(1) However, as the same task confronts the Lib Dems, do we not now have a priceless opportunity to bring the two parties together to undertake a fundamental rethink of the way social democratic principles and policies can be made relevant to modern society.
(2) This was due to the fact that stale bread was fed ad lib, rather than concentrates.
(3) Huhne increased the Lib Dems' majority to 3,864 in 2010, securing 24,966 compared with the Conservatives' 21,102, Labour's 5,153 and Ukip's 1,933.
(4) "I saw my role, and continue to do so, as doing everything I can to accelerate the Lib Dems' journey from a party of protest to a party of government," he said.
(5) The move was confirmed by a Lib Dem aide, who said Tory claims to be green were "already a lame duck and are now dead in the water".
(6) And would all Labour cabinet ministers be as willing to work closely with Lib Dem ministers of state, as happens now, though with some spiky exceptions?
(7) #kflead May 21, 2014 The King's Fund IKS (@kingsfund_lib) Hope you enjoyed @GregSearle2012 's #kflead workshop!
(8) On the mothers' internet forum Mumsnet, 44% of women who voted in a post-debate survey said they were now thinking of voting Lib Dem, compared with 23% three weeks ago.
(9) They took 15% in 2010, with the other parties caught in a scrappy three-way struggle in which the winning Lib Dems came in below 30%.
(10) In order to clarify the development of mandibular movements associated with growth and development of the stomatognathic system, we compared the mandibular movements of children with normal occlusion at different Hellman's dental age between IIA and IIIB, during tooth tapping movements using the following 7 different kinds of frequency; ad lib.
(11) A bit like the old Lib Dems, perhaps: and indeed the Greens owe a big chunk of their surge to the exodus of voters from Clegg’s discredited rump.
(12) The Conservatives have held back the development of garden cities on the scale necessary, but if Liberal Democrats are part of the next government, we will ensure at least 10 get under way – with up to five along this new garden cities railway, bringing new homes and jobs to the brainbelt of south-east England.” The Lib Dems insist they are planning to act in the national interest and are not motivated by electoral considerations.
(13) Liverpool's fixation with the wrecking ball is not party-political – it was passed from a Labour council to the Lib Dems and now back to Labour – nor is it unique to Toxteth.
(14) Nick Clegg sounded exasperated, but it is Lib Dem convention to let members make the party’s policies by democratic vote.
(15) Rather than challenging the Lib Dem policy on Trident, Miliband chose to criticise Cameron's comments about the renewal of Trident in last Thursday's leadership debate.
(16) Labour and, sotto voce, some Lib Dems, counter that Clegg did not need to cede this much ground – there is no clear evidence that the markets will impose higher interest rates if the deficit is not tackled more quickly than Labour planned.
(17) You have got the trade unions, Greens, the Lib Dems, Labour, a Conservative government.
(18) James, who is an MEP for south-east England, was responsible for one of Ukip’s great near-misses, coming within 2,000 votes of unseating the Lib Dems at the Eastleigh by-election in 2013 in a result that shocked political observers.
(19) We'd talked to them about proportional representation, and Andrew Adonis was leading our approach with David Laws for the Lib Dems, and we'd worked out our policy on all these things.
(20) The Lib Dems have campaigned for a "mansion tax" on properties worth more than £2m, to pay for the poorest workers to be lifted out of the tax system.
(n.) A fabric made of silk or wool, or of silk and wool, and having a transversely corded or ribbed surface.
(a.) Formed with a surface closely corded, or ribbed transversely; -- applied to textile fabrics of silk or wool; as, rep silk.
Example Sentences:
(1) The sequence of the rep control region was determined, and putative regulatory sequences were identified; no evidence for autoregulation of expression was obtained.
(2) This has "nothing to do with any of our businesses," Koch spokespeople were quoted as telling the congressman's staff members in a May 20 letter that Waxman sent to Reps. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), the Energy and Commerce Committee chair, and Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), who chairs the Energy and Power Subcommittee.
(3) The results add support for the general significance of AAV-2 and specifically the rep gene as tools for down-regulating heterologous gene expression.
(4) Deletions between -94 and -153 bp relative to the p19 cap site reduced Rep induction of both the p19 and p40 promoters coordinately.
(5) Specific binding with 125I-rEp showed that 60% of the binding was inhibited by excess pure erythropoietin (Ep), but not by albumin, fetal calf serum, and a variety of growth factors or glycoproteins.
(6) The rep gene proteins of AAV type 2 (AAV2) inhibited the trans-activating ability of HIV-1.
(7) "We regret that Congress was forced to waste its time voting on a foolish bill that was premised entirely on false claims and ignorance," David Jenkins, an REP official, said in a statement.
(8) Nine out of 10 private sector workplaces have never seen a union rep, let alone a picket line; the number of days lost to strike action in recent years have been, barring a relatively small spike in 2011, at historic lows.
(9) Thom Majka, a sales rep who keeps his Indians cap on through every game for good luck, said: “These fans couldn’t care less about the election.
(10) The law’s sponsor, Republican Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin of Indian Springs, said the measure would make the clinics safer, while clinic operators said it was an attempt to shut them down through a regulation they could not meet.
(11) Reps are asked to sign a contract that includes the clause: “I will not promote the singing of abusive, offensive, crude or intimidating chants and songs.” The contract also asks reps to confirm that they are “the first representative of the University of Nottingham that new students will meet and therefore recognise that [they are] a role model”.
(12) Light responses (ReP) and pre-stimulus membrane potential (PMP) and conductance of photoreceptors of Astacus leptodactylus and Limulus polyphemus (lateral eye) were recorded and changes were observed when the photoreceptor was depolarized by the action of external ouabain of high potassium concentration application.
(13) We propose that REP sequences may be a prokaryotic equivalent of 'selfish DNA' and that gene conversion may play a role in the evolution and maintenance of REP sequences.
(14) Diffraction-limited 1064-nanometer light pulses from a high rep rate Q-switched Nd-YAG laser were coupled through novel means into a probe with index-matched optical contact with the cornea.
(15) And the most jaw-dropping part is that Rep. Sensenbrenner is the same guy who fathered The Patriot Act !
(16) One thing we missed out on was that Justin Bieber wanted to rep BlackBerry .
(17) The crude extract (fraction II) prepared from E. coli could replicate plasmid pKYM, only when the extract contained the rep protein which was produced by the plasmid and essential for its multiplication in vivo.
(18) These results have been used to calculate the geometrical contribution to the error in the measurement of relative effective renal plasma flow (REP) by 131-I-Hippuran renography.
(19) Rep, which makes a sequence-specific single-stranded nick to form a covalent Rep-ori replication intermediate.
(20) Updated at 6.57pm BST 6.49pm BST A congressman, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA), once lost an arm-wrestling match against Russian president Vladimir Putin , and now he has told the world about it.