What's the difference between map and sap?



  • (n.) A representation of the surface of the earth, or of some portion of it, showing the relative position of the parts represented; -- usually on a flat surface. Also, such a representation of the celestial sphere, or of some part of it.
  • (n.) Anything which represents graphically a succession of events, states, or acts; as, an historical map.
  • (v. t.) To represent by a map; -- often with out; as, to survey and map, or map out, a county. Hence, figuratively: To represent or indicate systematically and clearly; to sketch; to plan; as, to map, or map out, a journey; to map out business.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The intrauterine mean active pressure (MAP) in the nulliparous group was 1.51 kPa (SD 0.45) in the first stage and 2.71 kPa (SD 0.77) in the second stage.
  • (2) The data on mapping the episomal plasmid integration sites in yeast chromosomes I, III, IV, V, VII, XV are presented.
  • (3) As collapse was imminent, MAP increased but CO and TPR did not change significantly.
  • (4) The main result of the correspondence analysis is a geometric map of this relationship showing how the relative frequencies of headache types change with age.
  • (5) Chromatographic maps of DNA adducts demonstrated unique patterns of DNA adducts for each of the regions.
  • (6) Mapping of the cross-link position between U2 and U6 RNAs is consistent with base-pairing between the 5' domain of U2 and the 3' end of U6 RNA.
  • (7) An accurate and reproducible method is described for generating a map of the cobalt sheet source from images of it made in multiple positions with the scintillation camera.
  • (8) Mapping of the shortest peptides recognized by T cell lines ThoU6 and BieU6 indicate that these sequences are fully overlapping.
  • (9) Then, the delta Fract (coronary flow reserve index) map was obtained for each subject.
  • (10) The glnD::Tn10 insertion has been mapped at min 4 on the E. coli chromosome and 98% contransducible by phage P1 with dapD.
  • (11) Radio-immunoprecipitation and partial proteolytic digest mapping showed that the monoclonal antibodies each recognized a unique epitope.
  • (12) In contrast, the average reduction in mean EEG amplitude with isoflurane was only 0.3% and there were neither periods of suppression nor any correlation between EEG amplitude and MAP.
  • (13) Testis MAPs promoted microtubule assembly, but to a lesser degree than brain MAPs.
  • (14) In order to localize probable central nervous system sites for these actions, we have used 125I-labelled 1-d(CH2)5, 7-sarcosine-8-arginine vasopressin, a specific V1-receptor antagonist, and in vitro autoradiography to map brain vasopressin binding sites.
  • (15) The model electron density map, calculated to a resolution of approximately 35 A, shows an unusually high protein content in the membranes.
  • (16) Size comparison of the newly discovered Msp I fragment with a restriction map of the apolipoprotein A-I gene revealed that most likely the cutting site at the 5'-end of the normally seen 673 bp fragment is lost giving rise to the observed 719 bp Msp I fragment.
  • (17) These two crystallins were compared with respect to their native molecular masses, subunit structures, peptide mapping and amino acid compositions in order to establish the identity of each crystallin.
  • (18) In the water-loaded state, MAP rose significantly at the lowest rate of infusion in both pregnant and non-pregnant ewes.
  • (19) The mutations of both strains (termed hha-2 and hha-3) were mapped at minute 10.5 of the E. coli chromosome.
  • (20) One mutant, BS260, was completely noninvasive on HeLa cells and mapped to a region on the 220-kb virulence plasmid in which we had previously localized several avirulent temperature-regulated operon fusions (A.E.



