(a.) Exuberant in growth; rank; excessive; very abundant; as, a luxuriant growth of grass; luxuriant foliage.
Example Sentences:
(1) In a BBC Radio 4 performance that attempts to underline his status as a normal bloke – although he admits he was too "square" to attract a girlfriend at university – Miliband's luxury item is a weekly chicken tikka masala from his local north London Indian takeaway.
(2) The commission heard AWH charged luxury accommodation in Queensland, limousine rides and Liberal party donations to Sydney Water.
(3) As an organisation rife with white privilege, Peta has the luxury of not having to consider the horror that such imagery would evoke.
(4) He reduced the standard rate to 8%, but introduced a higher rate of 12.5% for petrol and some luxury goods, doubling the upper rate later that year to 25% before lowering it in 1976.
(5) Likewise, Brynjolfsson doesn’t find the idea of machine-generated populist luxury outlandish.
(6) 'No social housing' boasts luxury London flat advert for foreign investors Read more Only by rebalancing housing provision can we avoid another bursting property bubble.
(7) Scheveningen's prison's spacious, individual cells and family rooms for visits may soon seem luxurious in comparison with the cold comfort of life behind bars in England.
(8) Although only a small section of the site has been excavated, there are baths, luxurious houses, an amphitheatre, a forum, shops, gardens with working fountains and city walls to explore, with many wonderful mosaics still in situ.
(9) Through small and large acts of deprivation and destruction we follow the process: the removal of hope, of dignity, of luxury, of necessity, of self; the reduction of a man to a hoarder of grey slabs of bread and the scrapings of a soup bowl (wonderfully told all this, with a novelist's gift for detail and sometimes very nearly comic surprise), to the confinement of a narrow bed – in which there is "not even any room to be afraid" – with a stranger who doesn't speak your language, to the cruel illogicality of hating a fellow victim of oppression more than you hate the oppressor himself – one torment following another, and even the bleak comfort of thinking you might have touched rock bottom denied you as, when the most immediate cause of a particular stress comes to an end, "you are grievously amazed to see that another one lies behind; and in reality a whole series of others".
(10) Those who bought "luxury' villas for €1m in the good times would be lucky to get a third for them now – if, that is, they could ever find a buyer happy to tolerate living on an unfinished complex.
(11) "You look at Tesco and Morrisons, they are feeling the effects, so it's no wonder I'm finding it hard to get people to buy what are effectively luxury items they don't really need."
(12) Not everybody has the luxury of being able to earn 20% less, but I wager more people could than do now.
(13) The dark, luxury air in the silent bedrooms of empty riverside apartments, their identical curving blocks clustered in threes and fours, grim and silent as gill slits, will be theirs.
(14) When Contostavlos wanted to stay an extra night at the luxury Las Vegas hotel, he told the court, his editors vetoed it.
(15) The leaders of the world's eight wealthiest countries, including Russian president Vladimir Putin and German chancellor Angela Merkel, are due to meet at the luxury Lough Erne resort in Co Fermanagh for the conference on 17-18 June.
(16) If you look around at how incredibly luxurious some base camps are, you can see their point," he said.
(17) While companies such as Google and luxury brands like Lexus have dominated the headlines with advances in driverless cars, Daimler board member Wolfgang Bernhard told reporters autonomous trucks were likely to hit the roads first.
(18) For luxury brands like Gucci, Prada and Burberry it is a way to clear unsold goods under the radar and McKenzie reveals that while fashion labels "don't like us to talk about them", they "make a ton of money out of their outlet businesses".
(19) Within the security of such luxury, it’s easy to laugh at Menstrual Hygiene Day.
(20) From his 19th-floor newsroom Eurípedes Alcântara enjoys a spectacular view over the "new Brazil"; helicopters flit through the afternoon sky, shiny new cars honk their way across town, tower blocks and luxury shopping centres sprout like turnips from the urban sprawl.
(superl.) Having wealth; having large possessions, or larger than most men, as lands, goods, money, or securities; opulent; affluent; rich.
(1) Celebrity woodlanders Tax breaks and tree-hugging already draw the wealthy and well-known to buy British forests.
(2) Private equity millionaires, wealthy hedge fund managers, some of the most successful bankers in financial history – they crowded into Cavendish’s Georgian offices.
(3) Co-founder Cyndi Anafo’s mother used to run a Ghanaian grocery in the covered market that has recently been rebranded Brixton Village, a target destination for food tourists and wealthy Londoners.
(4) Arvind Kejriwal, leader of a new populist political party "dedicated to improving the lot of the common man", announced on Monday that he would form a government to run the sprawling, troubled and increasingly wealthy city of 15 million people.
(5) The party has also pledged to ensure that the wealthy make a greater contribution by restoring the 50p higher rate of income tax.
(6) France is discovering that, when it comes to wealthy taxpayers, you win some – and you lose some.
(7) Joan Condijts, editor in chief of L'Echo, said the investment climate and employment opportunities in Belgium were attracting wealthy French.
(8) As the historian of neoliberalism Philip Mirowski argues , what the past 30 years have been about is using the powers of the state to divert more resources to the wealthy.
(9) Water supplies are restricted to the wealthy few, and landmark buildings such as the presidential palace remain wrecked nine years after the end of the war.
(10) While Bloomberg has defended his record, pointing out that New York city has 22 of the state's best 25 public schools, others have said those schools are predominantly in wealthy neighbourhoods or are difficult for students to get into.
(11) If Davos is a closed shop for the wealthy and powerful elites who caused today’s global inequality, it won’t come up with the answers needed for a more fair and prosperous future for all the world’s workers and their families.
(12) Some Coalition MPs raised concerns earlier this year that transparency could expose wealthy business owners to security risks, including kidnapping , and the government prepared legislation to shield private Australian companies.
(13) And indeed, Tony Abbott’s new pension plan, to save $2.4bn over two years and an undisclosed sum beyond that by reversing a Howard government decision that allowed quite wealthy retirees to claim a part-pension, is much fairer than last year’s plan to erode the value of all pensions over time.
(14) He stressed that the sister-in-law and her husband were not only accused of circulating libellously untrue stories but also of harassment of the wealthy financier.
(15) As fighter jets screamed overhead and tanks churned up the sand, it looked and sounded like the violent protests sweeping the Middle East had spread to the wealthy emirate of Abu Dhabi.
(16) The code "favours profits and the wealthy", she said.
(17) Peering out from his Kremlin perch, Putin sees a European continent divided between wealthy and poor countries, between north and south, and senses an opportunity.
(18) He said: “I think you’ve seen from Chinese investors – wealthy individuals in football clubs is something that will continue.
(19) One, known as the Institute for Philanthropy , runs classes for wealthy individuals, which it describes as an 'MBA' in philanthropy.
(20) That's what CDC has to do if it is going to justify its investments in houses and shops for the mega-wealthy, and it won't be easy.