(n.) A part of a tree which extends from the trunk and separates into branches and twigs; a large branch.
(n.) An arm or a leg of a human being; a leg, arm, or wing of an animal.
(n.) A thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else.
(n.) An elementary piece of the mechanism of a lock.
(v. t.) To supply with limbs.
(v. t.) To dismember; to tear off the limbs of.
(n.) A border or edge, in certain special uses.
(n.) The border or upper spreading part of a monopetalous corolla, or of a petal, or sepal; blade.
(n.) The border or edge of the disk of a heavenly body, especially of the sun and moon.
(n.) The graduated margin of an arc or circle, in an instrument for measuring angles.
Example Sentences:
(1) Anesthetized sheep (n = 6) previously prepared with a lung lymph fistula underwent 2 hr of tourniquet ischemia of both lower limbs.
(2) In the upper limb and facial forms of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy first recorded in Swiss and Finns respectively, the differences in their patterns of neurological disease and ocular lesions could be the result of their amyloids deriving from proteins other than prealbumin.
(3) Although each of palate and limb is concurrently susceptible to epigenetic regulation, their differential intrinsic genomic capabilities appear to have been uncoupled.
(4) Comparisons of ICR locations were made between flexion and extension, between left and right limbs, and between living and dead dogs, using analysis of variance.
(5) The most frequent source of the pulmonary circulation thromboembolism was the lower limb veins.
(6) No case of oromandibular-limb abnormality was seen in the CVS groups, but 1 child in the AC group had aplasia of the right hand.
(7) The NAD-dependent enzymes (except alpha-GPDH) showed a stronger reactivity in the proximal tubules, while the NADP-dependent ones were more reactive in the thick limb of Henle's loop and distal convoluted tubules.
(8) Of these, 12 had radiation-induced neurologic complications which, in 5 instances, consisted of persisting, wholly or partially disabling paresis in the lower limbs.
(9) The rate of removal of exogenous PGE2 in the hind limb circulation was not influenced by HC, suggesting that the diminution of PG release by HC results from the suppression of PG generation rather than from the enhancement of degradation.
(10) Full length or multifocal uptake was seen in six patients, all of whom eventually required graft excision with two limbs surviving, and one death.
(11) Cooling of the necrotic limb with the application of a tourniquet and general nonoperative treatment were conducted in preparation for amputation.
(12) Limb abnormalities included lumbar scoliosis, short malformed tibias and fibulas, and polydactyly.
(13) Seventy-one patients with 80 lower limbs clinically suspected of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) were investigated by both Doppler ultrasound and venography.
(14) Piretanide blocks the Na+ 2Cl- K+ cotransporter protein in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the loop of Henle reversibly.
(15) Bidrin treatment of quail embryos results in axial anomalies as well as malformations of the beak and the limbs.
(16) The myogenic potential of chick limb mesenchyme from stages 18-25 was assessed by micromass culture under conditions conductive to myogenesis, and was measured as the proportion of differentiated (muscle myosin-positive) mononucleated cells detected.
(17) Facial twitch was followed by the generalized convulsion, further progressing to trembling of the limbs and then kicking of the hindlimb (full seizure) after 55 days of age.
(18) High levels of both enzymes were reached noticeably earlier during development in PCT and PST than in medullary thick ascending limb, which emphasizes metabolic heterogeneity of developing rat kidney nephron.
(19) Forty-eight reinterventions in 34 limbs were required to restore or maintain graft patency in thrombosed or failing grafts.
(20) Stimulation of nerves in the limbs evoked EPSPs and JPSPs in 201 of 204 tested LRN neurones.
(n.) The part of a tree or plant remaining in the earth after the stem or trunk is cut off; the stub.
(n.) The part of a limb or other body remaining after a part is amputated or destroyed; a fixed or rooted remnant; a stub; as, the stump of a leg, a finger, a tooth, or a broom.
(n.) The legs; as, to stir one's stumps.
