What's the difference between loose and untie?



  • (superl.) Not precise or exact; vague; indeterminate; as, a loose style, or way of reasoning.
  • (superl.) Unbound; untied; unsewed; not attached, fastened, fixed, or confined; as, the loose sheets of a book.
  • (superl.) Free from constraint or obligation; not bound by duty, habit, etc. ; -- with from or of.
  • (superl.) Not tight or close; as, a loose garment.
  • (superl.) Not dense, close, compact, or crowded; as, a cloth of loose texture.
  • (superl.) Not strict in matters of morality; not rigid according to some standard of right.
  • (superl.) Unconnected; rambling.
  • (superl.) Lax; not costive; having lax bowels.
  • (superl.) Dissolute; unchaste; as, a loose man or woman.
  • (superl.) Containing or consisting of obscene or unchaste language; as, a loose epistle.
  • (n.) Freedom from restraint.
  • (n.) A letting go; discharge.
  • (a.) To untie or unbind; to free from any fastening; to remove the shackles or fastenings of; to set free; to relieve.
  • (a.) To release from anything obligatory or burdensome; to disengage; hence, to absolve; to remit.
  • (a.) To relax; to loosen; to make less strict.
  • (a.) To solve; to interpret.
  • (v. i.) To set sail.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Factors associated with higher incidence of rejection included loose sutures, traumatic wound dehiscence, and grafts larger than 8.5 mm.
  • (2) He is a leader and helps manage the defence, while Pablo Armero can be a bit of a loose cannon but he is certainly a talented player.
  • (3) This study investigates the use of the incentive inspirometer to observe the effects of tight versus loose clothing on inhalation volume with 17 volunteer subjects.
  • (4) Security forces have also tried to wrest back the Sunni stronghold of Tikrit from a loose alliance of Isis fighters, other jihadist groups and former Saddam Hussein loyalists.
  • (5) His shot, though, was pawed on to the inside of the post by David Marshall and it was left to Victor Wanyama to lash the loose ball into the empty net.
  • (6) We had our bicycles and we were just turned loose all day.
  • (7) Our model is a development of previous models, but differs in several respects: the overall activity is assumed to be dependent on the error level, the effect of errors in the translating system, giving rise to additional errors in the succeeding generation of products, is explicitly included as a special term in our model, and scavenging enzymes are assumed to break down and eliminate products with a loose structure.
  • (8) Clearance into the mediastinum may be the major pathway for liquid sequestered in the loose, binding connective tissue.
  • (9) Two tibial components (2%) were believed to be mechanically loose, but no revisions for mechanical loosening were done.
  • (10) The results indicate that the optimal cruciform loop size is four bases, with loose 'breathing' at the first base pair at the top of the cruciform stem at 37 degrees C, and little or no opening of base pairs at the four-way junction.
  • (11) Theresa May’s plan for a loose alliance with the Democratic Unionists to prop up her government was thrown into confusion on Saturday night after the Northern Ireland party contradicted a No 10 announcement that a deal had been reached.
  • (12) We have also confirmed loose linkage with the marker (Mfd22, locus D4S171) used to establish the initial assignment of the disorder to chromosome 4.
  • (13) As demonstrated by Ficoll density gradient centrifugation and HPLC gel filtration, the cholate dialysis method made the reductase bind tightly to the liposomal membranes, while the incubation with the preformed vesicles made the reductase bind loosely to the membranes.
  • (14) In its more loose, common usage, it's a game in which the rivalry has come to acquire the mad, rancorous intensity of a Celtic-Rangers, a Real Madrid-Barcelona, an Arsenal-Tottenham, a River Plate-Boca Juniors.
  • (15) Twenty-one of 24 adult male and female cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis ibis) collected in Geneva County, Alabama had numerous white cyst-like structures (1,466 microns X 354 microns) found within the loose connective tissues of the skeletal muscles of the inguinal region, beneath the serosa of the proventriculus and in the heart beneath the epicardium (one adult male bird).
  • (16) SCLC variant lines could further be divided into (a) biochemical variant lines having variant biochemical profile but retaining typical SCLC morphology and growth characteristics; and (b) morphological variant (SCLC-MV) lines having variant biochemical profile, altered morphology (features of large cell undifferentiated carcinoma) and altered growth characteristics (growth as loosely attached floating aggregates, relatively short doubling times and cloning efficiencies).
  • (17) At rostral levels, one third of the tracts are loosely built forming a king of curtain, while they become more compact at caudal levels.
  • (18) (1) The prerequisite for development of cholesteatoma is a cholesteatoma bed, that is a loose subepithelial connective tissue layer which acts as a nutrient bed and makes papillary growth of squamous epithelium possible.
  • (19) His mother is Denise Welch, late of Corrie and Loose Women, and his father his Tim Healy, who was briefly famous 30 years ago for his role in Auf Wiedersehen, Pet.
  • (20) Initially, 4-5 days post-operative, the plasma clot maintained the grafted cells in a loose sponge-like sack at the site of implantation.



