What's the difference between low and minimal?



  • () strong imp. of Laugh.
  • (v. i.) To make the calling sound of cows and other bovine animals; to moo.
  • (n.) The calling sound ordinarily made by cows and other bovine animals.
  • (n.) A hill; a mound; a grave.
  • (n.) Fire; a flame; a light.
  • (v. i.) To burn; to blaze.
  • (superl.) Occupying an inferior position or place; not high or elevated; depressed in comparison with something else; as, low ground; a low flight.
  • (superl.) Not rising to the usual height; as, a man of low stature; a low fence.
  • (superl.) Near the horizon; as, the sun is low at four o'clock in winter, and six in summer.
  • (superl.) Sunk to the farthest ebb of the tide; as, low tide.
  • (superl.) Beneath the usual or remunerative rate or amount, or the ordinary value; moderate; cheap; as, the low price of corn; low wages.
  • (superl.) Not loud; as, a low voice; a low sound.
  • (superl.) Depressed in the scale of sounds; grave; as, a low pitch; a low note.
  • (superl.) Made, as a vowel, with a low position of part of the tongue in relation to the palate; as, / (/m), / (all). See Guide to Pronunciation, // 5, 10, 11.
  • (superl.) Near, or not very distant from, the equator; as, in the low northern latitudes.
  • (superl.) Numerically small; as, a low number.
  • (superl.) Wanting strength or animation; depressed; dejected; as, low spirits; low in spirits.
  • (superl.) Depressed in condition; humble in rank; as, men of low condition; the lower classes.
  • (superl.) Mean; vulgar; base; dishonorable; as, a person of low mind; a low trick or stratagem.
  • (superl.) Not elevated or sublime; not exalted or diction; as, a low comparison.
  • (superl.) Submissive; humble.
  • (superl.) Deficient in vital energy; feeble; weak; as, a low pulse; made low by sickness.
  • (superl.) Moderate; not intense; not inflammatory; as, low heat; a low temperature; a low fever.
  • (superl.) Smaller than is reasonable or probable; as, a low estimate.
  • (superl.) Not rich, high seasoned, or nourishing; plain; simple; as, a low diet.
  • (n.) The lowest trump, usually the deuce; the lowest trump dealt or drawn.
  • (adv.) In a low position or manner; not aloft; not on high; near the ground.
  • (adv.) Under the usual price; at a moderate price; cheaply; as, he sold his wheat low.
  • (adv.) In a low mean condition; humbly; meanly.
  • (adv.) In time approaching our own.
  • (adv.) With a low voice or sound; not loudly; gently; as, to speak low.
  • (adv.) With a low musical pitch or tone.
  • (adv.) In subjection, poverty, or disgrace; as, to be brought low by oppression, by want, or by vice.
  • (adv.) In a path near the equator, so that the declination is small, or near the horizon, so that the altitude is small; -- said of the heavenly bodies with reference to the diurnal revolution; as, the moon runs low, that is, is comparatively near the horizon when on or near the meridian.
  • (v. t.) To depress; to lower.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The extents of phospholipid hydrolysis were relatively low in brain homogenates, synaptic plasma membranes and heart ventricular muscle.
  • (2) Serum levels of both dihydralazine and metabolites were very low and particularly below the detection limit.
  • (3) This trend appeared to reverse itself in the low dose animals after 3 hr, whereas in the high dose group, cardiac output continued to decline.
  • (4) The technique is facilitated by an amazingly low tendency to bleeding.
  • (5) The rash presented either as a pityriasis rosea-like picture which appeared about three to six months after the onset of treatment in patients taking low doses, or alternatively, as lichenoid plaques which appeared three to six months after commencement of medication in patients taking high doses.
  • (6) When micF was cloned into a high-copy-number plasmid it repressed ompF gene expression, whereas when cloned into a low-copy-number plasmid it did not.
  • (7) Apparently, the irradiation with visible light of a low intensity creates an additional proton gradient and thus stimulates a new replication and division cycle in the population of cells whose membranes do not have delta pH necessary for the initiation of these processes.
  • (8) The low affinity of several N1-alkylpyrroleethylamines suggests that the benzene portion of the alpha-methyltryptamines is necessary for significant affinity.
  • (9) Simplicity, high capacity, low cost and label stability, combined with relatively high clinical sensitivity make the method suitable for cost effective screening of large numbers of samples.
  • (10) Aggregation was more frequent in low-osmolal media: mainly rouleaux were formed in ioxaglate but irregular aggregates in non-ionic media.
  • (11) Low birth weight, short stature, and mental retardation were common features in the four known patients with r(8).
  • (12) BL6 mouse melanoma cells lack detectable H-2Kb and had low levels of expression of H-2Db Ag.
  • (13) The level of gadd45 mRNA increased rapidly after X rays at doses as low as 2 Gy.
  • (14) The cumulative incidence of grade II and III acute GVHD in the 'low dose' cyclosporin group was 42% compared to 51% in the 'standard dose' group (P = 0.60).
  • (15) beta-Endorphin blocked the development of fighting responses when a low footshock intensity was used, but facilitated it when a high shock intensity was delivered.
  • (16) The extent of the infectious process was limited, however, because the life span of the cultures was not significantly shortened, the yields of infectious virus per immunofluorescent cell were at all times low, and most infected cells contained only a few well-delineated small masses of antigen, suggestive of an abortive infection.
  • (17) The extreme quenching of the dioxetane chemiluminescence by both microsomes and phosphatidylcholine, as a model phospholipid, implies that despite the low quantum yield (approx.
  • (18) This study compared the non-invasive vascular profiles, coagulation tests, and rheological profiles of 46 consecutive cases of low-tension glaucoma with 69 similarly unselected cases of high-tension glaucoma and 47 age-matched controls.
  • (19) A diplomatic source said the killing appeared particularly unusual because of Farooq lack of recent political activity: "He was lying low in the past two years.
  • (20) In animal experiments pharmacological properties of the low molecular weight heparin derivative CY 216 were determined.



