What's the difference between liqueur and liquor?



  • (n.) An aromatic alcoholic cordial.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Imported sweets and liqueurs were homogenized and extracted with ethyl acetate.
  • (2) As the sachets of powder, tubs of lotion, jars of jam, and bottles of juices and liqueurs that line his shelves testify, his hopes – and his money – are on a rather more niche fruit: baobab.
  • (3) The daily diet comprised local hams and Morteau sausage, local morels, honey beer, the fortified Macvin du Jura wine, and the extraordinary liqueur de sapin, an aperitif produced in nearby Pontarlier whose distinctive flavour comes from pine-shoot tips.
  • (4) P. Diddy, aka Sean Combs, also owns a clothing range, called Sean John, as well as Ciroc liqueur, Blue Flame marketing agency and Revolt TV network.
  • (5) Hallucinations induced by absinthe, the popular liqueur of the period, may explain particular canvases but not the majority of 'high yellow' paintings.
  • (6) The food's good, and on a cold morning-after-the-night-before you can easily justify popping in to sup an ocho coco – a mix of tequila, coconut liqueur, passionfruit, coriander, ginger and lime to help the hangover.
  • (7) Higher concentrations were found in the other alcoholic beverages examined, which included whisky, fruit brandy, liqueur, wine, sherry and port.
  • (8) And instead of the Alpine offering of vin chaud, tartiflette and herbal liqueur génépi , it serves Kymyz (also called kumis , a bitter, alcoholic concoction made of horse’s milk) and beşbarmaq (horse sausage served with noodles).
  • (9) As she coos "Yoncé all on his mouth like liqueur", flashing paparazzi bulbs take us into the second section, which is basically about having sex in the back of a limo ("He Monica Lewinskyed all on my gown").
  • (10) Shops are crammed with lemon products: try the jams and liqueurs from Maison Herbin (2 rue du Vieux Collège), lemon-infused olive oil from Oliviers & Co , and lemon biscuits from La Cure Gourmande , both on rue Saint-Michel.
  • (11) There are also implications for the illness of Vincent van Gogh and the once popular, but now banned liqueur, called absinthe.
  • (12) Caramel Colour II is widely used in ice creams and liqueurs; however, it represents less than 1% of total caramel colour manufacture.
  • (13) Recovery of yeasts from cream liqueurs and egg-based beverages was also good but it was not possible to filter drinks containing orange juice, even through filters with nominal pore sizes of 2 to 10 micron.
  • (14) The dark chocolate torte, one of the standout puddings, is made with cream liqueur from a distillery in the Brecon Beacons.
  • (15) Do this every so often for the next four weeks and you should have a lovely deep purple liqueur in under a month.
  • (16) A sensitive and specific method based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the quantitative determination of ethyl carbamate in table wines, fortified wines (such as ports and sherries), distilled spirits, brandies and liqueurs has been developed.
  • (17) Its arts of hedonism are reaching unprecedented levels: its restaurants get better or at least more ambitious and its bars offer cocktails previously unknown to man (coconut seviche, for example, where, as its makers put it, “coconut gin is swizzled through crushed ice with yuzu, passion fruit and a dark chocolate liqueur, and served long with an accompanying ‘shot’ of tuna seviche with a tamarind ponzu”).
  • (18) Fortunately the dog seems miraculously OK after his chocolate liqueur (it was probably carob).
  • (19) Whisk the two yolks and the sugar together until thick and pale, then fold in the remaining liqueur and the mascarpone.
  • (20) The balcony overlooking the French Riviera, fine wines and liqueurs on tap, a chance to finally start writing that metatextual novella... he's not coming back, is he?



  • (n.) Any liquid substance, as water, milk, blood, sap, juice, or the like.
  • (n.) Specifically, alcoholic or spirituous fluid, either distilled or fermented, as brandy, wine, whisky, beer, etc.
  • (n.) A solution of a medicinal substance in water; -- distinguished from tincture and aqua.
  • (v. t.) To supply with liquor.
  • (v. t.) To grease.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The fall of the cell number in the liquor cerebrospinalis was more rapidly in the GAGPS treatment.
  • (2) VP levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in liquor withdrawn from the cisterna magna.
  • (3) There were 16% where liquor was not obtained at the first attempt, and a further 7% where cell growth or biochemical testing was unsatisfactory.
  • (4) A rowdy fringe took to raiding liquor stores, spraying graffiti and flaunting marijuana.
  • (5) The reported method is an alternative procedure when the usual type of liquor drainage is impossible.
  • (6) 'If you meet, you drink …' Thus introduced to intoxicating liquors under auspices both secular and sacred, the offering of alms for oblivion I took to be the custom of the country in which I had been born.
  • (7) The number of molecules per unit cell is four and was deduced from the density of the crystals (1.10 g cm-3) and the mother liquor (1.01 g cm-3) and the specific volume of the protein calculated from molecular dimensions obtained from electron microscopy studies.
  • (8) These included changes in total protein content, slight increases in cell counts and the occurrence of monocytic forms of stimulus, but rarely changes in the pattern produced by electrophoresis of the liquor.
  • (9) Three morphologically distinct types of GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-ir) cell bodies were observed, multipolar neurons in the lateral grey cell column, apparently bipolar cells in the ventral aspect of the dorsal horn, and small liquor-contacting cells surrounding the central canal.
  • (10) As a consequence, artificial pulmonary ventilation (APV) at the hyperventilation regime was administered to a part of the patients to correct acidosis of the liquor.
  • (11) Chronic pachymeningitis of the hind brain, resulting from the administration of kaolin leads to the disorders of liquor circulation on the level of outlet of the fourth ventricle this being a start mechanism for the cavity formation in the spinal cord.
  • (12) Strain Aureobasidium pullulans capable of utilizing hemicelluloses and xylan was cultivated on processed waste dialysis liquor from the production of viscose fibres, containing about 1.5% hemocelluloses.
  • (13) It was shown spectrophotometrically that a single administration of SB increased its concentration in the liquor and brain tissues by 366.7 and 500 per cent respectively as compared to the control values.
  • (14) One strain produced 25 mug of chlorflavonin per ml per 4 to 5 days in a pilot scale fermentor with stirring, using a medium containing corn steep liquor and glucose.
  • (15) The large liquor-contacting area in the pineal recess region, as well as the peculiar organization of its surface, suggest a complex interrelationship between the liquor and the pineal gland of the opossum.
  • (16) Smoking western cigarettes and drinking strong liquors were not significantly related for either sex.
  • (17) The death occurred suddenly from the disturbances of liquor and blood circulation in the presence of an asymptomatic course of disease.
  • (18) The simple sum of these 11 risk factors was significantly associated with prevalence of use for cigarettes, beer and wine, hard liquor, marijuana, and other drugs.
  • (19) Liquor examination showed albumino-cytological dissociation with an increase in liquor IgG; encephalic CT and encephalo-medullary NMR were normal; a neurophysiological study (EMG, PEV, BAER) was indicative of the PNS problems.
  • (20) A total of 99 patients with pre-eclampsia and proteinuria were managed conservatively between 30 and 37 weeks of gestation, based on serial urinary estriol, liquor amnii, and renal function studies.