(n.) One who, or that which, lights; as, a lighter of lamps.
(n.) A large boat or barge, mainly used in unloading or loading vessels which can not reach the wharves at the place of shipment or delivery.
(v. t.) To convey by a lighter, as to or from the shore; as, to lighter the cargo of a ship.
Example Sentences:
(1) By the 1860s, French designs were using larger front wheels and steel frames, which although lighter were more rigid, leading to its nickname of “boneshaker”.
(2) These animals spent a much greater portion of their SWS in the lighter SWS I, as compared to the control group which showed a predominance of the deeper SWS II.
(3) The dumplings could also be served pan-fried in browned butter and tossed with a bitter leaf salad and fresh sheep's cheese for a lighter, but equally delicious option.
(4) These denser gradient fractions were rich in synaptosomes containing norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and acetylcholine, while synaptosomes in lighter portions of the gradients were rich in gamma-aminobutyric acid and other amino acids.
(5) An analysis of the IQs for heavier and lighter birthweight twins suggests that the main effect of the identical twin transfusion syndrome is to lower the IQ of the lighter birthweight twin, rather than to raise the IQ of the more fortunate partner or to influence the IQ of both members.
(6) Nafazatrom-treated mice tended to have lighter tumours.
(7) When the lipid mixture containing dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine, cholesterol, dipalmitoylglycerophosphoserine and dipalmitoylglycerophosphoethanolamine at molar ratios of 54:35:10:1 was reconstituted with alpha- and beta gamma-subunits of Go-proteins purified to homogeneity from bovine brain, the lipid-rich lighter vesicle fraction I took up these subunits nearly exclusively.
(8) Lighter calves developed hypomagnesaemia more readily and fast-growing calves had lower plasma urea concentrations.
(9) The basophilic, HD-rich cells appear to replace the lighter HD-poor cells.
(10) The documentary has its lighter moments, too – not all of them intentional.
(11) A centrifugal method of red cell density separation was utilized for unit processing in these studies to determine the quality of the lighter fraction (neocytes) after storage for up to 42 d and to evaluate whether the heavier fraction (gerocytes) deteriorated more rapidly than neocytes during storage.
(12) Throughout the investigation the weekly mean weight of affected birds was very significantly lighter (P less than 0.001) than that of unaffected and control birds.
(13) In these six pairs a normal ponderal index in the lighter twin members was associated with poorer growth than a low ponderal index.
(14) Area 17 projected most heavily to the dorsal stratum opticum (SO) and lower half of stratum griseum superficiale (SGS) with lighter label extending up to the collicular surface.
(15) Birthweights of affected lambs were usually significantly lighter than those of unaffected lambs of similar sex and birth-type, and their mean duration of gestation was slightly, and significantly, prolonged.
(16) If you're in doubt of the impact this can have, "brand imagery" studies show that when participants smoke the exact same cigarettes presented in lighter coloured packs, or in packs with "mild" in the name, they rate the smoke as lighter and less harsh, simply through the power of suggestion.
(17) The problem is that rugby is a winter sport, played in stodgy conditions up north that don’t really allow for the development of faster, lighter genuine open-side flankers who can match the likes of Richie McCaw, David Pocock, Francois Louw and Michael Hooper.
(18) These findings suggest that patients with Parkinson's disease, when performing under a motor program mode, have difficulty in initiating a sequence and making a transition to lighter force levels after a stressed tap.
(19) After 6 weeks, female treated and control rats had comparable weight gains, but male treated rats were significantly lighter than controls.
(20) Possible reasons for this include fewer poor-risk patients, a lighter level of anaesthesia involving controlled ventilation, and the replacement of uriodone (Diodone) by less toxic contrast media.
(n.) One who slights.
Example Sentences:
(1) Brain MRI changes that were similar but much slighter in number and intensity were seen in 5 of 12 neuroborreliosis patients without clinical signs of CNS involvement (lymphocytic meningoradiculitis; Bannwarth's syndrome).
(2) Estradiol implant in ovariectomised female has some, but slighter, influence only on retinol.
(3) On the basis of former observations that erythrocytes of patients with hereditary spherocytosis (HS) exhibit a slighter K+ efflux under the influence of valinomycin and a diminished shrinking, the attempt was made to use this phenomenon in routine diagnostics.
(4) 3) The favorable factors related to the effect of ACTH for Lennox syndrome are: a) age at ACTH treatment: up to 4 years old, b) time lag between onset of Lennox syndrome and initiation of ACTH treatment: the shorter the better; at least within 1 year, preferably within 3 months, c) presumptive causes and underlying diseases: idiopathic cases are best, d) mental defects before treatment: the slighter the better, e) seizure patterns: without tonic seizures, and f) EEG findings: disorganized diffuse slow spike-waves without asymmetry.
(5) Peritubular myoid cells and undifferentiated interstitial cells showed a higher frequency of cilia in estrogenized animals than in control ones, from 15 to 45 days of age, the differences being slighter at 90 days of age.
(6) The hazard of complications is slight and certainly slighter than in other methods; our experience has shown that it is slighter than in other methods of biopsying the lung.
(7) The anti-mitochondrial selectivity indicated by these growth tests was much slighter for the non-carcinogens.
(8) In the lymph node biopsies, the immuno-histological studies reveal an infiltration of OKT8 positive cells in the germinal centers, a depletion of OKT4 positive lymphocytes slighter than in the blood and an explosive follicular hyperplasia with a striking destruction of the dendritic reticulum cell framework.
(9) Later, though the country's tight controls prevented her from learning what outsiders knew – that the supreme leader, Kim Jong-il , had been seriously ill – she worried when she saw his slighter, tired looking figure on TV.
(10) The hyperplasia in lungs of rats exposed to 4 ppm of NO2 without BHPN treatment was slighter than that in lung of rat exposed to 4 ppm of NO2 with BHPN treatment.
(11) This increase was disproportionate to the much slighter stimulation of the percentage of S-phase cells, which was measured by flow cytometry.
(12) Both compound inhibit the release of platelet precoagulation factor, but the effect of Pentoxifylline was slighter.
(13) Renal cell damage in the PGE1 group was slighter than in the trimethaphan group.
(14) The occurrences of otitis media in groups A and B were significantly suppressed, and histologic changes of the middle ear mucosa of groups A and B were slighter than those of group C. Antigen-specific IgA-forming cells were detected in the inflamed middle ear mucosa from group A and B animals, while these cells could not be found in group C animals.
(15) In these patients the binding to protein zone IV was slighter than normal.
(16) A somewhat slighter decrease of the blood pressure values was seen in an additional group of 31 hypertensive patients receiving 6 mg bromazepam per day and in a group of 30 normotensive patients receiving 9 mg bromazepam daily.
(17) In person, David Josué Jiménez Silva seems even slighter than he does at a distance on the pitch.
(18) In the in vitro direct Coombs test, the positive reactions noted with CPR were stronger than those with latamoxef sodium, equal to those with CEZ and slighter than those with CTX, CET and benzylpenicillin potassium.
(19) Maybe that extraordinary film will be cordoned off into that one big prize while slighter pieces of work will be garlanded elsewhere?
(20) In the 20% CET group, thrombogenesis was slighter than that in the 10% CPR group, while perivascular changes were severer.