Example Sentences:

  • (1) Although the mean values for all hemodynamic variables between the two placebo periods were minimally changed, the differences in individual patients were striking.
  • (2) In the absence of atrial dilatation there was minimal stimulus for ANF secretion.
  • (3) Minimal levels were evident 16 weeks after irradiation; Hct then increased, but remained below preirradiation values.
  • (4) One hundred and ninety-nine children aged 7-14 and 177 adolescents in remission and minimal manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were examined before and after fangotherapy with allowance for activity of the process, age-related reactivity.
  • (5) Using serial section electron microscopic reconstructions as a reference, we have chosen as our standard procedure a method that maximizes both the preservation of the cytoskeleton and the proportion of cells staining, while minimizing the degree of nonspecific staining.
  • (6) The minimal change in gel fiber size caused by slow A release implies that fibrin fiber size is primarily a function of ionic environment and not of the sequence of peptide release.
  • (7) Methods to minimize bias in the design and implementation of consultation-liaison research are suggested.
  • (8) The plasma levels of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) were measured both during relapse and remission in 8 patients with idiopathic, minimal-lesion nephrotic syndrome.
  • (9) Limitations include the facts that the tracer inventory requires a minimal survival period, can only be done postmortem, and has low resolution for cuts of the vagal hepatic branch.
  • (10) In the last 2 years at our department we have developed a new technique in which the resorption has up to now been minimal.
  • (11) In this paper the domain of validity of the unlabelled and labelled minimal models of glucose disappearance is studied.
  • (12) Minimal breast cancer should include lobular carcinoma in situ (lobular neoplasia) and ductal carcinoma in situ regardless of nodal status, and (tentatively) invasive carcinoma smaller than 1 cm in total diameter, if axillary lymph nodes are not involved.
  • (13) In minimal-glucose-aminoacids at 37 C after an initial growth, cellular lysis occurred.
  • (14) Essential characteristics of the composite bone cement included a homogeneous and uniform fiber distribution, and a minimal increase in apparent viscosity of the polymerizing cement.
  • (15) At 10(-7) M, Iso produced approximately maximal responses at all ages in the ECH but elicited only minimal responses at all ages in the ERH, approximately ten times this concentration being required to produce maximal responses in the ERH.
  • (16) Each axon had a characteristic head position which was maximally excitatory to it, and a diametrically opposed head position which was minimally excitatory.3.
  • (17) The patient had experienced repeated spontaneous fractures for 1.5 years such as serial rib fractures, fractures of the sternum and most recently fracture of the neck of the femur after a minimal trauma.
  • (18) Repeated transient ischemic attacks in the same territory with minimal lesions on arteriography and non-homogeneous plaque on duplex scan; 2.
  • (19) Defects in the posterior one-half of the trachea, up to 5 rings long, were repaired, with minimal stenosis.
  • (20) A plasmid carrying this mutation, along with wild-type genes encoding the c and b subunits, was unusual in that it failed to complement a chromosomal c-subunit mutation on succinate minimal medium.

Words possibly related to "low"