(a.) Fitted to excite laughter; as, a laughable story; a laughable scene.
Example Sentences:
(1) But yesterday the Tories said the move was laughable as the number of quangos had risen dramatically since Labour came to power in 1997, despite a promise by Gordon Brown in opposition of a "bonfire of the quangos".
(2) The finishing today as been laughable from both sides.
(3) The idea of having a nice glass of milk and a bath to help me sleep would be laughable.
(4) Yet, there is no doubt that All Star has been targeted for its specific qualities – the main ones being its feelgood nostalgia value and a laughably exuberant pop-punk style that feels totally earnest.
(5) After referring to Salmond's previous role as a horse racing tipster for the News of the World when Brooks was editor, Gray said: "SNP claims that these meetings were to promote Scotland are laughable as it is clear they were all about promoting Alex Salmond and the SNP."
(6) Such a charge would be laughable if it weren't so cynical and irresponsible.
(7) The renewed debate on the nation’s constitutional future has led to some laughable abjurations from both sides.
(8) As for Hillary Clinton's intervention , suggesting in effect that Britain take lessons in value for money from the Pentagon, it is laughable.
(9) For those filling the streets of Moqattam, or the hundreds recreating the Harlem Shake in the same place last month, or the thousands who embarked on a campaign of civil disobedience in Port Said, the idea is laughable.
(10) The idea that New Labour or Blairism is or was social democratic is laughable.
(11) He says the BBC director general Mark Thompson's budget cuts "have cut flesh as well as fat" from BBC Radio, which he says is "laughably underfunded".
(12) Claudio Ranieri Leicester City manager A year ago his candidacy would have felt laughable given he had just lost to the Faroe Islands during a four-game spell with Greece.
(13) North Korea has demanded the US recognise it as a “legitimate nuclear weapons state” following its fifth and largest atomic test, adding that threats of further sanctions against the country were “laughable”.
(14) The case – and the laughable lack of scientific evidence for their claims – has been covered by every newspaper in the country.
(15) Such talk would have been laughable in the days when the US capital was dominated by one trade – politics – plagued by crime, and bitterly divided by class and race.
(16) But those who find Europe laughable, they must be countered, because Europe is not a lightweight.
(17) He told the Russian state news agency RIA Novosti that he was "extremely proud" of his inclusion on the list, adding that the sanctions were laughable.
(18) "It's absolutely laughable," said a senior government source.
(19) And Comey’s call for “clarity and transparency” surrounding the surveillance process wouldn’t be so laughable if the FBI wasn’t aggressively trying to hide it’s all surveillance capabilities from the public, making law enforcement sign non-disclosure agreements as they hand out invasive new spying technology, and refusing to even tell count how many times they’ve searched through the NSA’s massive databases for Americans without a warrant.
(20) "Within the context of record graduate unemployment and student debt, it seems laughable that university leaders are hoping for higher fees and pressing for cuts in student support."
(a.) Fitted to excite ridicule; absurd and laughable; unworthy of serious consideration; as, a ridiculous dress or behavior.
(a.) Involving or expressing ridicule.
Example Sentences:
(1) Historically, what made SNL’s campaign coverage so necessary was its ability to highlight the subtle absurdities of the election and exaggerate the ridiculous.
(2) It is ridiculous,' says Li Rui, a former secretary of Mao Zedong.
(3) No doubt it was intended as a bold and graphic way of presenting the Iranian nuclear threat, but much of the initial response – on Twitter, at least – was ridicule.
(4) "It would be ridiculous to encourage shale gas when in reality its greenhouse gas footprint could be as bad as or worse than coal.
(5) He says he won't respond to the latest ridiculous rumor of Republican action.
(6) At the 2nd stage, as the self-esteem lowered and negative attitude of other schoolchildren arose, the neurotic disorders emerged alongside with prevalent depressive reactions and fear of getting bad marks and being an object of ridicule at school.
(7) Once I’d checked she was OK I said, ‘Stop crying now.’ ” So it’s about managing emotions: ‘I’m going to need you to get a grip.’” “If you’ve got interesting points to make about the devaluing of serious words like bullying and depression, why make them in a way that sounds like you’re ridiculing people who are suffering?” I ask.
(8) Walden said the comparison with Comet was “ridiculous”.
(9) Well, Machado put those skills on display on Sunday, and this is an excuse to bring you his ridiculous play against the Yankees.
(10) Alamgir was ridiculed on social media after he told the BBC that the building may have collapsed after opposition activists enforcing a general strike "pushed at the gate and columns of the building".
(11) "The ANC pretence that we don't have a social crisis in this country is quite ridiculous.
(12) So we started asking them ridiculous questions about being single," says Lucas, "and the sheer number of misunderstandings about each other's lives felt like comedic material."
(13) "Rio Ferdinand's decision-making, the chances he has taken, it is ridiculous.
(14) It's ridiculous, because there will soon be a massive public outcry about how there's nowhere for kids to go.
(15) Westminster wits had taken to ridiculing the rebel movement against Gordon Brown as a "peasants' revolt", a cohort without influence.
(16) To create a new bank, which we understand is an option, which could be called Glyn Mills, is ridiculously back to the future.
(17) JD, Oxford More than three months to get a replacement debit card is ridiculous, and we agree that you have been more than patient.
(18) The Kiev-appointed governor, Serhiy Taruta, has dismissed this poll as ridiculous, pointing out that most of the region's 2.4 million voters won't take part.
(19) Liberal Democrats and Conservatives today ridiculed a request by Labour to broadcasters to focus more on policy analysis.
(20) Edge: Cardinals Bench Shane Robinson made a name for himself in Game Four of the NLCS with a pinch-hit home run and actually finished the NLCS with an OPS of 1.278, which is completely ridiculous and tops any of his teammates by a country mile.