(n.) One who keeps account of a game played, as of billiards.
(n.) A counter used in card playing and other games.
(n.) The soldier who forms the pilot of a wheeling column, or marks the direction of an alignment.
(n.) An attachment to a sewing machine for marking a line on the fabric by creasing it.
Example Sentences:
(1) These variants may serve as useful gene markers in alcohol research involving animal model studies with inbred strains in mice.
(2) Activity of Na,K-ATPase activity was measured as a functional marker for synaptosomal membranes.
(3) Anti-Leu 7 could not be considered as a specific marker for oligodendroglioma.
(4) Serum samples from 23 families, including a total of 48 affected children, were tested for a set of "classical markers."
(5) On removal of selective pressure, the His+ phenotype was lost more readily than the Ura+ Trp+ markers, with a corresponding decrease in plasmid copy number.
(6) In spite of dense lymphocytic infiltration only 3% of the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes exhibit the activation marker CD 25.
(7) Twelve families with Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (WAS) were studied by linkage analysis using 10 polymorphic marker loci from the X-chromosome pericentromeric region.
(8) These results indicate that HBV markers in cord blood are either false-positive or due to contamination by maternal blood rather than an indication of in utero infection.
(9) From the biochemical markers in follicular fluid, cyclic adenosine monophosphate has a distinct predictive value in regard to pregnancy in in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles.
(10) We therefore enumerated the percentage of Leu2a+ cells as well as the occurrence of HLA-DR activation markers within this population.
(11) During the digestion of these radiolabeled bacteria, murine bone marrow macrophages produced low-molecular-weight substances that coeluted chromatographically with the radioactive cell wall marker.
(12) Thus, our results indicate that calbindin-D28k is a useful marker for the projection system from the matrix compartment and that its expression is modified in patients with progressive supranuclear palsy and striatal degeneration.
(13) The telencephalon of teleost fish shows high affinity uptake for D-[3H]aspartate, intermediate levels of GABAergic markers and low levels of cholinergic enzymes.
(14) The presence of these markers has facilitated the identification and characterization of the mononuclear cells in a number of animal and human lymphoid malignancies.
(15) The independent but combined use of both antigens, appreciably raises the diagnostic success percentage with regard to that obtained when only one tumour marker was used.
(16) Maternal plasma levels of cortiocotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) have been measured in abnormal pregnancy states to assess their potential as biochemical markers for at-risk pregnancies.
(17) Improvement of its particularly poor prognosis requires therefore early screening based on reliable biological markers.
(18) The summary statistics examined are (a) the slope of the least-squares regression of the marker, (b) the average of the last r measurements, and (c) the difference between the averages of the last r and the first s measurements.
(19) A 6.4 kilobase C4B-5'-specific Taq I fragment usually provided a reliable guide to the presence of a C4A deletion but unusually in one instance this fragment was found to be a marker of a functioning C4A gene.
(20) The availability of locus-specific probes should significantly expand the role of minisatellite markers in population biology.
(n.) One who wears a mask; one who appears in disguise at a masquerade.
(v. t.) To confuse; to stupefy.
Example Sentences:
(1) Finally, three mechanisms are discussed that contribute to the absence of unmasking by masker fluctuations in hearing-impaired listeners.
(2) Detectability of a filtered probe tone (250, 500, or 1000 Hz) was measured in the presence of a narrow-band Gaussian masker centered at the signal frequency.
(3) For fixed delta T (delta T greater than 3 msec), the masking effect may actually increase for the longer, less intense noises despite the fact that, for long maskers, there is less masker energy near the signal in time.
(4) Results indicated that the MLD decreased in magnitude as the interaural phase shift of the masker increased.
(5) Forward masking, as measured behaviorally, is defined as an increase in a signal's detection threshold resulting from a preceding masker.
(6) Thus the overshoot effect was markedly reduced by aspirin because the drug partially counteracted the normally poor detectability for signals presented soon after masker onset.
(7) Masker and signal frequencies were the same as for the first experiment.
(8) The iso-forward masking contour near the threshold of the masking effect across masker frequencies approximates a fiber's frequency threshold curve (FTC).
(9) In part, the small threshold shifts can be attributed to the reduction in response variance following the masker, which is the result of the adaptation of spontaneous activity.
(10) Hence, one cannot predict masked threshold from the acoustic spectra of the maskers used here since they differ from their internal representations.
(11) The data support a spectrum-analyzer model of detection in which multiband filtering of the input smooths the masker energy in each spectral region to approximate the Gaussian case.
(12) Recent investigations of the masking-level difference (MLD) have often involved measurement of the MLD as a function of masker level.
(13) The masker with the largest amplitude fluctuations exhibited greater forward-masking ability than other stimuli; this effect was observed on the high-frequency branch and within the tip region of the tuning curve.
(14) The 20-ms signal was presented at the onset or at the temporal center of the 400-ms masker.
(15) A reaction time paradigm was used to estimate the sensitivity of four subjects to airpuffs without and during continuous vibration (masker) of low (30 Hz) or high (240 Hz) frequency.
(16) The data from all three experiments suggest that threshold signal levels in the presence of interaural differences in masker intensity depend principally on the ear with the higher signal-to-masker ratio at the output of its auditory filter, a finding consistent with the power-spectrum model of masking.
(17) Because maskers that are decorrelated yield small MLDs, the MLD is likewise small at low masker levels.
(18) For large masker separations, r greater than 0.4, no consistent effects of signal phase were observed.
(19) The IMD is dominated by the cubic component (2f1-f2) and arises from the interaction of the probe tone and the simultaneous masker.
(20) Masker duration was 20 or 400 ms; in the latter case, the signal was presented in one of three temporal positions within the masker.