(n.) One of the three pointed rods stuck in the ground to form a wicket and support the bails.
(n.) A short, thick roll of leather or paper, cut to a point, or any similar implement, used to rub down the lines of a crayon or pencil drawing, in shading it, or for shading drawings by producing tints and gradations from crayon, etc., in powder.
(n.) A pin in a tumbler lock which forms an obstruction to throwing the bolt, except when the gates of the tumblers are properly arranged, as by the key; a fence; also, a pin or projection in a lock to form a guide for a movable piece.
(v. t.) To cut off a part of; to reduce to a stump; to lop.
(v. t.) To strike, as the toes, against a stone or something fixed; to stub.
(v. t.) To challenge; also, to nonplus.
(v. t.) To travel over, delivering speeches for electioneering purposes; as, to stump a State, or a district. See To go on the stump, under Stump, n.
(n.) To put (a batsman) out of play by knocking off the bail, or knocking down the stumps of the wicket he is defending while he is off his allotted ground; -- sometimes with out.
(n.) To bowl down the stumps of, as, of a wicket.
(v. i.) To walk clumsily, as if on stumps.
Example Sentences:
(1) Local embolism, vertebral distal-stump embolism, the dynamics of hemorrhagic infarction and embolus-in-transit are briefly described.
(2) Nine months later, the animals were sacrificed, the esophagus and the gastric stump were removed for histologic examination.
(3) A newborn presenting with persistent umbilical stump bleeding should be screened for factor XIII deficiency when routine coagulation tests prove normal.
(4) The locations of remaining tumor were the tracheal stump in patients in whom resection was incomplete.
(5) Posterior half stumps regenerated limbs with a mean digit number of 2.7 and had a normal dorsoventral muscle pattern.
(6) Two factors influencing cellular morphology in vitro were identified in Locusta: 1) the presence of a primary neurite stump, and 2) membrane contacts between cells.
(7) This low level of binding was maintained for periods of up to 70 days, demonstrating that some STX binds to structures other than axons in denervated distal stumps.
(8) For those who can't stump up more than 5% of the agreed price, he suggests guarantor mortgages, such as that offered by Lloyds TSB.
(9) The appendix or appendix stump was visualised on 53% of the barium examinations.
(10) We describe a male infant with congenital deficiency of coagulation Factor XIII who presented in the immediate postnatal period with umbilical stump bleeding and suffered a severe intracranial hemorrhage at 2 months of age.
(11) Photograph: Peter Beaumont for the Guardian For his part the leader of Hadash, the veteran socialist party in Israel that emphasises Arab-Jewish cooperation, Odeh has now attracted a political star status most obvious on the stump in Lod on Wednesday in the repeated cries of “Ayman!” by shopkeepers and passersby keen to shake his hand or be photographed with him.
(12) In both treatments, the proximal axon stumps exhibited regenerative growth as early as 1 day after axotomy, and, by the third day, neurites had extended.
(13) Since muscle contraction ceases immediately following nerve transection, regardless of nerve stump length, the results can be ascribed to the lack of some neural influence other than nerve-evoked muscle activity.
(14) Injury to the stump of a below-knee amputation (BKA) may require revision to a higher level of amputation.
(15) Crushing the optic nerve eliminated retinopetal fibers from all regions except the cerebral stump of the optic nerve, indicating that this projection was of central origin.
(16) This is dependent upon the gap between the tendon stumps being rather small.
(17) To maintain its 30% stake the Co-op would need to stump up another £120m, increasing its already high debt levels.
(18) Vauxhall Tower Like a cigarette stubbed out by the Thames, the Vauxhall's lonely stump looks cast adrift, a piece of Pudong that's lost its way.
(19) The radiological picture of the amputation stump after osteosarcoma was reviewed in 75 cases, in which postoperative follow-up ranged from a minimum four months, to a maximum of over 12 years.
(20) The postoperative alkaline reflux gastritis is described, the consequences including the carcinoma of the gastric stump are mentioned.