  • (v. t.) To loosen, as something interlaced or knotted; to disengage the parts of; as, to untie a knot.
  • (v. t.) To free from fastening or from restraint; to let loose; to unbind.
  • (v. t.) To resolve; to unfold; to clear.
  • (v. i.) To become untied or loosed.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) We're simply untying heads' hands so they can spend the money as they see fit.
  • (2) Eight of 9 Mute swans (Cygnus olor) untied in the river acrossing the central part of Tottori-city died within the period of 40 days of summer in 1989.
  • (3) 1.28am BST Heat 15-20 Spurs, 3:53 remaining in 1st quarter Tony Parker sneaks through two defenders to untie it.
  • (4) LD may be used to follow the complexation both stoichmetrically and structurally, since when specified to unti complex concentration LD provides a measure of the average orientation of the absorbing transition dipole.
  • (5) The donor heart is transplanted heterotopically into the recipient with the brachiocephalic artery anastomosed to the renal artery with 10 single sutures, and the pulmonary artery to the renal vein with 2 continuous, semicircular sutures which were left untied.
  • (6) In both experiments, bonding to each other of both tied and untied specimens was observed one month after implantation.
  • (7) The EU changed its food aid policy in 1996, shifting to cash donations, and Canada fully untied its food aid budget in 2008 – a move commended internationally, including by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
  • (8) The holding power of many of the knots that untied was substantially less than that of knots reaching knot break.
  • (9) On the 20th realimentation day, the absolute red cell volume had increased less than the absolute plasma volume, the total blood volume was almost normal per unti of body size.
  • (10) In our series of 42 patients who underwent adjustable-suture surgery, 22 cases were not adjusted and 30 cases were left untied.
  • (11) When one of the soldiers wanted to have sex with one of us, he would come and untie us, take us away then bring us back to tie up,” said Nyabol, shaking at the memory.
  • (12) Most other donors have "untied" their food aid budgets and have shifted towards buying food closer to where it is needed, on the basis that it is cheaper, faster and easier to find food local people are used to eating.
  • (13) Furthermore, no knot has come untied or developed other complications.
  • (14) By passing a spring guidewire into the catheter under fluoroscopic control, the knot was easily untied leaving the catheter correctly in place.
  • (15) An unrelated second pair of repeat sequences was located at 0.67 and 0.88 map untis.
  • (16) They called for a scaling up of aid commitments, for concrete timetables for reaching the commitments, and for improving the quality of aid, including full untying of aid (lifting requirements by some donors that aid be spent on goods and services provided by companies based in their own countries, or a limited number of countries).
  • (17) Multilaterals benefit from having greater independence from immediate political considerations; their aid is untied and much less fragmented, and their larger projects reduce the administrative burden on recipients.
  • (18) The affair did leave some positive legacies: a cross-party consensus that aid should be officially "untied" from commercial interests, a new act enshrining in law its poverty reduction focus, and a cabinet minister for the new Department for International Development (DfID).
  • (19) Standing with the cheering crowds by the finish line on Monday, Liliana’s mother Nancy said that only “little things” – a red traffic light, an untied shoelace – prevented them from being right where Richard was killed that day.
  • (20) the heat quantity generated by the tumour per untis of volume and time, computed from from intramammary temperature and thermal conductivity measurements made using of fluvographic needle probes), is typical of each cancer and re7ains remarkably constant during the growth in spite of themorphological and of the morphological and circulatory changes; b) the tumour doubling time tau2v (calculated from measurements of the tumour size effected at various stages of the evolution by assuming an exponential growth), is univocally related to 1 by a hyperbolic law so that the faster the tumour is growing themore heat generates; c) q is significanty higher and tau2v shorter in all cases where the histological examination has revealed signs of lymphatic dissemination (carcinomatous lymphangitis, lymph node metastases,...).

Words possibly related to "untie"