What's the difference between meddlesome and pragmatical?
(a.) Given to meddling; apt to interpose in the affairs of others; officiously intrusive.
Example Sentences:
(1) Then I was seen as someone who, when she was in power, didn’t want anything to do with them.” She was portrayed as meddlesome and pushy, with an undue influence on both Hollande’s policies and his wardrobe.
(2) What worries me is that all this meddlesome injunctioneering could soon threaten the fabric of reason itself, causing a black hole of logic that sucks everything in the universe through to neverwhere.
(3) In a memorable exchange, Senator Angus King of Maine asked: “When a president of the United States in the Oval Office says something like ‘I hope’ or ‘I suggest’ or ‘would you,’ do you take that as a directive?” Comey replied: “Yes, it rings in my ear as kind of, ‘Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?’” – a reference to King Henry’s II’s kiss of death to Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Becket.
(4) Professionals, unionised workers and meddlesome politicians need to stand aside and allow the system to become rational, transaction-oriented and incentivised.
(5) Their fathers tended to be away from home, and mothers were conspicuously overprotective and meddlesome.
(6) Even when David Cameron swore he would not introduce "any more meddlesome top-down restructuring" he pushed through another.
(7) He dumped Every Child Matters: it was, he noted in February 2012, "meddlesome".
(8) No one could be accused of "meddlesome" intervention in the life of Daniel Pelka.
(9) The size of the hammer taken to Defra revealed more about the government’s approach than simply its antipathy to the meddlesome pursuit of environmental protection.
(10) 1 example of "meddlesome medicine" is the widespread use of "therapeutic abortion."
(11) While this sort of front office juggling and decision-making waffling isn't entirely uncommon and not really too newsworthy, Sports Illustrated's Chris Mannix reported details that made Pera's recent behavior as being less meddlesome and more just flat out eccentric : • Pera wanted more influence in deciding the playing time for certain players, particularly fourth-year power forward Ed Davis.
(12) Simon Callow stars as Godfrey, the mischievously meddlesome narrator, while Enfield plays a sinister creep who seduces grieving widows, via tip-offs from a corrupt undertaker, in order to steal their life's savings.
(13) Minor surgery is usually meddlesome and often followed by local recurrence which is hard to control.
(14) At 64 years of age, the lazy and meddlesome Cloquet stopped operating and writing.
(15) Laparotomy is unnecessary and potentially meddlesome.
(16) It's a useful reminder, if one were needed, that there's no technique too mendacious, too meddlesome or too unpleasant for people who think other woman's reproductive organs are de facto their business.
(a.) Of or pertaining to business or to affairs; of the nature of business; practical; material; businesslike in habit or manner.
(a.) Busy; specifically, busy in an objectionable way; officious; fussy and positive; meddlesome.
(a.) Philosophical; dealing with causes, reasons, and effects, rather than with details and circumstances; -- said of literature.
Example Sentences:
(1) This method seems the best way to evaluate the respective interactions of intonation with syntax and pragmatics.
(2) Although this operational classification does not produce etiologically homogeneous groups, it is believed to have pragmatic utility with respect to planning targeted surveillance and management strategies.
(3) The tasks which appeared to present the most difficulties for the patients were written spelling, pragmatic processing tasks like sentence disambiguation and proverb interpretation.
(4) By its pragmatic conception, modifications obtained by psychoactive agents are used (antidepressants of the group imipramine and IMAO, classical benzodiazepines and alprazolam, provocation controlled in laboratory) in order to strengthen innovating hypotheses and allow to elaborate useful treatment strategies for neuroses.
(5) The US defence industry needs pragmatic engagement, not principles.
(6) The focus of both studies was on children in their second year of life learning verbs in various pragmatic contexts.
(7) Sceptics said the US protections for journalists would make such a prosecution difficult and also cited pragmatic issues, such as the difficulty of extraditing Assange, an Australian.
(8) Trading decisions should be pragmatic, but they're not, especially when you're trying to recoup losses like he was."
(9) Writing on his blog for the Daily Telegraph , the former Conservative chairman said he would be voting Tory in Suffolk for pragmatic reasons to ensure his council did not fall into Labour, Lib Dem of Green hands.
(10) Abdella, now 19, illustrates the constrained choices and warped pragmatism that many here face.
(11) People are more pragmatic now than they were in the 1990s.
(12) This new breed of practitioner will be made up of persons who, for economic and pragmatic reasons, are concerned with accountability and who use single-subject designs to achieve it (Barlow et al., 1984).
(13) Following the announcement that Sky had been awarded the live TV rights to the Open and in light of financial developments since, the choice to amend the current contract from next year was a pragmatic one,” she said in a blog on the BBC website .
(14) "It's not about subjection or colonialism or dry pragmatism.
(15) I regret very much it’s come to this.” But Di Natale characterised the deal as reflective of his pragmatic leadership style.
(16) We will look at everything and we will take a view and it will be a pragmatic approach."
(17) The influence of social context on pragmatic skills of adults with mild to moderate mental retardation was examined.
(18) Another theory posits a split within the Kremlin elite over what to do about the problem of Navalny between the siloviki – Russia's powerful securocrats – and a more pragmatic group of political strategists who argue that the policy of prosecuting President Putin 's opponents, including dead ones such as Sergei Magnitsky , is a bad one.
(19) Mujica remains popular, but presidents cannot serve consecutive terms: the next election, on 26 October, will nevertheless represent a referendum on his pragmatic leftwing government.
(20) Quique Sánchez Flores, the fighter who prefers pragmatism to artistry at Watford Read more Flores is not a man to be discouraged easily and, having hung up his boots in 1997, the right-back – who was part of the Spain squad at the 1990 World Cup – finally lived the dream.