldly dissecting technique and cutting to seduction tips.
(3) The following pesticides (herbicides) were studied--afalon, dimid, Lasso, patoran, propanide and Ramrod.
(4) His closest challenger – the former banker and rightwing candidate Guillermo Lasso – had only 11.6%.
(5) Over the course of these long transits of time and geography, the purpose of ideas and objects (like that of the gold coin in India) was frequently changed, lassoed by the local populace for their own use.
(6) Esteban Lasso, executive director of Canadian-based "cleft care" charity Transforming Faces, said in a statement : "It's disheartening that a major motion picture would perpetuate this negative perception and we hope that in future, birth defects and facial differences will not be used to portray 'evil' characters."
(7) There are lessons in rodeo, including lassoing and the frustrating pursuit of a steer with a ribbon on its tail.
(8) Loose PIP joint: residual flexion from 0 degree to 20 degrees: MP capsular shortening, H shaped, and flexor pulley advancement; "Lasso" operation: a single slip of FDS by finger or one FDS for two fingers; Bunnell-Litter's operation: one FDS for 4 fingers; Giraudeau's operation: FCR + fascia lata; Brand's operation: 1st (ECRL) or 2nd (ECRB) + tendon graft; Palande's operation: ECRB + many tailed fascia lata graft fixed at the muscle tendon junction.
(9) It is more a stretching out – like having an elastic band on the end of your fingers and lassoing, far out, things much bigger than you."
(10) Chapter 2: now picture yourself throwing a glowing lasso of light around its neck.
(11) Twenty-six cases of Zancolli's "lasso" procedure are presented.
(12) Because I was an only child these games were one-sided and usually involved either tomahawking the dog or trying to round him up with my string lasso.
(13) Hence, the data suggest that the components of the Lasso formulation have no effect on the human immune system.
(14) This new work was described by the author as "an evening of high drung and slarrit" which, "with its turrets and its high-jointed gables, should have a particular appeal for anyone approaching it for the first time with a lasso".
(15) Male Swiss mice, 25-30 g, were utilized to define some of the behavioral effects of the herbicides Lasso [alachlor 43%; (A)], Basalin [fluchloralin 45%; (F)], Premerge 3 [dinoseb 51%; (D)], and the fungicide Maneb-80 [maneb 80%; (M)].
(16) And the spaghetti lasso, which was the hardest.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest ‘It was so crazy’ … Alden Ehrenreich’s character out of his comfort zone with Ralph Fiennes in Hail, Caesar!
(17) The iris-lasso is simple to maneuver, suitable for microsurgery, and particularly useful in patients with small pupils.
(18) Our experience with this lasso loop has shown this instrument to be a valuable addition to other endourological methods.
(19) In continuation of the author's work on 'lasso' principle, flexor digitorum superficialis split in to four tails and looped around A1 pulley has been described in this article to correct the ulnar claw and to correct the total claw hand when used along with opponensplasty as a one stage technique.
(20) Like something out of a spaghetti western, the dustup had already seen several climaxes before its finale: cows lassoed by government wranglers, women knocked to the ground and men shot with stun guns.