What's the difference between masculine and mean?



  • (a.) Of the male sex; not female.
  • (a.) Having the qualities of a man; suitable to, or characteristic of, a man; virile; not feminine or effeminate; strong; robust.
  • (a.) Belonging to males; appropriated to, or used by, males.
  • (a.) Having the inflections of, or construed with, words pertaining especially to male beings, as distinguished from feminine and neuter. See Gender.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The nurses who enjoyed the field most were of the androgynous or masculine type and had high levels of self-esteem.
  • (2) When added to the food in two different doses during 8 weeks, 11 beta-hydroxyandrostenedione had a pronounced masculinizing effect, and androstenedione did not modify the gonads at all.
  • (3) This report deals with the shortened estrous cycles, masculinization, depressed fertility, and the systemic hormone profiles resulting from a granulosa cell tumor in a doe.
  • (4) Moreover, the presence of a loss-of-function runt mutation masculinizes triploid intersexes.
  • (5) But when a man is placed in the role of a woman talking to other women, his masculinity is called into question.
  • (6) It's hard to imagine a more masculine character than Thor, who is based on the god of thunder of Norse myth: he's the strapping, hammer-wielding son of Odin who, more often than not, sports a beard and likes nothing better than smacking frost giants.
  • (7) We wanted a place where men could discuss masculine topics without facing the same public shaming outcry that happens on social media sites – feminists are quick on the trigger to try to take down anything they consider wrong … Milo Yiannopoulos lost his verified status on Twitter because of his views on masculinity.
  • (8) Two major facts that bear direct relationship with the control of masculine reproductive behavior were demonstrated.
  • (9) Previous research by Bem has indicated that androgynous individuals of both sexes display "masculine" independence when under pressure to conform as well as "feminine" nurturance when interacting with a kitten.
  • (10) Europe's first ruling on Brexit: it's masculine, unless you're Italian Read more EU diplomats speak, too, of genuine shock at proposals by the home secretary, Amber Rudd, to oblige British firms to disclose how many foreign workers they employ.
  • (11) Lacl of masculinization in female infants whose virilized mothers have h. luteinalis is in contrast to the common finding of fetal masculinization when maternal virilization occurs with luteoma of pregnancy.
  • (12) A new 1-stage procedure for clitorovaginoplasty in severely masculinized female pseudohermaphrodites is presented.
  • (13) The Turner prize-winning artist has turned his sights on the survivalist and his exceptionally rugged version of masculinity, arguing that it isn’t fit for the 21st century.
  • (14) Interestingly, in addition to feminizing XO animals, xol-1 mutations further masculinize XX animals already partially masculinized.
  • (15) On the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, they scored high on the depression, hysteria, psychopathic deviate, and paranoia scales, and they scored low on the masculinity-feminity scale.
  • (16) Nonmasculine individuals perceived the adversary more positively than masculine individuals regardless of strategy of resolution.
  • (17) Men who adopted a submissive feminine role and women with high masculine aggressive scores were more permissive as regards drinking.
  • (18) In the 1960's, high masculinity of mortality was associated independently with low proportions in primary activities, high proportions hiring in large cities, and with high discrimination against females in school enrollment combined with poor nutritional standards.
  • (19) The study was designed to test whether men and women identifying with a masculine stereotype differ in their perception of a confederate (adversary) who displays either an empathetic or aggressive role in resolving a disagreement over social issues.
  • (20) Thus, it appears that PG synthesis plays a role in the testosterone-induced masculine differentiation of the Wolffian duct.



  • (v. t.) To have in the mind, as a purpose, intention, etc.; to intend; to purpose; to design; as, what do you mean to do ?
  • (v. t.) To signify; to indicate; to import; to denote.
  • (v. i.) To have a purpose or intention.
  • (superl.) Destitute of distinction or eminence; common; low; vulgar; humble.
  • (superl.) Wanting dignity of mind; low-minded; base; destitute of honor; spiritless; as, a mean motive.
  • (superl.) Of little value or account; worthy of little or no regard; contemptible; despicable.
  • (superl.) Of poor quality; as, mean fare.
