What's the difference between madrier and petard?



  • (n.) A thick plank, used for several mechanical purposes
  • (n.) A plank to receive the mouth of a petard, with which it is applied to anything intended to be broken down.
  • (n.) A plank or beam used for supporting the earth in mines or fortifications.

Example Sentences:



  • (n.) A case containing powder to be exploded, esp. a conical or cylindrical case of metal filled with powder and attached to a plank, to be exploded against and break down gates, barricades, drawbridges, etc. It has been superseded.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Finally, perhaps with a bit of hindsight, we can see this as JP Morgan being hoisted by its own petard; the complexity of the derivatives it was inventing and selling made them hard to value and rate for risk.
  • (2) There are respects in which the big stores have been hoist by their own petards.
  • (3) Mel Some people have been hoist by their own petard.
  • (4) But ultimately they [the government] don’t want their record of no boats arriving to be spoiled, they want to be able to continue to say no boats have arrived for more than six months – they are hoisted on their own petard.
  • (5) If Tehran hardliners get their way, Salman will be hoisted by his own petard.
  • (6) Fifty one eyes (1st group) was burned by thermal or chemical means, mainly by lime; 40 eyes (2d group) sustained chemico-mechanical injuries caused by explosions of petards or miner's detonators.
  • (7) But ultimately they [the government] don’t want their record of no boats arriving to be spoiled, they want to be able to continue to say no boats have arrived for more than six months – they are hoisted on their own petard.” On Wednesday a spokesman for the Morrison said it was long-standing government practice not to confirm or comment on reports of individual acts of self-harm, but there was no basis to the claims of self-harm or attempted suicide.
  • (8) Newcastle United are supposed to be counterattacking specialists but they ended up hoist with their own petard as a brilliant late Sunderland break resulted in Adam Johnson ruining Alan Pardew’s Christmas.
  • (9) Netanyahu’s new problem is that – hoist with his own petard – he has now been obliged to spin both the comments he made on the even of the elections and his wider tactics during the campaign, including his pointed breach of protocol in making a speech to Congress that US president Barack Obama did not want him to make.
  • (10) Indeed, it now looks as though Germany itself, for so long the main beneficiary of the structure of the eurozone, has been hoist by its own petard.
  • (11) There is something rather beguiling about a chancellor with strategic pretensions that exceed his abilities being hoist with his own petard.
  • (12) The Indians, in particular, have become past masters at co-opting the language of equity ("equal rights to the atmosphere") in the service of planetary suicide – and leftish campaigners and commentators are hoist with their own petard.
  • (13) The irony is that the Conservative councillors who initially decided to get rid of the perceived fat cat have been hoist with their own petard.
  • (14) Yet there is no guarantee that any English or Welsh shipyard could build them, so the UK could end up hoist by own petard.

Words possibly related to "madrier"

Words possibly related to "petard"