What's the difference between loess and silt?



  • (n.) A quaternary deposit, usually consisting of a fine yellowish earth, on the banks of the Rhine and other large rivers.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Feeding experimental animals with fodder containing power plant ashes or loess dusts causes a change in the gastric juice reaction, thus resulting in a different assimilation of elements contained in the fodder.
  • (2) We compared the incidence of gastric dysplasia in three regions of China which have quite different geographical environments: the loess plateau of Wuwei area in the Gansu Province, the island of the Yangtze River in the Jiangsu Province of southern China, and the coastal area of the Liaoning Province in northern China.
  • (3) It was concluded that Hungarian rock-soil systems, especially the acid igneous rocks and the widely distributed young sediments (loess and sand formations) with most of the agricultural activity, are low in Se, and the mean serum Se level of the blood samples were also low.
  • (4) Loess Plateau watershed campaign The 2009 film, Lessons of the Loess Plateau, looked at the large-scale environmental restoration project undertaken by the Chinese government and the World Bank in the China’s northern region.
  • (5) The flora of the shell-limestone, keuper and loess areas contains much less Mn than that of those acid habitats.
  • (6) Calcium-cyanamide increased the CO2-production more in sandy than in loamy soil or German loess, which was also used for this experiment.
  • (7) These include thermophilic and mesophilic oak-forest communities on loess and communities of acid oak forests on gneiss.
  • (8) An analysis of the strontium isotopes in their tooth enamel showed these individuals had lived on food grown in " loess ", the most fertile and productive soil.
  • (9) Digramma is predominant in Carassius auratus auratus L. in reservoirs and lakes of 3 main water systems, Heilongjiang, Huang He (the Yellow River), and Chang Jiang (the Yangtze River), and in cultured cyprinids along the lower section of Huang He as well as in bodies of water on the Loess Plateau.



  • (n.) Mud or fine earth deposited from running or standing water.
  • (v. t.) To choke, fill, or obstruct with silt or mud.
  • (v. i.) To flow through crevices; to percolate.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Corthine said he had told Cameron 3m tonnes of silt needed to be removed from the Parrett to get it flowing properly again.
  • (2) Adsorption and movement of carbofuran (a systemic nematicide) were studied using two Indian soils (clay loam and silt loam) of alluvial origin.
  • (3) Residue content of water samples is normally one-tenth to one-hundredth that of silt, but is much higher during periods of heavy runoff.
  • (4) Dredging creates turbidity in the water that reduces the amount of light reaching the coral, affecting photosynthesis, while silt that settles on the coral interferes with its ability to feed itself.
  • (5) As the silt cleared, we found ourselves on a flat plain of yellow-tinged mud, inscribed with pits, burrows and tracks by species that eke out their existence on the detritus that settles from above.
  • (6) Dam reservoirs trap silt, which decreases their storage capacity and reduces power generation.
  • (7) Treated seeds were also planted in pots containing Nile silt for testing the efficiency of rhizobia as affected by the fungicide and the pelleting treatments.
  • (8) The larval lamprey is a filter-feeder who dwells in the silt of freshwater streams and the adult is an active predator found in large lakes or the sea.
  • (9) At Pelican Island, a 2.5 mile strip in the Barataria Bay, crews used 2.5m cubic yards of sand and silt mined from the Gulf of Mexico to build dunes and marshes, and rolled out protective fences around newly planted grasses.
  • (10) Their dams slow rivers down, reducing scouring and erosion, and improve water quality by holding back silt.
  • (11) Before the dam the closure was enforced for about 40 days, during which the canals were closed and dried up, and the silt deposited on their beds during the Nile flood dredged out together with the snails and aquatic weeds.
  • (12) The Davis family benefited when a group of locals shifted 15 tons of sand and silt from their garden.
  • (13) Equilibrium adsorption coefficient (K) values measured using a batch-slurry technique follows the order clay loam greater than silt loam soil.
  • (14) Only 2% of what is flowing through the sewers is sewage; the rest is water and accumulated debris – the vast amount of water you flush down the toilet and all the water and silt that seeps into the sewers when it rains.
  • (15) The soil is so called "Terra Roxa" (red soil) and in its physicochemical composition there is a great amount of iron oxides, silica (silt, agril laceous material), aluminium, manganese, organic compounds.
  • (16) The use of the selective media with gentamicin for plating out silt substrates containing mainly Micromonospora had practically no effect on the increase in the number of the Micromonospora cultures grown.
  • (17) The flood cycles passed on the salts that accumulated from evaporation and passed new layers of silt onto the farmlands around the marshes.
  • (18) Once you have started dredging, "it must be repeated after every extreme flood, as the river silts up again".
  • (19) "A silt fence ensures that mud down deep doesn't seep through," said Hidehiko Nishiyama, Japan's spokesman on nuclear safety.
  • (20) It was shown that Micromonospora predominated in moist soils and especially in such substrates as silts where their content with respect to the all actinomycetous isolates amounted to 88.9 per cent.

Words possibly related to "loess"