(a.) Shining; emitting or reflecting light; brilliant; bright; as, the is a luminous body; a luminous color.
(a.) Illuminated; full of light; bright; as, many candles made the room luminous.
(a.) Enlightened; intelligent; also, clear; intelligible; as, a luminous mind.
Example Sentences:
(1) A specimen of a very early ovum, 4 to 6 days old, shown in the luminal form of imbedding before any hemorrhage has taken place, confirms that the luminal form of imbedding does occur.
(2) By increasing luminal air pressure from 10 to 20 cm H2O a significant reduction in GBF was observed.
(3) F pili could be seen on cells of the latter strain but not on those of the parental strain or the strain bearing pColVF54 luminal diameter r. Pili other than F pili were not seen on cells of the strains bearing pF54 in either form.
(4) In the area of the porta hepatis, there were many epithelial luminal structures in fibrous tissue with inflammatory infiltrates.
(5) At high luminances, the temporal, but not spatial, properties of this mechanism break down in a manner which had not been studied.Low-frequency inhibitory processThis process is manifest as a decrease in sensitivity from that of the simple excitatory process.
(6) Luminal and myoepithelial cells have been separated from normal adult human breast epithelium using fluorescence activated cell sorting.
(7) Conclusions derived from these studies are: 1) The model used is a valid means of studying in vivo luminal disappearance of PLP in the rat jejunum; 2) a major portion of the disappearance seems to involve hydrolysis by alkaline phosphatase; 3) a significant portion of this hydrolysis occurs intraluminally; and 4) a second mechanism of PLP disappearance, which is nonphosphatase-mediated, also appears operative and may represent absorption of the intact, phosphorylated vitamin.
(8) In man, well-controlled studies in selected groups of patients have already shown that a reduction of luminal stenosis may take place.
(9) These alterations include fenestration, widened intercellular junctions, increase in pinocytotic vesicles, and infolding of the luminal surface.
(10) Thresholds were measured for detecting perturbations in a regular lattice of dots by modulating local dot density, local dot luminance, or some combination of the two.
(11) Six abnormal colonoscopic appearances were documented, namely mucosal edema, ulcers, friability, punctate spots, erythematous areas and luminal exudate.
(12) In short-term studies, luminal biotin disappearance from rat ileum was about half that observed in the jejunum, whereas absorption by proximal colon was about 12% of that in the jejunum.
(13) The wave forms of the equiluminance stimulus onset responses were similar to ERGs evoked with luminance decrease and the stimulus offset PERGs were like ERGs elicited by luminance increase.
(14) The tuning curves for orientation of cortical cells maintain, to a first approximation, the same shape at the various levels of mean luminance.
(15) Ependymal cells developed luminal fronds that projected into the ventricle and the subpial glia displayed a very subtle gliosis in the form of thin multi-laminated processes.
(16) Intracellular Na+ due to passive Na+ inflow may activate cooperatively the Na(Cl) transport system at luminal plasma membrane and membrane of secretory granules in high levels of (Na+)in.
(17) The instrument is based on an established procedure for dark adaptation measurement in which the subject continuously adjusts the threshold luminance of a recurrently flashing stimulus.
(18) Both the spatial and the temporal characteristics of the negative-afterimage process are consistent with its being a component of local luminance adaptation.
(19) Therefore, we studied 122 consecutive clinically stable patients with angiographically defined CAD (greater than 75 per cent luminal stenosis) and a positive exercise test.
(20) We have isolated a mutant of the luminous bacterium Beneckea harveyi, which requires exogenous adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cyclic AMP) to synthesize luciferase and emit light.
(a.) Having the property of transmitting rays of light, so that bodies can be distinctly seen through; pervious to light; diaphanous; pellucid; as, transparent glass; a transparent diamond; -- opposed to opaque.
(a.) Admitting the passage of light; open; porous; as, a transparent veil.
Example Sentences:
(1) Ofcom will conduct research, such as mystery shopping, to assess the transparency of contractual information given to customers by providers at the point of sale".
(2) Pickles said that to restore its public standing, the corporation needed to be more transparent, including opening itself up to freedom of information requests.
(3) It certainly isn’t a good time for the association but we as a team are insisting on this being cleared up transparently and Wolfgang Niersbach, as president, is part of that.
(4) While there has been almost no political reform during their terms of office, there have been several ambitious steps forward in terms of environmental policy: anti-desertification campaigns; tree planting; an environmental transparency law; adoption of carbon targets; eco-services compensation; eco accounting; caps on water; lower economic growth targets; the 12th Five-Year Plan; debate and increased monitoring of PM2.5 [fine particulate matter] and huge investments in eco-cities, "clean car" manufacturing, public transport, energy-saving devices and renewable technology.
(5) Percentages of transmission and reflection were obtained; these allowed derivation of an absorption curve throughout the wavelength range of water transparency.
(6) We propose that a channel with these properties could contribute to maintenance of lens transparency and fluid balance.
(7) In negatively stained preparations, the complexes appeared as electron-transparent zones surrounding cells.
(8) The voltage trace is then analysed with a piece of transparent paper, on which lines corresponding to solutions of the diffusion equation convert the time axis of the voltage trace into a concentration axis.
(9) The US started down this course during the Sony hack last year, and in this case, transparency might be the best deterrent in the future – which, by the way, is something both Snowden and the Snowden-hating national security blog Lawfare argued on Monday.
(10) The area of mammographically visualized breast tissue before and after augmentation mammoplasty was measured using a transparent grid.
(11) This can be made transparent by appropriate scaling and by linear transformation of the system.
(12) Lack of transparency about the nature of the relationship between police and media also led to speculation and perceptions, whatever the facts, that caused "serious harm".
(13) Meanwhile, we need to show that the recent changes to how we work with the BBC Executive are allowing us to be more focused, more rigorous and more transparent in the work that we do, so that licence fee payers can get a better BBC.
(14) And despite the initial scepticism, now completely gone says Henry, DCA's transparency and accountability systems and mechanisms are now "some of the most convincing tools to fundraising, credibility and brand recognition" and is used by face-to-face fundraisers, volunteers and PR to promote the organisation.
(15) At that time, the universe underwent a crucial change: it went from being opaque to transparent.
(16) The root canal anatomy of 149 mandibular second molars was studied using a technique in which the pulp was removed, the canal space filled with black ink and the roots demineralized and made transparent.
(17) My husband believes in human rights, democracy and transparency.
(18) Over the last few days a former member of parliament's intelligence and security committee, Lord King, a former director of GCHQ, Sir David Omand, and a former director general of MI5, Dame Stella Rimington, have questioned whether the agencies need to be more transparent and accept more rigorous scrutiny of their work.
(19) Electron microscopic studies were also performed to elucidate whether the formation of an electron-transparent zone (ETZ) around phagocytized bacilli was linked to their intramacrophagic survival.
(20) The experts' public report will include recommendations for particularly difficult removal requests (such as criminal convictions); thoughts on the implications of the court's decision for European internet users, news publishers, search engines and others; and procedural steps that could improve accountability and transparency for websites and citizens.