  • (n.) The juice of plants of any kind, especially the ascending and descending juices or circulating fluid essential to nutrition.
  • (n.) The sapwood, or alburnum, of a tree.
  • (n.) A simpleton; a saphead; a milksop.
  • (v. t.) To subvert by digging or wearing away; to mine; to undermine; to destroy the foundation of.
  • (v. t.) To pierce with saps.
  • (v. t.) To make unstable or infirm; to unsettle; to weaken.
  • (v. i.) To proceed by mining, or by secretly undermining; to execute saps.
  • (n.) A narrow ditch or trench made from the foremost parallel toward the glacis or covert way of a besieged place by digging under cover of gabions, etc.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By contrast, SAP-35, the major surfactant-associated glycoprotein of molecular weight = 35,000, and other higher molecular weight proteins were not detected in significant quantities in the CLSE or surfactant-TA replacement surfactants, either by highly sensitive silver stain analysis or by immunoblot using monospecific antisera generated against bovine SAP-35.
  • (2) In normovolemia, the hepatic arterial flow (HAF) increased as the systemic arterial pressure (SAP) rose up to 140 mmHg, and then decreased as SAP rose further.
  • (3) Rat type II pneumocytes expressed vitamin K-dependent carboxylase activity that incorporated 14CO2 into microsomal protein precursors of molecular weights similar to those of surfactant-associated proteins (SAP).
  • (4) At this SAP a constant amount of SNP and 500 ml Dextran 60 were infused.
  • (5) The in vitro transcript probes could detect 1 ng of purified virus and as little as 1 microliter of sap extracts prepared from infected oat shoots.
  • (6) Combined propranolol-atropine blockade increased heart rate at rest in the SAP state, and significantly attenuated the tachycardia accompanying treadmill exercise.
  • (7) It is concluded that the cell sap from rat liver contains the complete set of enzymes for the synthesis from delta-aminolaevulinate of haem c and its linkage to a small pool of free apoprotein c present in soluble form.
  • (8) As shown earlier, at zero turgor pressure the intracellular freezing point of the parenchyma cells matches closely the negative pressure in the xylem sap.
  • (9) Whole blood components did not interfere with the efficacy of OKT1-SAP, as in vitro treatment of fresh whole blood resulted in effective elimination of clonable peripheral blood T-lymphocytes assessed by a limiting dilution assay.
  • (10) According to the theory of osmoelastic coupling, also large additives, such as the proteins of the cell sap, are able to cause an osmotic stress equivalent to that caused by polyethylene glycol.
  • (11) SAP did not bind to the macrophage cell line RAW264.7 nor did it enhance IL-1 secretion by this line.
  • (12) The cell sap in the absence of ribosomes was also able to incorporate radioactivity into purified cytochrome c, and the addition of ribosomes significantly enhanced the activity.
  • (13) The C4BP.SAP complex was also detected in normal serum and the results suggested that there was virtually no free SAP or uncomplexed C4BP in normal serum.
  • (14) An additional category, SAP "flare", was also identified (SAP increment greater than 15% at 1 month, with subsequent fall at 2 months).
  • (15) The biophysical activity of synthetic phospholipid-apoprotein combinants was assessed by measurements of adsorption facility and dynamic surface tension lowering ability at 37 degrees C. The SM-SAP-6 combinants had adsorption facility equivalent to natural lung surfactant, and to the surfactant extract preparations CLSE and surfactant-TA used in exogenous surfactant replacement therapy for the neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS).
  • (16) Histone phosphorylation is sharply inhibited after addition of DNA, the protein kinases of nuclear sap phosphorylating less effectively the histones complexed with DNA than the non-histone proteins.
  • (17) Specific SAP-35 RNA increased during organ culture and both SAP-35 content and SAP-35 RNA increased in the absence of exogenous hormones in 2% carbon-stripped fetal calf serum.
  • (18) The beta2-microglobulin in the cell-sap fraction was present in the unbound state.
  • (19) No patients at risk for developing heterotopic bone after THA could be identified from the preoperative level of SAP.
  • (20) The mass of SAP in these was determined from the extinction coefficient of SAP at 280 nm measured here precisely for the first time by spectrophotometry and cryogenic drying.

Words possibly related to "map"

Words possibly related to "sap"