(n.) One of the two fleshy folds which surround the orifice of the mouth in man and many other animals. In man the lips are organs of speech essential to certain articulations. Hence, by a figure they denote the mouth, or all the organs of speech, and sometimes speech itself.
(n.) An edge of an opening; a thin projecting part of anything; a kind of short open spout; as, the lip of a vessel.
(n.) The sharp cutting edge on the end of an auger.
(n.) One of the two opposite divisions of a labiate corolla.
(n.) The odd and peculiar petal in the Orchis family. See Orchidaceous.
(n.) One of the edges of the aperture of a univalve shell.
(v. t.) To touch with the lips; to put the lips to; hence, to kiss.
(v. t.) To utter; to speak.
(v. t.) To clip; to trim.
Example Sentences:
(1) Cook, who has postbox-red hair and a painful-looking piercing in his lower lip, was now on stage in discussion with four fellow YouTubers, all in their early 20s.
(2) Excessive lip protrusion was eliminated, and arch leveled.
(3) The authors report their experience of the reconstruction by z-plasty in cases of shortness of the lip frenum.
(4) With the teeth in occlusion, lip separation was reduced.
(5) Both types of oral cleft, cleft palate (CP) and cleft lip with or without CP (CLP), segregate in these families together with lower lip pits or fistulae in an autosomal dominant mode with high penetrance estimated to be K = .89 and .99 by different methods.
(6) Although 95% of the patients are satisfied, 60% have some impairment of sensation in the lower lip.
(7) On the basis of these studies, four of the neonates required a tongue-lip adhesion to stabilize the airway.
(8) Single doses of lip-AMB resulted in 88 to 100% survival by day 42.
(9) We found that in the patient's view an adequate result requires establishment of a proper lip sphincter--either by restoring muscular tone, or by creating an anatomical framework to which can be added either a motor unit or stabilization to aid the opposite intact muscle.
(10) Three hundred sixteen female patients with cancer of the larynx, pharynx, and mouth were examined and the following cancer sites were compared with respect to alcohol and tobacco consumption: oropharynx, hypopharynx, larynx, epilarynx, lip, and mouth.
(11) The familial association of epilepsy and cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL (P)) is analyzed assuming both entities share common genetic predisposing factors.
(12) A rather unusual case of basal cell carcinoma of the labio-mental fold area is presented where it was possible to preserve the vermilion of the lower lip after wide excision.
(13) Lower lip perturbation duration was manipulated to yield two different load conditions.
(14) Transposition of prolabium not required in the definitive lip repair into the floor of the nose permits subsequent columellar construction.
(15) More and more patients are coming to cosmetic and dermatologic surgeons for augmentation of their lips.
(16) Warts were confined to the lips in 27 (56%) of 48 patients with meatal warts; in an additional 5 patients with meatal warts the warts arose from deep in the fossa navicularis and in 16 patients with meatal warts there were additional warts in the fossa navicularis invisible on clinical examination.
(17) The procedure consists of a Kirschner wire used as the means of traction on the remaining soft tissue of the lower lip, using the upper teeth or pyriform aperture bone as remote fixed points for tissue traction.
(18) Fifty per cent of the children with clefts of the palate and lip had deviated nasal septum producing nasal obstruction.
(19) An infant with a complete unilateral cleft of the lip and palate underwent maxillary expansion treatment using an oral orthopedic appliance.
(v. i.) To pronounce the sibilant letter s imperfectly; to give s and z the sound of th; -- a defect common among children.
(v. i.) To speak with imperfect articulation; to mispronounce, as a child learning to talk.
(v. i.) To speak hesitatingly with a low voice, as if afraid.
(v. t.) To pronounce with a lisp.
(v. t.) To utter with imperfect articulation; to express with words pronounced imperfectly or indistinctly, as a child speaks; hence, to express by the use of simple, childlike language.
(v. t.) To speak with reserve or concealment; to utter timidly or confidentially; as, to lisp treason.
(n.) The habit or act of lisping. See Lisp, v. i., 1.
Example Sentences:
(1) I watched some boxing last night," he replies in his faint, lisping voice.
(2) He feels self-conscious about the way he looks and about the slight lisp the gap in his teeth produces.
(3) One group performed the task after listening to a tape recording of a young woman reading contextual material with a simulated lateral lisp.
(4) These data indicate that the lateral lisp is probably a speech defect and suggest that the practice of eliminating school speech services for children whose only speech difference is a lateral lisp should be reconsidered.
(5) Results indicated that both groups of tongue thrusters with and without interdental lisp scored significantly more poorly than did normal children (t = 4.68, P less than .001; t = 5.00, P less than .001), respectively.
(6) The algorithm can be implemented using a language such as C, PASCAL or LISP and runs on small machines.
(7) Trees and recursivity allow a very efficient codification into LISP or PROLOG.
(8) No significant differences in LMS between males and females with lisped speech, or between normal speaking males and females were found to exist at 5 age levels.
(9) In the LISP technique, a plateau of maximum Polybrene activity was found.
(10) In the trailer to a fraught, much-delayed documentary about MIA, leaked this summer by its director, Steve Loveridge, we see footage of a younger, lisping Maya talking to a camcorder.
(11) It is a microcomputer-based decision support system written in LISP and utilizes a hybrid frame and rule architecture.
(12) The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between lingual muscular strength (LMS) and articulatory proficiency in 45 normal and 45 lisping speakers utilizing a Lingual Force Scale designed specifically for this investigation.
(13) After Flight Of The Conchords, she played Paul Rudd 's crudely ambitious assistant in the Steve Carell comedy Dinner For Schmucks and has just voiced characters for Toy Story 3 and the next Shrek movie (one in the eye for the high-school voice coach who said to her, "Oh my God, you have a terrible lisp!").
(14) Several lines of evidence suggested that IgD-secreting cells could not be generated from LISP lymphocytes in vitro.
(15) This was merged with Reddit, and Reddit was rewritten from the Lisp programming language into Python, using Swartz's web.py framework.
(16) Human helminths were not recovered from Lispe leucospila (Wiedemann), Lucilia cuprina (Wiedemann) or the housefly Musca domestica L. In an urban slum area of Kuala Lumpur city, filariform larvae identified as the hookworm Necator americanus (Stiles) occurred in the intestines of the face-fly Musca sorbens Wiedemann (22 larvae per 100 flies) and of Chrysomya megacephala (4.5 larvae per 100 flies).
(17) In order to study the dynamics of protein and nucleic acid conformations, a molecular folding-unfolding system (FUS written in Lisp) has been developed.
(18) SENEX is being developed through object-oriented programming in a portable programming environment supported by COMMON LISP and the COMMON LISP INTERFACE MANAGER.
(19) This system encodes the input findings into the network expressions, which are represented as the list form in the LISP computer language.
(20) A prototype expert system called CAREPLAN, developed for use in an obstetrical environment, was built using Personal Consultant Plus, a software tool based on the LISP language.