(n.) That which happens without human design or forethought; chance; accident; hazard; fortune; fate.
(n.) Anything (as a die, pebble, ball, or slip of paper) used in determining a question by chance, or without man's choice or will; as, to cast or draw lots.
(n.) The part, or fate, which falls to one, as it were, by chance, or without his planning.
(n.) A separate portion; a number of things taken collectively; as, a lot of stationery; -- colloquially, sometimes of people; as, a sorry lot; a bad lot.
(n.) A distinct portion or plot of land, usually smaller than a field; as, a building lot in a city.
(n.) A large quantity or number; a great deal; as, to spend a lot of money; lots of people think so.
(n.) A prize in a lottery.
(v. t.) To allot; to sort; to portion.
Example Sentences:
(1) You lot have got real issues to talk about and deal with.
(2) Yorkshire is going to get a lot of tourists after this."
(3) It can also solve a lot of problems – period.” However, Trump did not support making the officer-worn video cameras mandatory across the country, as the Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton has done , noting “different police departments feel different ways”.
(4) Jeremy Corbyn could learn a lot from Ken Livingstone | Hugh Muir Read more High-minded commentators will say that self-respect – as well as Burke’s dictum that MPs are more than delegates – should be enough to make members under pressure assert their independence.
(5) There is no deal done regarding Paul Pogba, lots of bla bla bla,” the Dutchman wrote on Twitter .
(6) Between-lot variation exceeded that of within-lot variation in 10 of the 14 liquid antacids for which this variation could be tested.
(7) A series of hierarchical multiple regressions revealed the effects of Surgency, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect on evoking upset in spouses through condescension (e.g., treating spouse as stupid or inferior), possessiveness (demanding too much time and attention), abuse (slapping spouse), unfaithfulness (having sex with others), inconsiderateness (leaving toilet seat up), moodiness (crying a lot), alcohol abuse (drinking too much alcohol), emotional constriction (hiding emotions to act tough), and self-centeredness (acting selfishly).
(8) In a clear water reservoir built in ready construction after a working-period of five months quite a lot of slime could be found on the expansion joint filled with tightening compound on the base of Thiokol.
(9) It is concluded that catechol potentiates excitatory transmission at the LOT-superficial pyramidal cell synapse, possibly by increasing evoked transmitter release.
(10) Later Downing Street elaborated on its position, pointing out that Brooks was a constituent of Cameron's and, in any case, "the prime minister regularly meets newspaper executives from lots of different companies".
(11) It took years of prep work to make this sort of Übermensch thing socially acceptable, let alone hot – lots of “legalize it!” and “you are economic supermen!” appeals to the balled-and-entitled toddler-fists of the sociopathic libertechian madding crowd to really get mechanized mass-death neo-fascism taken mainstream .
(12) So far, the UK election has thrown up a carnival of peculiar results | Lewis Baston Read more Scotland, of course, is a different story: but David Cameron’s antagonistic response to the 2014 referendum clearly swung a lot of anti-Tory voters towards the SNP.
(13) "I'm not a career banker ... and given I was reputationally undamaged, I got a lot of calls [at that time]."
(14) "Getting a 95% loan to value mortgage lets you speculate on the expected house price increases a lot more than a 75% mortgage," he said.
(15) Chikavu Nyirenda, a leading political analyst, said: "She neglected to look at the local scene but spent a lot of time to please the west and promote herself."
(16) But it should also be noted that this Spurs team might be the best Spurs team ever, and they've had lots of good teams (including four previous championship teams).
(17) Between having Lily and promoting Fish Tank, Jarvis has done a lot of growing up in the past year.
(18) Learn from the masters The best way to recognise a good shot is to look at lots of other photographs.
(19) Yogi Breisner, performance manager for the British eventing team, said: "It is a real shame that it has been called off, especially in an Olympic year when a lot of the riders and horses would have been on show.
(20) I buy ‘smart price’, own-brand cornflakes, rather than Kellogg’s, and I still get to the checkout and think, ‘That’s come to a lot again.’” Are you Daniel Blake?
(n.) A great number of persons collected together; a numerous collection of persons; a crowd; an assembly.
(n.) A great number of persons or things, regarded collectively; as, the book will be read by a multitude of people; the multitude of stars; a multitude of cares.
(n.) The state of being many; numerousness.
Example Sentences:
(1) Cadavers have a multitude of possible uses--from the harvesting of organs, to medical education, to automotive safety testing--and yet their actual utilization arouses profound aversion no matter how altruistic and beneficial the motivation.
(2) The basic question about the future of media perhaps becomes clearer and can more succinctly be asked: will Facebook be earning more from its multitude of users in 10 years – when there are no more users to be had – or will Comcast?
(3) Isocyanates are highly reactive chemicals capable of causing a multitude of toxicologic effects including respiratory irritation, dermal irritation, contact sensitivity, and pulmonary hypersensitivity.
(4) Pulmonary edema probably will always remain difficult to their mechanism of production, in so far as can be estimated from the multitude of substances.
(5) In a complex so large that travelator conveyor belts were installed to ferry visitors between the exhibition halls, the multitude of new gadgets on display can be bewildering.
(6) Its assessment is a damning one on a health service that was struggling with a multitude of problems and at a time of great change.
(7) The present results show that propentofylline and its hydroxylated metabolite can influence adenosine mechanisms in a multitude of ways.
(8) Conformational study on phosphopantetheine shows that this compound has an intrinsic tendency to adopt a multitude of conformations which contain hydrogen bonds involving the sulphydryl, hydroxyl, carbonyl and amide groups.
(9) A multitude of topical agents have been tried with variable results.
(10) I never felt stirrings of faith – apart from when faced with natural wonders such as the multilayered celestial splendour of a night sky, my newborn babies, an epic coastline – so I embraced tolerance and tried to remain open to the multitude of organised belief systems I don’t share.
(11) Furthermore, this patient presents a multitude of complications developing from large angiomas.
(12) I wonder: are there any historical precedents for the ageing multitudes who now keep rock'n'roll in business?
(13) The multitude of caval filters now available and conflicting experimental and clinical findings indicate that no one model can be considered to be perfect.
(14) Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the consequence of a multitude of diseases that cause permanent destruction of the nephron.
(15) Despite the multitude of losses we experience in our lifetime, death is likely to be the most paramount.
(16) A multitude of variants can be mounted from just four system components.
(17) Injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) into the habenula of squirrel monkeys labeled a multitude of neurons in the lateal hypothalamus and a lesser number of neurons in the internal pallidum (GPi).
(18) Separation of the symptoms of this syndrome from the symptoms of a multitude of other postgastrectomy syndromes is difficult, being complicated by a high incidence of emotional instability in these patients.
(19) Because we have this multitude of games, I hope Remy picks it up,” Hiddink said.
(20) The answer lies in the multitude of tiny modifiable connections between neuronal cells, the information-processing units of the brain.