(n.) A part of a tree which extends from the trunk and separates into branches and twigs; a large branch.
(n.) An arm or a leg of a human being; a leg, arm, or wing of an animal.
(n.) A thing or person regarded as a part or member of, or attachment to, something else.
(n.) An elementary piece of the mechanism of a lock.
(v. t.) To supply with limbs.
(v. t.) To dismember; to tear off the limbs of.
(n.) A border or edge, in certain special uses.
(n.) The border or upper spreading part of a monopetalous corolla, or of a petal, or sepal; blade.
(n.) The border or edge of the disk of a heavenly body, especially of the sun and moon.
(n.) The graduated margin of an arc or circle, in an instrument for measuring angles.
Example Sentences:
(1) Anesthetized sheep (n = 6) previously prepared with a lung lymph fistula underwent 2 hr of tourniquet ischemia of both lower limbs.
(2) In the upper limb and facial forms of familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy first recorded in Swiss and Finns respectively, the differences in their patterns of neurological disease and ocular lesions could be the result of their amyloids deriving from proteins other than prealbumin.
(3) Although each of palate and limb is concurrently susceptible to epigenetic regulation, their differential intrinsic genomic capabilities appear to have been uncoupled.
(4) Comparisons of ICR locations were made between flexion and extension, between left and right limbs, and between living and dead dogs, using analysis of variance.
(5) The most frequent source of the pulmonary circulation thromboembolism was the lower limb veins.
(6) No case of oromandibular-limb abnormality was seen in the CVS groups, but 1 child in the AC group had aplasia of the right hand.
(7) The NAD-dependent enzymes (except alpha-GPDH) showed a stronger reactivity in the proximal tubules, while the NADP-dependent ones were more reactive in the thick limb of Henle's loop and distal convoluted tubules.
(8) Of these, 12 had radiation-induced neurologic complications which, in 5 instances, consisted of persisting, wholly or partially disabling paresis in the lower limbs.
(9) The rate of removal of exogenous PGE2 in the hind limb circulation was not influenced by HC, suggesting that the diminution of PG release by HC results from the suppression of PG generation rather than from the enhancement of degradation.
(10) Full length or multifocal uptake was seen in six patients, all of whom eventually required graft excision with two limbs surviving, and one death.
(11) Cooling of the necrotic limb with the application of a tourniquet and general nonoperative treatment were conducted in preparation for amputation.
(12) Limb abnormalities included lumbar scoliosis, short malformed tibias and fibulas, and polydactyly.
(13) Seventy-one patients with 80 lower limbs clinically suspected of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) were investigated by both Doppler ultrasound and venography.
(14) Piretanide blocks the Na+ 2Cl- K+ cotransporter protein in the thick ascending limb (TAL) of the loop of Henle reversibly.
(15) Bidrin treatment of quail embryos results in axial anomalies as well as malformations of the beak and the limbs.
(16) The myogenic potential of chick limb mesenchyme from stages 18-25 was assessed by micromass culture under conditions conductive to myogenesis, and was measured as the proportion of differentiated (muscle myosin-positive) mononucleated cells detected.
(17) Facial twitch was followed by the generalized convulsion, further progressing to trembling of the limbs and then kicking of the hindlimb (full seizure) after 55 days of age.
(18) High levels of both enzymes were reached noticeably earlier during development in PCT and PST than in medullary thick ascending limb, which emphasizes metabolic heterogeneity of developing rat kidney nephron.
(19) Forty-eight reinterventions in 34 limbs were required to restore or maintain graft patency in thrombosed or failing grafts.
(20) Stimulation of nerves in the limbs evoked EPSPs and JPSPs in 201 of 204 tested LRN neurones.
(n.) An insect characterized by having but four perfect legs, as certain of the butterflies.
Example Sentences:
(1) In tetrapods, there are at least three possibilities.
(2) The saccular orientations are significantly different from those in tetrapods.
(3) We speculate, therefore, that the putative gene duplication that led to pancreatic polypeptide in the higher vertebrates took place after the time of divergence of fish and tetrapods.
(4) One of the divergent domains (DD8) consists of two regions of length variation separated by a short segment that is conserved at least throughout tetrapods.
(5) The phylogenetic and ontogenetic changes in the octavolateralis system of sarcopterygian fish and tetrapods, presumed to be important for the formation of an amphibian auditory system, are reviewed.
(6) The diversity of tetrapods increased from the Devonian to the Permian, remained roughly constant during the Mesozoic, and then began to increase in the late Cretaceous, and continued to do so during the Tertiary.
(7) Renin and JGC have been found in the kidneys of tetrapods and teleostean fishes.
(8) A tetrapod-like hypothalamo-hypophysial portal system and a persistent bucco-hypophysial canal are present in Megalops cyprinoides.
(9) Also, the evolution of hypercalcemic regulation in tetrapods will be discussed in the light of recent developments.
(10) These data, correlated with previous ones obtained on tetrapods, affirm the principle that there is a phylogenetic decline in the quantitative innervation of the vertebrate appendage.
(11) It appears that in non-mammalian tetrapods, namely birds and amphibians, the proteolytic processing of the pro-vasotocin involves only one cleavage, releasing the hormone moiety and a "big" neurophysin with two domains homologous to mammalian MSEL-neurophysin and copeptin, respectively.
(12) However, the fossil record of tetrapods has the advantages that it is easier to establish a phylogenetic taxonomy than for many invertebrate groups, and there is the potential for more detailed ecological analyses.
(13) The glycoconjugates of the extrapulmonary airways of 11 tetrapode vertebrates have been characterized by means of both conventional and lectin histochemistry.
(14) In some respects, Torpedo appeared closer to tetrapods than trout.
(15) The tetrapod and teleost PRLs share 34 common residues and these conserved residues are clustered in six domains (PD1 to PD6), suggesting that these common residues, or at least part of them, are responsible for the activities common to all PRLs.
(16) Comparable right and left wing bones of three species of bats failed to demonstrate one-sided dominance, although such dominance is widespread in tetrapods.
(17) Among living fish, the coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae (Actinistia), which is the only recent representative of the Crossopterygii (Actinistia and Rhipidistia), the lungfish (Dipnoi) and ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii), have each been considered as sister-groups of the tetrapods.
(18) The appearance of the membrane-bounded granules depends on the fixative used; after fixation with glutaraldehyde the granules are of a size and electron-density comparable to that found in tetrapod Merkel cells, but after fixing in osmium tetroxide the granules are inconspicuous.
(19) Meyer and Wilson's (1990) 12S rRNA phylogeny unites lungfish and tetrapods to the exclusion of the coelacanth.
(20) MCH stimulates melanosome aggregation within teleost melanocytes but also exhibits MSH-like (melanosome dispersing) activity on tetrapod (frog and lizard) melanocytes.