(1) The hisG mutations are of all types (nonsense, frameshift, missense, deletion and leady types), and they map throughout the hisG gene.
(a.) Leafy.
Example Sentences:
(1) A follower of FR Leavis by intellectual affiliation, he had little time for "theory".
(2) Influx and efflux of 45Ca++ ions in Xenopus leavis isolated full-grown oocytes were measured.
(3) Annan had little difficulty in pointing to the contradictions and inadequacies of Leavis's arguments and denouncing him as callous and dismissive.
(4) Perhaps Michael Winner should have made a film about the Goncourt Brothers casting FR Leavis, his fellow member of Downing College, Cambridge, as Flaubert.
(5) In 1948, the cantankerous but influential scholar FR Leavis crowned Austen mother of his great tradition of the English novel.
(6) 116, 269-272; Wang, C.-L. A., Aquaron, R. R., Leavis, P. C., and Gergely, J.
(7) One of his best known and most successful plays, The Common Pursuit (1984) - revived this year in London - took its title from Leavis's famous book.
(8) In an analogous study on the binary complex of TnC and TnI [Leszyk, J., Collins, J. H., Leavis, P. C., & Tao, T. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7042-7047], we previously showed that Cys-98 of TnC was cross-linked mainly to CN4, the "inhibitory region", of TnI.
(9) Aeromonas hydrophila caused severe disease in a group of 50 Xenopus leavis three weeks after being transferred from their laboratory conditions.
(10) Outside his office was another of Leavis's hates, Jeremy Bentham, whose clothed skeleton occupies a box.
(11) The amino acid sequence showed marked homology with the reported partial sequence of Xenopus leavis ribosomal protein L32, but not significant homology with Escherichia coli ribosomal proteins that bind to tRNA.
(12) It was here (as well as over CP Snow's ideas of the two cultures, the scientist and the humanist) that he came into conflict with FR Leavis (and his wife, QD Leavis).
(13) Translation of the same RNA in Xenopus leavis oocytes revealed a lectin polypeptide which was about 2 kDa smaller than the in vitro synthesized precursor, suggesting that the oocyte system had removed a 2-kDa signal peptide.
(14) This became a classic antagonism, with Leavis denouncing Annan as a key member of the establishment and ridiculing him because he supposedly thought of a university as an industrial plant, for ever humming away in ceaseless training of the hapless young.
(15) He once wrote, "all public controversy is dispiriting; controversy with Dr Leavis is degrading".
(16) From the Convent of Our Lady of Sion school, Notting Hill, west London, Bernardine went to Newnham College, Cambridge, where her lecturers in English included CS Lewis , EM Forster and FR Leavis .
(17) Sir Walter Scott was another new passion, and the poem "Diehard" is about him, a kind of essay-poem, describing Scott himself in amusing and touching episodes and digressions, and also paying tribute to him as a novelist in a challenge to critics such as Leavis ("Who now reads Anne of Geierstein?
(18) Our earlier kinetic studies [Wang, C.-L. A., Leavis, P. C. & Gergely, J.
(19) In Cambridge, Leavis and others had attacked him for being at the centre of the supposed Bloomsbury-King's cult (King's had been described as Bloomsbury-on-Cam) and now Annan was within a few hundred yards of Bloomsbury Square and his new college occupied many houses where the Bloomsbury set used to live in Gordon Square, and where Maynard Keynes's widow was still to be seen walking her dog in the mornings.
(20) Previously, we showed that Cys-98 of TnC can be cross-linked via BP-Mal to TnI residues 103-110 (Leszyk, J., Collins, J.H., Leavis, P.C., and Tao, T. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7042-7047).