What's the difference between lout and tout?



  • (v. i.) To bend; to box; to stoop.
  • (n.) A clownish, awkward fellow; a bumpkin.
  • (v. t.) To treat as a lout or fool; to neglect; to disappoint.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Gordon Brown's speech played deliberately and directly to the very real fears of many of those people, whether on drunken louts in the high street or teenage mums or financial insecurity, but the paper ignores all that and lands the blow it has been planning for months.
  • (2) After his meeting with De Villepin, Boubakeur launched a veiled attack on the minister's outbursts, in which he called the disaffected young men on estates 'louts'.
  • (3) Lager louts now have nine months' notice in which to lay in supplies.
  • (4) If in the past the 'louts' were forgotten, it looks like they could now be used as pawns by France's politicians.
  • (5) This was analysed in an equally masterful manner in Que La Bête Meure (The Beast Must Die, 1969) and Le Boucher, both featuring Yanne as, respectively, a nouveau-riche lout who kills a child in a hit-and-run accident, and an emotionally disturbed man who pays court to an equally lonely and repressed schoolmistress (Audran).
  • (6) A recurring encounter between a Muslim cabbie and a lager lout is also deftly played, particularly by Raymond, and surprising.
  • (7) It is clear that in many parts of the world constituted by Australian trade union officials, there is room for louts, thugs, bullies, thieves, perjurers, those who threaten violence, errant fiduciaries and organisers of boycotts,” it said.
  • (8) There he is confronted by a gang of Indian tea louts who - over-stimulated by the Assam - take offence at the honky Norman wearing an Indian cricket shirt and the flag painted on his pallid white face.
  • (9) Put this way, it is easy to imagine another life where the po-faced Islamist preacher Abu Waleed is a beer-swilling lout hurling abuse from the terraces of his underperforming team.
  • (10) The vandalism has simply taken a new turn in the last few days because they feel provoked by [Interior Minister] Nicolas Sarkozy's comments about "louts".
  • (11) Opening night film Café Society (Woody Allen, US) In competition The Salesman (Asghar Farhadi, Iran) Toni Erdmann (Maren Ade, German) Julieta (Pedro Almodóvar, Spain) American Honey (Andrea Arnold, UK) Personal Shopper (Olivier Assayas, France) The Unknown Girl (Luc and Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Belgium) It’s Only the End of the World (Xavier Dolan, Canada) Ma Loute (Bruno Dumont, France) Paterson (Jim Jarmusch, US) Rester Vertical (Alain Guiraudie, France) Aquarius (Kleber Mendonça Filho, Brazil) Mal de Pierres (Nicole Garcia, Algeria) I, Daniel Blake (Ken Loach, UK) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Ken Loach’s I, Daniel Blake.
  • (12) A source, described as a friend, told the Sun that the “entirely random” attack began when a “group of local louts”, with whom the group had no previous contact, appeared “out of nowhere” and one of them punched Márquez in the face.
  • (13) She was caught in the crossfire between me and the louts, and I railroaded her; she left quietly not long afterwards.
  • (14) It has always been said that he did away with Loadsamoney as soon as he realised, to his horror, that Essex boys had mistaken the obnoxious lout for a hero.
  • (15) • Dominic Grieve, the attorney general, has said that f louting European judges over prisoner voting would risk international "anarchy".
  • (16) In the case of a third offence, law-breakers may be made to wear a sign reading “I am a litter lout”.



  • (v. i.) To act as a tout. See 2d Tout.
  • (v. i.) To ply or seek for customers.
  • (n.) One who secretly watches race horses which are in course of training, to get information about their capabilities, for use in betting.
  • (v. i.) To toot a horn.
  • (n.) The anus.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The party she led still touts itself as the bunch you can trust with the nation's money.
  • (2) Nevertheless, the historic poll is being touted by foreign governments as the first credible election in half a century.
  • (3) For example, the Basics Card is touted as an innovative policy when in fact it offers repugnant flashbacks to last century’s mission days when Aboriginal people had their bank accounts controlled by the state.
  • (4) If the Bicep2 result stands, the observation will be touted as evidence for cosmic inflation, the rapid expansion of the universe around a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the big bang.
  • (5) Adelson has touted the merits of a Trump trip to Israel and is working with conservative allies to lay the groundwork for a visit this summer, according to multiple sources close to the casino owner.
  • (6) The American musician’s unexpected political intervention came in the wake of a much-touted but ultimately disappointing dialogue between government officials and student leaders.
  • (7) Both tout their domestic credentials and experiences of motherhood.
  • (8) Bush marked his 100 days with a barnstorming tour of six states in four days to tout his achievements.
  • (9) In their zeal to tout their faith in the public square, conservatives in Oklahoma may have unwittingly opened the door to a wide range of religious groups, including Satanists who are seeking to put their own statue next to a Ten Commandments monument outside the statehouse.
  • (10) The coalition's much-touted manufacturing renaissance is so far confined to a roundabout of hi-tech firms in east London, and British industry remains largely a bit-player, making and assembling parts for foreign companies.
  • (11) Culture secretary Sajid Javid has said that ticket touts are “classic entrepreneurs” and their detractors are the “chattering middle classes and champagne socialists, who have no interest in helping the common working man earn a decent living by acting as a middleman”.
  • (12) Indeed, politicians of all stripes love to tout the adversity their parents overcame so that their children could be successful and live comfortably.
  • (13) At the event on Wednesday, Giuliani touted his record of surveilling mosques after the 1993 World Trade Center attack “I put undercover agents in mosques for the first time in January 1994,” he said.
  • (14) When Zuley came down, they were able to tout him as ‘Hell yeah, he’s just like you guys, he’s a detective’ and this and that,” Fallon said.
  • (15) Due to a decade of tri-annual BBC2 exposure, dogged Dantean circuits of provincial comedy venues, conscious manipulation of vulnerable broadsheet opinion formers and undeserved good luck, I am now popular enough to have caught the eye of touts or, as we now dignify them, Secondary Ticketing Agents™.
  • (16) Fiber is currently being touted as protection against colon cancer.
  • (17) Worthy accoucheurs will have planned for this event and will have selected from the numerous procedures touted for its correction that group he or she intuitively feels will be most effective or, at a minimum, most easily remembered.
  • (18) When blatant falsehoods are presented as truth on critical questions - by a film that touts itself as a journalistic presentation of actual events - insisting on apolitical appreciation of this "art" is indeed a reckless abdication.
  • (19) Numerous documents prove that executives at leading banks, credit agencies, and mortgage brokers were falsely touting assets as sound that knew were junk: the very definition of fraud.
  • (20) Three possible candidates touted to become Iran’s next supreme leader: Ayatollah Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani: The 80-year-old moderate politician was among the founding members of the Islamic republic and its president, from 1989 to 1997.