What's the difference between mature and serious?



  • (superl.) Brought by natural process to completeness of growth and development; fitted by growth and development for any function, action, or state, appropriate to its kind; full-grown; ripe.
  • (superl.) Completely worked out; fully digested or prepared; ready for action; made ready for destined application or use; perfected; as, a mature plan.
  • (superl.) Of or pertaining to a condition of full development; as, a man of mature years.
  • (superl.) Come to, or in a state of, completed suppuration.
  • (v. t.) To bring or hasten to maturity; to promote ripeness in; to ripen; to complete; as, to mature one's plans.
  • (v. i.) To advance toward maturity; to become ripe; as, wine matures by age; the judgment matures by age and experience.
  • (v. i.) Hence, to become due, as a note.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Since 1987, it has become possible to obtain immature ova from the living animal and to let them mature, fertilize and develop into embryos capable of transplantation outside the body.
  • (2) These cells contained organelles characteristic of the maturation stage ameloblast and often extended to the enamel surface, suggesting a possible origin from the ameloblast layer.
  • (3) Since the advance and return of sperm inside the tubes could facilitate the interaction of sperm with secretions participating in its maturation, the persistent infertility after vasectomy could be related to the contractile alteration that follows the excessive tubal distention.
  • (4) This experimental system allows separation of three B lymphocyte developmental stages: early differentiation in vitro, progression to IgM secretion in vivo, and late differentiation dependent upon mature T lymphocytes in vivo.
  • (5) Two fully matured specimens were collected from the blood vessel of two fish, Theragra chalcogramma, which was bought at the Emun market of Seoul in May, 1985.
  • (6) [5alpha-(3)H]5alpha-Androst-16-en-3-one (5alpha-androstenone) was infused at a constant rate for 180min into the spermatic artery of a sexually mature boar.
  • (7) Synapse loss was accentuated, however, within immature and mature plaques.
  • (8) Hormonal interactions play a determining role in pulmonary maturation.
  • (9) In the mature neutrophil, the number of binding sites for WEM-G11 were found to be about 20,000 per cell.
  • (10) In addition, transitional macrophages with both positive granules and positive RER, nuclear envelope, negative Golgi apparatus (as in exudate- resident macrophages in vivo), and mature macrophages with peroxidatic activity only in the RER and nuclear envelope (as in resident macrophages in vivo) were found.
  • (11) Plasma membranes were obtained from a homogeneous population of rabbit red blood cells at different maturation periods.
  • (12) The nature, intracellular distribution, and role of proteins synthesized during meiotic maturation of mouse oocytes in vitro have been examined.
  • (13) Between the 24th and 29th day mature daughter sporocysts with fully developed cercariae ready to emerge, or already emerged, could be seen in the digestive gland of the snail.
  • (14) The objective of this study was to examine the effects of different culture media used for maturation of bovine oocytes on in vitro embryo development following in vitro fertilization.
  • (15) Special conditions apply for the scoring of a first and a last bone stage in a sequence, which will introduce less bias in the estimation of individual skeletal maturity with the MAT-method than with the TW-method.
  • (16) Furthermore, the expression of the 'mature' markers was found to be correlated with the phagocytic capacity of the cells.
  • (17) Implantation is dependent on embryonic age and is independent of endometrial maturation within this window.
  • (18) After isolation of the complex IV only gpFII and tails are required for mature phage formation in vitro.
  • (19) In males, the percentage of animals having mucous cells increased with sexual maturation and attained 100 per cent at age six months.
  • (20) In late-passage and cloned HUT102 cells, an increase in HTLV production was concordant with a decrease in constitutive interferon production and the loss of mature T lymphocyte antigens.



  • (a.) Grave in manner or disposition; earnest; thoughtful; solemn; not light, gay, or volatile.
  • (a.) Really intending what is said; being in earnest; not jesting or deceiving.
  • (a.) Important; weighty; not trifling; grave.
  • (a.) Hence, giving rise to apprehension; attended with danger; as, a serious injury.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This should not be a serious limitation to the application of the RIA in the detection of venous thrombosis.
  • (2) But the wounding charge in 2010 has become Brown's creation of a structural hole in the budget, more serious than the cyclical hit which the recession made in tax receipts, at least 4% of GDP.
  • (3) "There is a serious risk that a deal will be agreed between rich countries and tax havens that would leave poor countries out in the cold.
  • (4) Confidence is the major prerequisite for a doctor to be able to help his seriously ill patient.
  • (5) No report can be taken seriously if its authors weren’t even in Yemen to conduct investigations.” The UN team was not given permission to enter the country.
  • (6) The decline in the frequency of serious complications was primarily due to a decrease in the proportion of patients with open fractures treated with plate osteosynthesis from nearly 50% to 19%.
  • (7) Vancomycin is the antibiotic of choice for serious MRSA infections; PRPs and cephalosporins generally are not effective.
  • (8) An age- and education-matched group of women with no family history of FXS was asked to predict the seriousness of problems they might encounter were they to bear a child with a handicapping condition.
  • (9) The most serious complications following operative treatment are retained bile duct calculi (2.8%), wound infection and biliary fistulae.
  • (10) Guardian Australia reported last week that morale at the national laboratory had fallen dramatically, with one in three staff “seriously considering” leaving their jobs in the wake of the cuts.
  • (11) In case of biliary and pancreatic duct obstruction with pure pancreatic reflux, both oedema and inflammatory infiltrations were evident, whereas, in the presence of biliary reflux too, more serious histological features were detected.
  • (12) Autopsy revealed serious somatic diseases (stenosis of the ileum in two cases and brain tumor in one); their symptoms had been largely overlapped by those of anorexia nervosa.
  • (13) The above treatment is tolerated well and no serious side effects have been observed.
  • (14) This observation seriously challenges the hypothesis that SCE cancellation results as a consequence of persistence of the lesions induced by these agents.
  • (15) Earlier recognition of foul-smelling mucoid discharge on the IUD tail, or abnormal bleeding, or both, as a sign of early pelvic infection, followed by removal of the IUD and institution of appropriate antibiotic therapy, might prevent the more serious sequelae of pelvic inflammation.
  • (16) Left ventricular rupture is a serious complication of mitral valve replacement.
  • (17) Other serious complications were reservoir perforation during catheterisation in 3 and development of stones in the reservoir in 2 patients.
  • (18) For application to mammalian cells, however, two serious problems require resolution: (1), correction of TPP+ binding to intracellular constituents and (2), estimation of the considerable TPP+ accumulation in mitochondria.
  • (19) At least 1 episode of serious infection occurred in 34 of the 60 adult patients and 25 of the 30 children.
  • (20) These high Danish rates seem to reflect the true prevalence and incidence in the less serious types of progressive muscular dystrophy, probably because the Danish health system with free medical care and easy access to specialized hospital departments makes it possible to identify all cases of progressive muscular dystrophy.

Words possibly related to "mature"