(n.) A person who knowingly utters falsehood; one who lies.
Example Sentences:
(1) Defence lawyers suggested this week that Anwar's accuser was a "compulsive and consummate liar" who may have been put up to it.
(2) Any MP who claims this is not statutory regulation is a liar, and should be forced to retract and apologise, or face a million pound fine.
(3) As Aesop reminds us at the end of the fable: “Nobody believes a liar, even when he’s telling the truth.” When leaders choose only the facts that suit them, people don’t stop believing in facts – they stop believing in leaders This distrust is both mutual and longstanding, prompting two clear trends in British electoral politics.
(4) The Financial Services Authority today shut the door on so-called liar loans and warned that the days of homeowners remortgaging to splash out on holidays and pay off credit card debts may soon be over.
(5) If that is not enough, a rogue former special adviser to Gove, Dominic Cummings, has taken to attacking the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, as a liar over the free school meals-for-all policy.
(6) The Gayes’ lawyer branded Williams and Thicke liars who went beyond trying to emulate the sound of Gaye’s late-1970s music and copied the R&B legend’s hit Got to Give It Up outright.
(7) Her companion, a man in his fifties, also refused to give his name to the “Lugen Presse” (liar press, a term coined by the Nazis and frequently chanted at Pegida events), but is quick to add: “We’ve nothing against helping foreigners in need, like those poor people in Syria, but we should be helping them in their own country, not bringing them over here.” The demonstrations feel like an invitation for anyone to voice any grievance.
(8) If teen stars Gomez (a former girlfriend of Justin Bieber and the star of Disney's The Wizards of Waverly Place) , Benson ( Pretty Little Liars ) and Hudgens (Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical series) wanted to obliterate their wholesome reputations, this was one way to do it.
(9) cries Gary Naylor, making a liar of me and the cast-iron GUARDIAN NO-SUAREZ GUARANTEE™ in the preamble.
(10) But they are usually less accepting of hypocrites and liars, and especially those that challenge the establishment with such vehemence.
(11) I was reflecting on Trump’s momentum partly because he went from a reality TV wig-joke, to an outspoken liar, to a Republican candidate who didn’t stand a chance of getting the nomination, to a Republican nominee who didn’t stand a chance of winning the election, to the winner of the election who doesn’t stand a chance of destroying the world.
(12) Reacting to Johnson’s appointment as foreign secretary two weeks ago, Ayrault described him as a liar with his back against the wall .
(13) The independent member for Arnhem, Larissa Lee, accused Giles of being a liar and of putting a “wedge between people” and running a “toxic” leadership.
(14) The outburst came less than a month after the Conservative candidate came under fire for calling Livingstone a "fucking liar" in a lift after a row over their respective tax arrangements.
(15) But her father was able to produce her birth certificate, proving she was only 16; thereby exposing the Tehran regime as liars and child killers.
(16) Abbott’s adamant and explicit pre-election policy commitments of “ no cuts ” to education, pensions, health, the ABC or SBS has marked him as a liar.
(17) It's not nice feeling that someone thinks you're a liar, so I want her to know I'm OK.
(18) Round at the benighted NHS, the Mid-Staffs hospital whistleblower, Julie Bailey, has had to move home after being insulted, threatened and attacked by local Labour activists as a liar.
(19) His latest book is Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust That Society Needs to Thrive.
(20) Livingstone also revealed what happened in the famous lift incident two weeks ago, when Johnson went nose to nose with him after an on-air exchange about their respective tax arrangements, and called the Labour mayoral candidate "a fucking liar".
(a.) Promoting oblivion; causing forgetfulness.
(a.) Evincing oblivion; forgetful.
Example Sentences:
(1) Over the years the farm dams filled less frequently while the suburbs crept further into the countryside, their swimming pools oblivious to the great drying.
(2) The only Spanish voice heard in Catalonia is that of the Madrid government, which seems oblivious to the implications of the groundswell of pro-independence sentiment, much as at Westminster politicians missed the shift in Scottish opinion until just before the referendum.
(3) More than once, I have seen him stop in front of a slide with a graph on it, and become so engaged in contemplation of a particular data point that he grew oblivious of the audience.
(4) The Occupy protesters outside St Paul's Cathedral in London named their camp "Tahrir Square" while they sat cross-legged, sang songs and consumed Marks & Spencer sandwiches, oblivious to the obscenity of a comparison with freedom fighters who risked their lives in Egypt.
(5) But we can all probably do without Fifa's "fair play in marketing" lectures, which clothe commercial ruthlessness in the language of sporting decency, apparently oblivious to the impression given by wallpapering every stadium with signs that push BP or declare "We proudly accept only Visa".
(6) The episode is embarrassing for the BSC which, despite widespread media coverage of the tragedy, seems to have been oblivious to the Korba disaster.
(7) Their now customary slapstick defending at corners had enabled Danny Gabbidon to open the scoring from three yards out, although the Wales international seemed oblivious to the fact that it was indeed he who had bagged the gift-wrapped goal.
(8) It would appear from the video that Johnson, who was a semi-professional boxer until drugs got the better of him, is out of it – oblivious to his surroundings, oblivious to what is happening to him.
(9) Both Daydreaming and Safe from Harm were accompanied by atmospheric videos by the young director Baillie Walsh who then directed the now famous video for Unfinished Sympathy in which Nelson walks along West Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles, singing the song as if oblivious to the odd cast of street characters she encounters, while the group members fall into step behind her in cameo roles.
(10) Madrid artist Deno is oblivious to the grimacing, concentrating on needling a giant scaly fish into his chest.
(11) In the morning Mael told her son – still oblivious to the cyclone– not to open his eyes until they arrived at her parents’ house.
(12) The house bursts with activity, and the noise of children – nieces and nephews and the kids of visiting friends, happily oblivious to the phone calls and stream of official-looking visitors.
(13) On Thursday afternoon, Trump, seemingly oblivious to the announcement of the vote delay, met with a delegation of truckers at the White House, jumping into the cab of an 18-wheeler to pose for photographs, and telling them the vote was pressing ahead that night.
(14) Resorting to a series of Ted the swordsman scenes which may merely be the lurid fantasies of the heroine, director Christine Jeffs never makes it clear whether Hughes was a rampaging philanderer whose sexual conquests and general obliviousness to Plath's mounting depression led to her demise, or a man driven into other women's arms by his wife's chronic melancholy - perhaps the most time-honoured excuse of the inveterate tomcat - or both.
(15) Aside from one message asking if I was going out with a spammer, my Facebook friends were oblivious to my exciting new love life.
(16) Fears are currently acute because the long school summer holidays are when many girls are flown to Africa , the Middle East and parts of the far east, oblivious to what has been planned for them.
(17) David Cameron was oblivious to the hell about to be unleashed within the Conservatives as he stood triumphantly at a lectern in Brussels late on Friday afternoon.
(18) Trump’s obliviousness to these facts underscores his lack of understanding of the abortion debate and women’s issues generally, a trait that was on display earlier this year when he suggested women who have abortions should face “some sort of punishment”.
(19) He is blissfully oblivious to both the biological challenges and the political ramifications of his question.
(20) While we sat on the shore eating our lunch we watched the otter tucking into a butterfish with the same enthusiasm – and completely oblivious to our presence.