What's the difference between lividity and vividity?



  • (n.) The state or quality of being livid.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The lesions were annular or serpiginous and their surface was livid-red to pale-red.
  • (2) Informed sources in Germany said Merkel was livid about the reports that the NSA had bugged her phone and was convinced, on the basis of a German intelligence investigation, that the reports were utterly substantiated.
  • (3) While we could suppress the hyperhidrosis with topical therapy, this failed to clear his hyperkeratosis or eliminate the livid color.
  • (4) Republicans in turn are livid that national Democratic party money has already been spent trying to sway voters in the primary election battle between Tillis and Brannon.
  • (5) That's a bad hockey play and Rangers fans will be livid.
  • (6) The external data of lividity, rigor, mechanical and electrical excitability of facial muscles and the chemical excitability of the iris have all been gathered from literature, chronologically arranged and clearly presented.
  • (7) In our experimental settings we observed appearance of circumscribed linear marks of pallor similar to electric lesions in the region of postmortem lividity of corpses at the same level as bathtub water.
  • (8) He began to talk to Russian and European space agencies about launching Cobe, but when Nasa got wind of this, its officials were livid.
  • (9) Acral ischemia with lividity is a well-described dermatologic sign in the myeloproliferative diseases polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia.
  • (10) The hawkish American law professor Alan Dershowitz, livid that Finkelstein had been invited in the first place, inserted himself into the affair, writing a thundering editorial in the Jerusalem Post.
  • (11) Not only hyperhidrosis was abolished, but associated symptoms, such as lividity of palms or soles, acral hypothermia and edema of fingers or toes, also subsided.
  • (12) It's worth remembering the details of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia ’s sale for $7.8bn (now valued at $122b n) and its recent $5.8b n dividend for 2013 they are understandably livid towards the insanity of the cult of privatisation.
  • (13) Symmetrical lividity (SL) was the term coined by Pernet in 1925 for symmetrical, bluish-red plaques on the soles of the feet, accompanied by hyperhidrosis and not corresponding to areas of pressure or patterns of innervation.
  • (14) The behaviour of post-mortem lividity at the shackle-point and its surrounding areas in some cases may allow to draw a conclusion, if shackle occurred during life or after death.
  • (15) My roommate chimed in, “Well, if she was that drunk, then she deserved to get raped.” I was livid and vehemently defended the victim, and this was before I had even processed the sexual assault perpetrated against me.
  • (16) 20 December TB was livid that GB, without any consultation at all, wrote off third world debt – £155m over 10 years – while telling us he could do nothing more for the NHS to pre-empt a winter crisis.
  • (17) Six weeks after a holiday trip to Yugoslavia, a previously well 48-year-old man developed a reddish-livid, firm nodule, 0.5 cm in diameter, on the proximal joint of the right thumb.
  • (18) Moreover she had a ;moon face', hypertension, a ;buffalo hump', and livid striae of the loins and hypogastrium.
  • (19) Some of those yet to receive ballot papers include family members of people working on the leadership campaigns, as well as the Guardian journalist John Harris, who said he was livid about the lack of vote and inability to get through to the party on its helpline.
  • (20) Thousands of them rattling at once sounds like the stadium is full of livid snakes.



  • (n.) The quality or state of being vivid; vividness.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) 156 subjects (students and working adults) completed Marks' Vividness of Visual Imagery Questionnaire in one of two formats reflecting item order (blocked, random) under one of three instructional conditions (easy, neutral, difficult) reflecting ease of image formation.
  • (2) In contrast to height, however, a short term formula for values from birth to near pubescence cannot be applied due to the vivid head growth in the postnatal phase.
  • (3) Spontaneously recovered alcoholics reported experiencing vivid sensations and images at the time they decided to quit drinking, and they reported subsequent transformations of their personal identities.
  • (4) His comic adventures are too many to relate, but it may be said that they culminate in a café of 'singing waiters' where, after a wealth of comic 'business' with the tray, he shows his disdain for articulate speech by singing a vividly explicit song in gibberish.
  • (5) This summer, if all goes to plan, the metaphor will be vividly recast: the Globe's stage will itself become a world.
  • (6) Thank God, then, for The Execution Of Gary Glitter (Mon, 9pm, Channel 4), which vividly envisions the trial and subsequent capital punishment of pop's most reviled sex offender so you don't have to.
  • (7) Extremism outside Europe can also affect the continent, as the attacks in Paris so vividly illustrate.
  • (8) We present a series of four patients with the Charles Bonnet syndrome, which is characterized by recurrent vivid visual hallucinations in the presence of normal cognition and insight.
  • (9) He gives vivid accounts of the utter chaos of Gallipoli where he shelters under flimsy awnings in shallow holes in the ground, exhausted and starving.
  • (10) There were moments when Joe was so hurt and which he remembers so vividly.
  • (11) At such a juncture a writer can inject their own imagination to isolate them from the real world or maybe they can exaggerate the situation – making sure it is bold, vivid and has the signature of our real world.
  • (12) It was a vivid green morning, the air muggy and sad.
  • (13) Individuals with frequent nightmares scored higher on hypnotizability, vividness of visual imagery, and absorption.
  • (14) Although it indicates that there is no disturbance in the vividness of volitional mental imagery in schizophrenia, the presence of abnormal spontaneous imagery cannot be commented upon.
  • (15) Separate item pools were developed to measure each disposition: Trance, Nonconscious Involvement, Archaic Involvement, Drowsiness, Relaxation, Vividness of Imagery, Absorption, and Access to the Unconscious.
  • (16) It was an obvious inclusion, says Linehan, because it encapsulated the essence of Vivid Music.
  • (17) I remember most vividly, as the prey was seized, how one lazuline wing fell outwards like a flag; the hobby's wings seemed to chop and paddle and there was this momentary drama-less inelegance to it, then the falcon swept the victim back into the peerless symmetry of its going, and all was done.
  • (18) In this report, a technique is described that evokes a vivid percept of motion of a textured pattern only at isoluminance.
  • (19) Congestion and vivid reddening of the caecum and marked serosal and submucosal oedema are present.
  • (20) A detailed conformation analysis vividly demonstrated that the difference in conformational possibilities is manly determined by different conditions of realization of residual interactions.

Words possibly related to "lividity"

Words possibly related to "vividity"