(n.) A large tree of the genus Swietenia (S. Mahogoni), found in tropical America.
(n.) The wood of the Swietenia Mahogoni. It is of a reddish brown color, beautifully veined, very hard, and susceptible of a fine polish. It is used in the manufacture of furniture.
(n.) A table made of mahogany wood.
Example Sentences:
(1) In the first of two experiments, four wether lambs (BW = 26.8 kg) and four wether Angora goats (BW = 31.7 kg) were used in two simultaneous 4 x 4 Latin squares to study the influence of condensed tannins (CT) on nutrient usage and concentrations of serum urea N, somatotropin (GH), and insulin (INS) when the animals were fed low-quality diets containing mountain mahogany (MM; Cercocarpus montanus) leaves.
(2) This excellent 19th-century boozer has private mahogany snugs, with etched-glass partitions, so you can hide from the shoppers and enjoy a quiet pint (or cheeky gin, a house speciality).
(3) The first object confronting the modern visitor is a towering mahogany and brass collection box with a brutally frank inscription: “Pray remember the poor lunatics.” It dates from the days of the harsh Georgian regime depicted in William Hogarth’s Rake’s Progress, when beating in the original Bedlam was regarded as a therapeutic shock for the mentally ill. Curator Victoria Northwood said she felt it was important to tackle the hospital’s history head on.
(4) The "hinging" property of the Haberdasher's Puzzle, which Dudeney had made out of mahogany and bronze, has fascinated and delighted mathematicians for more than a century.
(5) Other items on sale include Gulfstream jets, space-age pianos, and mahogany-panelled yachts, which might appeal to Peter Mandelson.
(6) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Photos on a wall at Casa-Museo Gabriel Miró A mahogany staircase leads to the first floor, where black-and-white portraits of the writer, taken by writer and photographer Juan Guerrero Ruiz, hang on the wall.
(7) In the first experiment, lambs were fed wheat (W) and mountain mahogany (MM) (Cercocarpus montanus) from 50 to 110 d of age.
(8) An 8-year-old boy developed a sudden mahogany discoloration of his skin after exposure to defensive secretions of a millipede.
(9) The logs, usually mahogany-like species such as jatobá, ipé, garapa and maçaranduba, came from state-owned parts of the rainforest, where no logging permits have been issued.
(10) The quality of the wood we get is often extraordinary, including hard woods such as mahogany in large pieces that burn slowly.
(11) Also claimed £119 for a Corby trouser press, finished in mahogany, from John Lewis.
(12) A patient is described in whom orange-brown discoloration occurred following occupational exposure to mahogany wood.
(13) The woods were: white mangrove (Avicennia nitida), red mangrove (Rhizophora racemosa), mahogany Khaya sp.
(14) With one hand propped on her hip like a starlet posing on a red carpet, Miller purringly extols the plane’s luxuries: seat belts plated in 24-carat gold, head rests on which the Trump family’s spurious crest is embroidered, silk-clad walls for the boss’s bedroom, Ultrasuede ceiling panels, mahogany cabinets, a shower cubicle.
(15) He manoeuvres the other with surprising ease: he's a small but compact man, around 5ft 7in, sinewy, with a light mahogany tan; and although there is some grey amid the glossy black curls, it's very easy to forget that he is 70.
(16) "If we want it to sound like a Gibson we use mahogany and if we want a [Fender] Strat or Telecaster sound we use maple."
(17) So if you don't want to look like you're doing a homage to 80s Madonna, or like you have mahogany boobs, give up the dream of the white blouse, the beige blouse and pretty much any blouse, and embrace instead the navy blouse.
(18) After exposure to W and MM, lambs preferred (P less than .05) W when offered with barley (B) but did not prefer (P greater than .05) MM when offered with serviceberry (SB) (Amelanchier alnifolia), probably because lambs were reluctant to eat mountain mahogany during exposure.
(19) More likely, a sense that the worst of the government's austerity measures and the eurozone crisis are behind us has made bank managers relax a little when requests for credit cross their mahogany desks.
(20) Of the four rooms, the Terrace Room is probably the prettiest, with a mahogany double bed and a large balcony overlooking the garden.
() . imp. & p. p. of Read.
(v. t.) To put on order; to make tidy; also, to free from entanglement or embarrassement; -- generally with up; as, to red up a house.
(superl.) Of the color of blood, or of a tint resembling that color; of the hue of that part of the rainbow, or of the solar spectrum, which is furthest from the violet part.
(n.) The color of blood, or of that part of the spectrum farthest from violet, or a tint resembling these.