  • (superl.) Penurious; stingy; close-fisted; illiberal; as, mean hospitality.
  • (a.) Occupying a middle position; middle; being about midway between extremes.
  • (a.) Intermediate in excellence of any kind.
  • (a.) Average; having an intermediate value between two extremes, or between the several successive values of a variable quantity during one cycle of variation; as, mean distance; mean motion; mean solar day.
  • (n.) That which is mean, or intermediate, between two extremes of place, time, or number; the middle point or place; middle rate or degree; mediocrity; medium; absence of extremes or excess; moderation; measure.
  • (n.) A quantity having an intermediate value between several others, from which it is derived, and of which it expresses the resultant value; usually, unless otherwise specified, it is the simple average, formed by adding the quantities together and dividing by their number, which is called an arithmetical mean. A geometrical mean is the square root of the product of the quantities.
  • (n.) That through which, or by the help of which, an end is attained; something tending to an object desired; intermediate agency or measure; necessary condition or coagent; instrument.
  • (n.) Hence: Resources; property, revenue, or the like, considered as the condition of easy livelihood, or an instrumentality at command for effecting any purpose; disposable force or substance.
  • (n.) A part, whether alto or tenor, intermediate between the soprano and base; a middle part.
  • (n.) Meantime; meanwhile.
  • (n.) A mediator; a go-between.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Thirty-two patients (10 male, 22 female; age 37-82 years) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis or haemofiltration were studied by means of Holter device capable of simultaneously analysing rhythm and ST-changes in three leads.
  • (2) Age difference did not affect the mean dose-effect response.
  • (3) Although the mean values for all hemodynamic variables between the two placebo periods were minimally changed, the differences in individual patients were striking.
  • (4) Propranolol resulted in a significantly lower mean hourly, mean 24 h and minimum heart rate.
  • (5) Which means Seattle can't give Jones room to make 13-yard catches as they just did.
  • (6) A group I subset (six animals), for which predominant cultivable microbiota was described, had a mean GI of 2.4.
  • (7) Then the esophagogastric variceal network was thrombosed by means of a catheter introduced during laparotomy, which created a portoazygos disconnection.
  • (8) The intrauterine mean active pressure (MAP) in the nulliparous group was 1.51 kPa (SD 0.45) in the first stage and 2.71 kPa (SD 0.77) in the second stage.
  • (9) In the group of high myopia (over 20 D), the mean correction was 13.4 D. In the group with refraction between 0 and 6 D, 88% of the eyes treated had attained a correction between -1 and +1 D 3 months postoperatively.
  • (10) That means deciding what job they’d like to have and outlining the steps they’ll need to take to achieve it.
  • (11) The difference in BP between a hospital casual reading and the mean 24 hour ambulatory reading was reduced only by atenolol.
  • (12) Until the 1960's there was great confusion, both within and between countries, on the meaning of diagnostic terms such as emphysema, asthma, and chronic brochitis.
  • (13) There were 12 males, 6 females, with mean age of 55.1 yrs (range 39-77 yrs).
  • (14) Measurement of urinary GGT levels represents a means by which proximal tubular disease in equidae could be diagnosed in its developmental stages.
  • (15) However, there was no statistically significant difference in mean areas under the LH and FSH curves in the GnRH-treated groups.
  • (16) Although lorazepam and haloperidol produced an equivalent mean decrease in aggression, significantly more subjects who received lorazepam had a greater decrease in aggression ratings than haloperidol recipients; this effect was independent of sedation.
  • (17) The mean and median values in the nondiabetic group are higher than in previously published reports.
  • (18) The way we are going to pay for that is by making the rules the same for people who go into care homes as for people who get care at their home, and by means-testing the winter fuel payment, which currently isn’t.” Hunt said the plan showed the Conservatives were capable of making difficult choices.
  • (19) Taken together these results are consistent with the view that primary CTL, as well as long term cloned CTL cell lines, exercise their cytolytic activity by means of perforin.
  • (20) Evidence is presented in support of the hypothesis that fresh bat guano serves as a means of pathogenic fungi dissemination in caves.