(n.) The scab or itch in cattle, dogs, and other beasts.
Example Sentences:
(1) The effect of scrotal mange (Chorioptes bovis) on semen quality was assessed in a flock of rams during an outbreak of chorioptic mange and in rams with experimentally induced chorioptic mange.
(2) Skin diseases of the udder include viral infections, mange, sunburn, wounds, and staphylococcal dermatitis.
(3) The seminal degeneration and regeneration associated with the development and spontaneous cure of scrotal mange were very similar to that seen following experimental elevation of testicular temperature.
(4) I inherited Ted-Fred from my mother, a one-eyed and wholly uncuddly pre-war sack of mange (the bear, not my mum), and I had briefly loved Albert, a brown knitted dog, although I have very little memory of him.
(5) From the results of this study it is clear that there is no necessity to list chorioptic mange in sheep and goats as a notifiable disease.
(6) Mange, possibly caused by the Demodex sp., also was observed.
(7) At present, although fox mange occurs as an epizootic in local populations, the number of foxes has increased again in many parts of Sweden.
(8) Recovery of spermatozoal production was also observed following spontaneous cure of chorioptic mange lesions in a ram whose scrotum had become severely thickened and pendulous due to long-standing chrorioptic mange.
(9) The trial with Ivomec as a treatment against sarcoptic mange in rabbits gave very encouraging results.
(10) in the control of the principal parasitoses of economic importance such as hypodermosis, mange, tick infestations, oestrosis, vermipsyllosis, gasterophilosis and wohlfahrtiosis are analysed.
(11) (h), lice(c,p), mange mites(c,s,p) and the ticks Boophilus spp.
(12) Lattes are now a daily part of running our business and an increasing proportion of our expenses go towards supporting the local coffee economy.” App developer Mark Brown favours Redwood and Mange Tout, both on Trafalgar Street.
(13) This is the first report of Chorioptes bovis and chorioptic mange in the two-humped camel.
(14) Phosmet treatment controlled mange in growing pigs and resulted in a 12% increase in average daily liveweight gain over untreated mange-infected controls.
(15) There was a substantial reduction in the severity of mange over the period of monitoring.
(16) Sarcoptic mite infestation or treatment for sarcoptic mange did not affect total or differential leukocyte counts (P greater than 0.10).
(17) Additionally, three cases of generalized otodectic mange in dogs are described.
(18) The incidence of mange in dairy buffalo in India has increased significantly in recent years.
(19) After the first infection with 600 mites none of the infected animals developed clinical psoroptic mange but a leucocytosis developed, contributed to primarily by an eosinophilia and by a slight lymphocytosis.
(20) Multiple digit injuries should be carefully evaluated and manged with a view toward retention of digit length and restoration of function.
(n.) A trough or open box in which fodder is placed for horses or cattle to eat.
(n.) The fore part of the deck, having a bulkhead athwart ships high enough to prevent water which enters the hawse holes from running over it.
Example Sentences:
(1) Also in the three title club is the current Swansea manger, Michael Laudrup (Italy, Spain and the Netherlands) and Ruud van Nistelrooy (England, Spain and the Netherlands).
(2) This includes a pledge to significantly increase paper cup recycling rates by 2020, which has been signed by 30 companies, including Caffè Nero, Costa, Starbucks, McDonalds, Marks & Spencer, Waitrose, Greggs and Pret a Manger.
(3) In the freestall housing with drylot, 80% of the mounting activity in both climates occurred in an outdoor drylot and feed manger area, which had best footing.
(4) He wrote: “Cereal Killer Cafe is not the cause of gentrification, nor can it instigate the solution.” But Bone rejected this, saying the publicity showed it had been worthwhile: “Everyone keeps saying: ‘Wrong target, you should have done the City, you should have done parliament, you should have done Pret a Manger, Foxtons.’ It doesn’t work.
(5) Pret A Manger, considered a green leader, could not be reached for comment, but Bradford says that AkzoNobel has had “positive discussions” with fast food chains.
(6) These are, of course, mild complaints about a guy who will most likely win the AL manger of the year award (especially since the Toronto Blue Jays are in danger of falling to last place without him, assuring him of many more years of booing to come ).
(7) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Just one in 50 job applicants British, says Pret a Manger John, another Briton, tells a similar story.
(8) A survey of purchasing mangers in the service sector released earlier on Thursday also showed some resilience in the economy , in contrast to a sharp fall in its manufacturing equivalent last week.
(9) You’ve not seen a baby Jesus in the manger quite like it.
(10) But this is where the Pret a Manger brand is taught and honed.
(11) Pret A Manger is introducing more vegetarian choices and Ikea now has its veggie balls .
(12) Then we looked at a darker red but it looked like a Pret a Manger van.
(13) Facebook Twitter Pinterest Just one in 50 job applicants British, says Pret a Manger Tanya de Grunwald of Graduate Fog , a campaigner for fair internships, said it was good for young people to experience the world of work, but the new placements should be paid.
(14) Starbucks, Pret a Manger and others already accept NFC but Apple’s vote makes it a near certainty that the technology is going to become widespread.
(15) Tottenham's season is up and running but the only thing to ignite inside Ian Holloway, the Crystal Palace manger, was rage.
(16) At the sandwich chain Pret A Manger, only 19% of the staff are British, while, according to the Daily Mail, a third of the people who sell the Big Issue, the paper founded to help the homeless, are Romanian.
(17) If you shop at supermarkets or buy lunch from a chain such as Pret a Manger, Eat, Boots or Marks & Spencer, you will see your fruit and veg tally accruing as you shop.
(18) When a manger loses his job, within hours someone already on the management merry-go-round is installed as favourite without considering the merits of an outsider.
(19) Roberto Mancini has not given up on retaining the Premier League title despite the club trailing Manchester United by 13 points, according to Brian Kidd, the Manchester City assistant manger.
(20) Needed research includes studying learned helplessness; analysis and economics of alternative husbandry systems for veal calves (and cows) freestall design and surfaces; and shade, cooling, and misting of mangers and holding pens prior to entering the parlor.