(1) This is contrasted with the dialectical materialist concept of psychic phenomena as the highest integration level of man's relationship to the environment.
(2) One school of thought, the "eliminative materialistics," see FP as a misdirected and scientifically redundant approach to the mind which should be discarded; the "functionalists," in contrast, consider FP categories, such as belief, to be essential.
(3) Similarities between the notion of life style and concepts of cultural integration are noted, and the various uses of life style are categorized along an idealist-materialist continuum.
(4) In his excellent book Affluenza , Oliver James observes that Danes and Kiwis enjoy a greater immunity to our obsessive, depressive, materialistic world than do we in the UK.
(5) Yet there is Samantha, bawdy as the Wife of Bath, always cheerfully horny and materialistic, utterly without Calvinic redeeming qualities, living at last with her devoted younger boy toy in LA in the Sex and the City movie – finally leaving him because she is just not cut out to mix her driving, unmediated sexual energy with commitment.
(7) The search for a synthesis bridging the gap between materialist and idealist approaches in anthropological theory has been invigorated by recent efforts to develop a critical medical anthropology.
(8) The American spirit often has been attacked as atomistic, cruel, and materialistic.
(9) It is an oasis of humanity in a materialistic desert - and the leader of the Labour party should celebrate it.
(10) The one-to-many relationship between the displacement of the medium and the force actualized in the medium necessitates a materialistic capacity for making choices on the part of molecules and cells in transforming future possibilities into actualized reality, the latter of which again serves as the source of the further future possibilities.
(11) This reply to John F Catherwood's criticism of brain-related criteria for death argues that brainstem criteria are neither reductionist nor do they presuppose a materialist theory of mind.
(12) "I was very materialistic – it was all about having stuff and buying labels.
(13) Because Freud philosophically was committed to a materialistic, nonteleological, biologically based theory, he carried over into the new formulations some of the metapsychological assumptions of the earlier theory.
(14) "Zeitgeist" has been since the french revolution and still is agnostic, secularized and materialistic--also in the scholastic medical sciences: Presence and action of gods supernatural forces in all nature, including disease processes and healing has not been and is not recognized.
(15) Since then, while some mainstream rap has veered to the materialistic and misogynistic, there have always been successful rappers who have rallied against the vapid.
(16) Based on the premise of curing physical disease, the physician's approach to the patient is materialistic, activistic, and benevolently authoritarian.
(17) In this historical materialist analysis of health and medical care, health is defined as a component of labor-power (capacity to work).
(18) They (diviners) are believed to have become unduly materialistic and prone to dubious activities.
(19) But if in that period they became less materialistic, they became happier.
(20) Iain broke out of that dichotomy with all the panache of the spaceship exploding from inside another spaceship on the cover of Consider Phlebas, the first of his SF novels to be published, by writing of an expansive, optimistic possible future rooted in the same materialist and evolutionary view of life that had in the past been seen only as a dark background to cosmically futile strivings.
(a.) Of or pertaining to philosophy; versed in, or imbued with, the principles of philosophy; hence, characterizing a philosopher; rational; wise; temperate; calm; cool.
Example Sentences:
(1) Historical analysis shows that institutions and special education services spring from common, although not identical, societal and philosophical forces.
(2) The philosopher defended his actions by referring to Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic violence, naturally enough, but it didn't wash with HR.
(3) This ongoing argument is less about the players and more of a philosophical debate about two approaches to basketball.
(4) Jason Kreis and the unremarkable success of Real Salt Lake Read more Kreis had built a serial playoff team in Salt Lake by defining a philosophical approach to the churning personnel turnover that the league’s roster-building restrictions tend to dictate.
(5) Philosophers in the clinical setting do not make decisions.
(6) Eamonn Murphy, 66, a former brewery worker, was philosophical about the security.
(7) It is the practical and changing character of medicine and its language that frustrates the efforts of philosophers to formulate such definitions.
(8) Speaking in Athens last November, the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben discussed an epochal transformation in the idea of government, "whereby the traditional hierarchical relation between causes and effects is inverted, so that, instead of governing the causes – a difficult and expensive undertaking – governments simply try to govern the effects".
(9) The government must act, it is often said, but philosophically it likes to see if matters resolve themselves.
(10) The youngsters who identified with her when they saw her in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone in 2001 can feel that she has yet to let them down, nearly 16 years later.
(11) · Jacques (Jackie) Derrida, philosopher, born July 15 1930; died October 8 2004
(12) Five items involved beliefs about exotic phenomena or philosophical ideas.
(13) He has hidden behind the most extraordinary Keynesian interventions of the Bank of England, never admitting the scale of the philosophic shift and then claimed victory.
(14) This article explores the concepts of power and knowledge from two philosophical perspectives, the feminist and the poststructuralist, and examines their application to nursing knowledge and nursing science.
(15) Even more pointedly, he attacked the common Republican philosophical refuge of the doctrine of unintended consequences, or, as he put it, “We can’t do anything because we don’t yet know everything.” “The bullshitters have gotten pretty lazy,” he said, and the previous six hours of debate coverage on Fox News could have told you as much.
(16) Gillon outlines the principles of the deontological, or duty-based, group of moral theories in one of a series of British Medical Journal articles on the philosophical foundations of medical ethics.
(17) This tendency to blame the victim appears to transcend fundamental philosophic differences which have traditionally distinguished some collectivist and individualist societies.
(18) This is true also of the teaching of many moral philosophers, e.g.
(19) A philosophical framework that is likely to be congruent with psychiatric nursing, which is based on the nature of human beings, health, psychiatric nursing and reality, is identified.
(20) Not only doctors and prison officials took part in this meeting but also general practitioners, theologians, philosophers, ex-prisoners, judges, lawyers, Members of Parliament and Senators.