(1) The Brandenburg Gate was lit up in the colours of the German flag.
(2) The brightly lit ice palaces themselves are stunning, inside and out, and the sporting facilities have been rightly praised by almost all the athletes.
(3) The compelling television series The Returned , which concludes on Sunday on Channel 4, and several award-winning titles from French authors are earning fresh international plaudits for Gallic storytelling and proving that it is not only Norway, Sweden and Denmark that can offer a bleak outlook and a half-lit landscape.
(4) The central lobby is lit by a over-storey whose windows actually open (far rarer than it should be), and protected from the sun by automatic blinds.
(5) Trafalgar Square in central London was lit up by flash bulbs as part of the demonstration against photographers being unfairly targeted by police after taking photos.
(6) Seven tonnes of thunderous fireworks lit up the night sky at Sydney harbour for the 1.5m revellers who lined the shores to welcome the new year in Australia.
(7) I shall never forget a cherry tree in Kyoto lit with braziers at dusk.
(8) In a deconsecrated Mayfair church lit with Parisian-style globe lamps, Ronnie Scott's orchestra played jazz standards as waiters in traditional black linen aprons circulated with champagne.
(9) As Wayne Rooney placed the ball on the penalty spot, blew out his cheeks and prepared for the moment he had been waiting for all this time, Wembley lit up with a thousand and one flash bulbs.
(10) When the bombardment is particularly strong, they sit for hours in the windowless room lit by candles and strewn with mattresses.
(11) You have escape holes in the net, lit by LEDs so the fish can swim out.
(12) But surely there must be executives in the world of business who would relish the unique and exhilarating challenge of keeping Britons warm and well-lit while building a power system fit for a low-carbon world?
(13) The spark for the longest-running protest in modern Tunisian history was lit on 17 December in the town of Sidi Bouzid, in the rural interior of Tunisia, a region of olive groves and agriculture which is racked by vast unemployment, repression and poverty a world away from the riches of the Tunisian tourist coast and the propaganda of Tunisia's "economic miracle".
(14) The answer lies in a mix of carrot and stick provision including investing in a more integrated public transport network, encouraging active transport in the form of walking and cycling, and enticing people out of their cars.” Facebook Twitter Pinterest Luminous umbrellas lit beneath high wire artist Jade Kindar-Martin.
(15) Significant qualitative and quantitative changes in the fatty acid composition occurred during incubation of epimastigotes derived from LIT medium in the triatomine artificial urine (TAU).
(16) First lit in 1817, the lighthouse opened to visitors for day tours and overnight stays earlier this year and has superb coastal walks and beaches nearby.
(17) Internal UN documents, marked “strictly confidential” and leaked to the Guardian, reveal how the UN’s internal complaints unit uncovered evidence the woman was abused with lit cigarettes and photographed lying on the ground.
(18) Two decades from now, the government imagines people will still be able to fly when they want (including from a third Heathrow runway), drive (but efficiently and perhaps electrically), and live in warm, well-lit (but far better insulated) homes.
(19) He has the right idea in combining old and new, like Fulgence Bienvenüe, who built the all-electric Paris Metro , yet lit his house by candles because they're beautiful.
(20) On the walls of brightly lit meeting rooms – each named after garment manufacturing zones around the city – are posters of laughing, thin, beautiful young Europeans of varying ethnic backgrounds wearing the bright, cheery, fashionable clothes of the company's brands.
(n.) Learning; acquaintance with letters or books.
(n.) The collective body of literary productions, embracing the entire results of knowledge and fancy preserved in writing; also, the whole body of literary productions or writings upon a given subject, or in reference to a particular science or branch of knowledge, or of a given country or period; as, the literature of Biblical criticism; the literature of chemistry.
(n.) The class of writings distinguished for beauty of style or expression, as poetry, essays, or history, in distinction from scientific treatises and works which contain positive knowledge; belles-lettres.
(n.) The occupation, profession, or business of doing literary work.
Example Sentences:
(1) Only 81 cases are reported in the international literature.
(2) The analysis is based on the personal experience of the authors with 117 cases and the review of 223 cases published in the literature.
(3) Because of the small number of patients reported in the world literature and lack of controlled studies, the treatment of small cell carcinoma of the larynx remains controversial; this retrospective analysis suggests that combination chemotherapy plus radiation offers the best chance for cure.
(4) The effects of glucagon-induced insulin secretion upon this lipid regulation are discussed that may resolve conflicting reports in the literature are resolved.
(5) Mutational mosaicism was used as a developmental model to analyze 1,500 sporadic and 179 familial cases of retinoblastoma from the world literature.
(6) A re-examination of the literature indicates that many phagocytes previously unidentified or considered to be microglial cells are probably beta astrocytes.
(7) A review is made from literature and an inventory of psychological and organic factors implicated in this pathology.
(8) The literature on depression and immunity is reviewed and the clinical implications of our findings are discussed.
(9) The pathogenicity of Mycoplasma pneumoniae in atypical pneumonias can be considered confirmed according to the availabile literature; its importance for other inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, particularly for chronic bronchitis, is not yet sufficiently clear.
(10) Based upon our clinical experience and this review of the literature, a suggested management protocol is presented.
(11) These data, compared with literature findings, support the idea that intratumoral BCG instillation of bladder cancer permits a longer disease-free period than other therapeutical approaches.
(12) In agreement with the data in the literature, melanocytes incubated with IFN-gamma acquire HLA-DR, -DQ, and -DP antigens.
(13) The literature is reviewed to define the role of the different treatment modalities.
(14) Therefore, we performed meta-analysis of literature reports in Japan (n = 3), the USA (n = 4), and Europe (n = 20) on the risk of postgastrectomy cancer.
(15) The mother in Arthur Ransome's children's classic, Swallows and Amazons, is something of a cipher, but her inability to make basic decisions does mean she receives one of the finest telegrams in all literature.
(16) A review of the literature reveals no similar case.
(17) Short-forms of Wechsler intelligence tests have abounded in the literature and have been recommended for use as screening instruments in clinical and research settings.
(18) After examining the cases reported in literature (Sacks, Barabas, Beighton Sykes), they point out that, contrary to what is generally believed, the syndrome is not rare and cases, sporadic or familial, of recurrent episodes of spontaneous rupture of the intestine and large vessels or peripheral arteries are frequent.
(19) On the basis of reports in the literature and of our own clinical experience it appears that melanocyte inhibiting factor (MIF) is a very promising therapeutic agent in the management of Parkinson's disease.
(20) Her novels have an enduring and universal appeal and she is recognised as one of the greatest writers in English literature.