(n.) One who lets or permits; one who lets anything for hire.
(n.) One who retards or hinders.
(n.) A mark or character used as the representative of a sound, or of an articulation of the human organs of speech; a first element of written language.
(n.) A written or printed communication; a message expressed in intelligible characters on something adapted to conveyance, as paper, parchment, etc.; an epistle.
(n.) A writing; an inscription.
(n.) Verbal expression; literal statement or meaning; exact signification or requirement.
(n.) A single type; type, collectively; a style of type.
(n.) Learning; erudition; as, a man of letters.
(n.) A letter; an epistle.
(v. t.) To impress with letters; to mark with letters or words; as, a book gilt and lettered.
Example Sentences:
(1) Richard Bull Woodbridge, Suffolk • Why does Britain need Chinese money to build a new atomic generator ( Letters , 20 October)?
(2) Accuracy of discrimination of letters at various preselected distances was determined each session while Ortho-rater examinations were given periodically throughout training.
(3) She was not aware that it was an assassination attempt by alleged foreign agents.” If at least one of the women thought the killing was part of an elaborate prank, it might explain the “LOL” message emblazoned in large letters one of the killers t-shirts.
(4) And, according to a letter leaked to the BBC last week , he reckons he has found one: default-on.
(5) Fry's letter was also delivered to the Lausanne headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, by Guillaume Bonnet of the campaign group All Out .
(6) It’s gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, social background, and – most important of all, as far as I’m concerned – diversity of thought.” Diversity needs action beyond the Oscars | Letters Read more He may have provided the Richard Littlejohn wishlist from hell – you know the one, about the one-legged black lesbian in a hijab favoured by the politically correct – but as a Hollywood A-lister, the joke’s no longer on him.
(7) We have much more fighting to do!” Now Cherwell is preparing to publish letters or articles from other students who have been inspired to open up about their own ordeals.
(8) The reported study demonstrates that performance asymmetries between normal or reflected letters presented in the right and left visual field favors the right visual field when stimulus patterns are blocked and rotated 90 degrees clockwise and favors the left visual field when they are blocked and rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.
(9) The letters of discharge or the case records were obtained for all patients under one year for the entire period and for all patients over one year for the period 1984-1986, a total of 627 persons.
(10) But under Comey’s FBI, the agency has continued to disregard the justice department’s legal opinion, and to this day, demands tech companies hand it all sorts of data under due-process free National Security Letters.
(11) The letter to Florence Nightingale was written by Bernita Decker as part of a nursing course assignment for our Nurse Educator advisor, Betty Pugh.
(12) A letter Acosta received warned her of a Snap cut of $11 for each family member in November.
(13) However, the law minister indicated he would allow the supreme court to approve a draft of the letter.
(14) These letters are also written during a period when Joyce was still smarting from the publishing difficulties of his earlier works Dubliners and A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.” Gordon Bowker, Joyce’s biographer, agreed: “Joyce’s problem with the UK printers related to the fact that here in those days printers were as much at risk of prosecution on charges of publishing obscenities as were publishers, and would simply refuse to print them.
(15) The prime minister sent back a letter dismissing his allegations.
(16) She kept it up for three years, until her son's letters finally persuaded her to cut down to one day a week.
(17) The letter praised the company's progress in responding to the inspection.
(18) The letters, seen by Guardian Money, state that the French-owned company is conducting a review of customer records to make sure all its information is up to date.
(19) The day it opened in the US, three senators – senate select committee on intelligence chairwoman Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin and John McCain – released a letter of protest to Sony Pictures's CEO, citing their committee's 6,000-page classified report on interrogation tactics and calling on him "to state that the role of torture in the hunt for Osama bin Laden is not based on the facts, but rather part of the film's fictional narrative".
(20) "Fifa received a letter via email and fax from the Costa Rica FA on March 24 with regards to the 2014 FIFA World Cup qualifier played on March 22 between USA and Costa Rica," Fifa said.
(n.) Learning; acquaintance with letters or books.
(n.) The collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also, the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to a particular science or branch of knowledge, or of a given country or period; as, the literature of Biblical criticism; the literature of chemistry.
(n.) The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres.
(n.) The occupation, profession, or business of doing literary work.
Example Sentences:
(1) Only 81 cases are reported in the international literature.
(2) The analysis is based on the personal experience of the authors with 117 cases and the review of 223 cases published in the literature.
(3) Because of the small number of patients reported in the world literature and lack of controlled studies, the treatment of small cell carcinoma of the larynx remains controversial; this retrospective analysis suggests that combination chemotherapy plus radiation offers the best chance for cure.
(4) The effects of glucagon-induced insulin secretion upon this lipid regulation are discussed that may resolve conflicting reports in the literature are resolved.
(5) Mutational mosaicism was used as a developmental model to analyze 1,500 sporadic and 179 familial cases of retinoblastoma from the world literature.
(6) A re-examination of the literature indicates that many phagocytes previously unidentified or considered to be microglial cells are probably beta astrocytes.
(7) A review is made from literature and an inventory of psychological and organic factors implicated in this pathology.
(8) The literature on depression and immunity is reviewed and the clinical implications of our findings are discussed.
(9) The pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in atypical pneumonias can be considered confirmed according to the availabile literature; its importance for other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, particularly for chronic bronchitis, is not yet sufficiently clear.
(10) Based upon our clinical experience and this review of the literature, a suggested management protocol is presented.
(11) These data, compared with literature findings, support the idea that intratumoral BCG instillation of bladder cancer permits a longer disease-free period than other therapeutical approaches.
(12) In agreement with the data in the literature, melanocytes incubated with IFN-gamma acquire HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP antigens.
(13) The literature is reviewed to define the role of the different treatment modalities.
(14) Therefore, we performed meta-analysis of literature reports in Japan (n = 3), the USA (n = 4), and Europe (n = 20) on the risk of postgastrectomy cancer.
(15) The mother in Arthur Ransome's children's classic, Swallows and Amazons, is something of a cipher, but her inability to make basic decisions does mean she receives one of the finest telegrams in all literature.
(16) A review of the literature reveals no similar case.
(17) Short-forms of Wechsler intelligence tests have abounded in the literature and have been recommended for use as screening instruments in clinical and research settings.
(18) After examining the cases reported in literature (Sacks, Barabas, Beighton Sykes), they point out that, contrary to what is generally believed, the syndrome is not rare and cases, sporadic or familial, of recurrent episodes of spontaneous rupture of the intestine and large vessels or peripheral arteries are frequent.
(19) On the basis of reports in the literature and of our own clinical experience it appears that melanocyte inhibiting factor (MIF) is a very promising therapeutic agent in the management of Parkinson's disease.
(20) Her novels have an enduring and universal appeal and she is recognised as one of the greatest writers in English literature.