(n.) A red pigment.
(n.) An abbreviation for Red Republican. See under Red, a.
(a.) The menses.
Example Sentences:
(1) The transport of potassium ions through membranes of red blood cells was examined in in bitro experiments using a CMF of 4500 oersted.
(2) Michael Schumacher’s manager hopes F1 champion ‘will be here again one day’ Read more Last year, Red Bull were frustrated by Mercedes, Ferrari and Honda as they desperately looked for a new engine supplier.
(3) Based on several previous studies, which demonstrated that sorbitol accumulation in human red blood cells (RBCs) was a function of ambient glucose concentrations, either in vitro or in vivo, our investigations were conducted to determine if RBC sorbitol accumulation would correlate with sorbitol accumulation in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats; the effect of sorbinil in reducing sorbitol levels in lens and nerve tissue of diabetic rats would be reflected by changes in RBC sorbitol; and sorbinil would reduce RBC sorbitol in diabetic man.
(4) The increase in red blood cell mass was associated with an elevation in erythropoietic stimulatory activity in serum, pleural fluid, and tumor-cyst fluid as determined by the exhypoxic polycythemic mouse assay.
(5) The mechanism by which pertussis toxin (PT) breaks the unresponsiveness of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) was examined in B10 mice.
(6) Irradiation of stored red blood cells (RBC) is increasingly utilized for patients who are immunosuppressed or on chemotherapeutic regimens.
(7) Seven males have been observed carrying both inherited tritan and red-green defects.
(8) A sensitive, selective and easy to use high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of cicletanide, a new diuretic, in plasma, red blood cells, urine and saliva is described.
(9) Cook, who has postbox-red hair and a painful-looking piercing in his lower lip, was now on stage in discussion with four fellow YouTubers, all in their early 20s.
(10) The patient recovered completely following discontinuation of antibiotics, transfusion of red blood cells, and treatment with glucocorticoids.
(11) For retrospective action to be taken, and an FA charge to follow, the decision of the panel must be unanimous.” The match between the sides ended in acrimony and two City red cards.
(12) The actions of the polyvalent cationic dye Ruthenium Red and the enzyme neuraminidase were studied at the frog neuromuscular junction.
(13) Plasma membranes were obtained from a homogeneous population of rabbit red blood cells at different maturation periods.
(14) The adherence of 51Cr-labeled platelets to rabbit aortae everted on probes rotated in platelet-red cell suspensions has been measured.
(15) While the heaviest anterogradely labeled ascending projections were observed to the contralateral ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, pars oralis (VPLo), efferent projections were also observed to the contralateral ventrolateral thalamic nucleus (VLc) and central lateral (CL) nucleus of the thalamic intralaminar complex, magnocellular (and to a lesser extent parvicellular) red nucleus, nucleus of Darkschewitsch, zona incerta, nucleus of the posterior commissure, lateral intermediate layer and deep layer of the superior colliculus, dorsolateral periaqueductal gray, contralateral nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis and basilar pontine nuclei (especially dorsal and peduncular), and dorsal (DAO) and medial (MAO) accessory olivary nuclei, ipsilateral lateral (external) cuneate nucleus (LCN) and lateral reticular nucleus (LRN), and to a lesser extent the caudal medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) and caudal nucleus prepositus hypoglossi (NPH), and dorsal medullary raphe.
(16) Ruthenium red (RuR) inhibits Ca2+ uptake and transmitter release in synaptosomes, and produces flaccid paralysis when injected intraperitoneally (IP) and convulsions after intracranial administration.
(17) Male Sprague Dawley rats either trained (T, N = 9) for 11 wk on a rodent treadmill, remained sedentary, and were fed ad libitum (S, N = 8) or remained sedentary and were food restricted (pair fed, PF, N = 8) so that final body weights were similar to T. After training, T had significantly higher red gastrocnemius muscle citrate synthase activity compared with S and PF.
(18) Urinalysis revealed a low pH, increased ketones and bilirubin excretion, dark yellowish change in color, the appearance of "leaflet-shaped" crystals and increased red blood cells and epithelial cells in the urinary sediment, increased water intake, decreased specific gravity and decreased sodium, potassium and chloride in the urine.
(19) In the medium-size intermediate fibers, the number and diameter of the mitochondrial columns are intermediate between those of the red and white fibers.
(20) The American Red Cross said the aid organisation had already run out of medical supplies, with spokesman Eric Porterfield explaining that the small amount of medical equipment and medical supplies available in Haiti had been distributed.