What's the difference between melody and rhythm?



  • (n.) A sweet or agreeable succession of sounds.
  • (n.) A rhythmical succession of single tones, ranging for the most part within a given key, and so related together as to form a musical whole, having the unity of what is technically called a musical thought, at once pleasing to the ear and characteristic in expression.
  • (n.) The air or tune of a musical piece.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Moments later, Strauss introduces the bold human character with an energetic, upwards melody which he titles "the climb" in the score.
  • (2) There’s an interesting thing with music like this, how the beat falls with the melody; they often say music is mathematical in construction and this is a very good example.
  • (3) A psychophysical scaling procedure confirmed that the constraints generated tone sequences bearing degrees of perceptual similarity to "real" melodies.
  • (4) A model of how people use this information to infer the metre of unaccompanied melodies is described here.
  • (5) Young children also are sensitive to melodic contour over transformations that preserve it (Study 5), yet they distinguish spontaneously between melodies with the same contour and different intervals (Study 4).
  • (6) We also know little about the relative aptitude for different musical components, especially melody and harmony.
  • (7) He presented a right-ear extinction in dichotic tasks, as well as difficulties in understanding and repeating verbal material and impaired identification of melodies.
  • (8) But the album for which she is being rightly acclaimed, 50 Words for Snow, as well as cleverly weaving together some hauntingly beautiful melodies with a characteristically surrealist narrative, also perpetuates a widely held myth about the semantic capaciousness of the Inuit language.
  • (9) The fact that "different" responses were both faster than "same" ones and quicker than melody offset indicates the use of a self-terminating search process.
  • (10) Particular tones were shifted in sequence such that a melody was heard which was undetectable by either ear alone.
  • (11) Children 4 to 6 years of age were exposed to repetitions of a six-tone melody, then tested for their detection of transformations that either preserved or changed the contour of the standard melody.
  • (12) The key distance effect reported in the literature did not occur in the tasks of this investigation (Studies 1 and 3), and it may be apparent only for melodies shorter or more impoverished than those used here.
  • (13) All subjects had high DAF indices on the complex melody, middle on the medium and low on the simple.
  • (14) Other melody variables are either fixed, randomized, or controlled.
  • (15) Another one is Melodies From Mars, which I redid about three years ago.
  • (16) Melody processing in unilaterally brain-damaged patients was investigated by manipulating the availability of contour and metre for discrimination in melodies varying, respectively, on the pitch dimension and the temporal dimension.
  • (17) In the first experiment, two opposite hypotheses were tested: The slow shifts might express subjects' acquaintance with the melodies or, on the contrary, the effort invested to identify them.
  • (18) Melodic themes of target melodies were defined by correlating contour-related pitch accents with temporal accents (accent coupling) during an initial familiarization phase.
  • (19) The present findings indicate that interpretation of a melody depends, in large part, on the characteristics of the "tonal" rules.
  • (20) In Experiment 1, all to-be-recognized melodies occurred both in an original rhythm, which preserved accent coupling, and in a new rhythm, which did not.



  • (n.) In the widest sense, a dividing into short portions by a regular succession of motions, impulses, sounds, accents, etc., producing an agreeable effect, as in music poetry, the dance, or the like.
  • (n.) Movement in musical time, with periodical recurrence of accent; the measured beat or pulse which marks the character and expression of the music; symmetry of movement and accent.
  • (n.) A division of lines into short portions by a regular succession of arses and theses, or percussions and remissions of voice on words or syllables.
  • (n.) The harmonious flow of vocal sounds.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Thirty-two patients (10 male, 22 female; age 37-82 years) undergoing maintenance haemodialysis or haemofiltration were studied by means of Holter device capable of simultaneously analysing rhythm and ST-changes in three leads.
  • (2) Similar to intact crayfish, animals with an isolated protocerebrum-eyestalk complex, exhibit competent circadian rhythms in the electroretinogram (ERG).
  • (3) Hypercalcitoninemia was the most pronounced in patients with cardiac rhythm disorders and a simultaneous reduction in total serum calcium.
  • (4) Electromechanic dissociation, sinus bradycardia, nodal rhythm followed by idioventricular rhythm and asystole, were observed following myocardial rupture.
  • (5) This quantitative characterization of the properties of conduction and refractoriness of both the accessory pathway and ventriculoatrial conduction system and the relation between these characteristics and the accessory pathway location in ART patients provides additional insight into the prerequisites for the initiation and maintenance of this rhythm disturbance.
  • (6) The recorded APs were further subdivided into those exhibiting consistent antegrade conduction during sinus rhythm (overt APs: 50 left APs, eight right APs), those exhibiting intermittent antegrade conduction (intermittent APs: six left APs, two right APs), and those exhibiting only retrograde conduction (concealed APs: 33 left APs, two right APs).
  • (7) The interobserver variability of these indices is low (r greater than 0.96); reproducibility is good in patients with sinus rhythm but mediocre in atrial fibrillation.
  • (8) Mus norvegicus albicus, by interrupting a free-running rhythm with light signals of short duration.
  • (9) The sensitivity of the Limulus lateral eye exhibits a pronounced circadian rhythm.
  • (10) Moreover, complete absence of rhythm disturbances right up to the beginning of cardiac arrest was as frequent in the patient groups as in the control series (around 20%).
  • (11) If VF persisted or if countershock resulted in asystole or a nonperfusing rhythm (electrical-mechanical dissociation [EMD]), the alternate drug (naloxone or epinephrine) was then given.
  • (12) In 33 patients with heart failure (NYHA II-III), the 24-h blood pressure rhythm was examined before and after the titration period of two ACE inhibitors.
  • (13) Depending on the preestablished rules, the model gave rise to various rhythm patterns that were similar to those recorded in patients with sinoatrial arrhythmias.
  • (14) These observations indicated a novel mechanism that in the absence of light-dark schedule, mothers taught the circadian rhythm to the pups as they raised them.
  • (15) In considering nutrition and circadian rhythms, time-of-eating behavior is an inherited, genetically controlled pattern that can be phase-shifted by conditioning or training.
  • (16) In 6 patients electrograms were recorded after sinus rhythm was reestablished, and all showed marked decreases or disappearance of fragmentation.
  • (17) It was observed that the circadian rhythm was disrupted by injections of lithium at the beginning of the light as well as the dark phase of the LD cycle.
  • (18) To evaluate interatrial septal motion throughout the cardiac cycle, echocardiograms of the septum were obtained by esophageal echocardiography simultaneously with left and right atrial pressures using Millar's micromanometers in nine subjects with sinus rhythm.
  • (19) The circadian rhythm of PS disappeared while that of SWS persisted unchanged.
  • (20) Time-qualified data series were analysed by means of chronobiological procedures in order to validate the circadian rhythm and to correlate the sinusoidal profiles.

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