What's the difference between mental and tranquil?



  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the chin; genian; as, the mental nerve; the mental region.
  • (n.) A plate or scale covering the mentum or chin of a fish or reptile.
  • (a.) Of or pertaining to the mind; intellectual; as, mental faculties; mental operations, conditions, or exercise.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Low birth weight, short stature, and mental retardation were common features in the four known patients with r(8).
  • (2) It ignores the reduction in the wider, non-NHS cost of adult mental illness such as benefit payments and forgone tax, calculated by the LSE report as £28bn a year.
  • (3) The cyclical nature of pyromania has parallels in cycles of reform in standards of civil commitment (Livermore, Malmquist & Meehl, 1958; Dershowitz, 1974), in the use of physical therapies and medications (Tourney, 1967; Mora, 1974), in treatment of the chronically mentally ill (Deutsch, 1949; Morrissey & Goldman, 1984), and in institutional practices (Treffert, 1967; Morrissey, Goldman & Klerman (1980).
  • (4) Instead of later renal failure and, of course, mental retardation, it was the histological features of the fetus eyes which permit to diagnose and exhibit both congenital cataract and irido-corneal angle dysgenesis.
  • (5) What constitutes a "mental disorder" for purposes of the insanity defense?
  • (6) The physicians did diagnose and treat a number of patients with mental symptoms who were not identified by the DIS.
  • (7) This paper describes the demographic, clinical, and psychosocial characteristics of a sample of chronically mentally ill clients at a large comprehensive community mental health center.
  • (8) Existing mental health and criminal justice systems provide social control for some of these dangerous individuals, but may be inadequate to deal with those mentally disordered offenders who were not found not guilty by reason of insanity (NGI).
  • (9) This new way of thinking is reflected in the 1992 AAMR definition of what mental retardation is (Luckasson et al., 1992).
  • (10) Changing conditions call for each Community Mental Health Center (CMHC) to develop a survival strategy based on its own standards and values.
  • (11) Greater knowledge about these disorders and closer working relationships with mental health specialists should lead to decreased morbidity and mortality.
  • (12) A 4-year prospective study was carried out on 53 chronically mentally ill patients living in a differentiated complementary residential complex.
  • (13) Governmental officials as well as medical scientists in Taiwan have worked hard in recent years to develop and to implement various measures, such as prenatal diagnosis and neonatal screening, to lower the incidence of hereditary diseases and mental retardation in the population.
  • (14) The author describes the utilization review process, utilization patterns, and service cost of the Mental Health Service of the Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York (HIP).
  • (15) The Global Assessment Scale was used by multiple clinicians to rate 108 chronically mentally ill outpatients for 18 months.
  • (16) In order to map the mental state in the early puerperium the authors gave to a group of 100 women for five days after delivery Lüscher's colour test.
  • (17) In an exceptionally rare turn, the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles, a panel appointed by the governor that is almost always hardline on executions, recommended that his death sentence be commuted to life in prison because of his mental illness.
  • (18) The attitude towards drug trials was negative in 79% of the personnel, in contrast to 71% positive in three Swedish mental hospitals.
  • (19) Care for black and minority ethnic communities is seen as a "major faultline in mental health".
  • (20) What we see from those opposite and we see in this chamber every day is the 'born to rule mentality' of those opposite.



  • (a.) Quiet; calm; undisturbed; peaceful; not agitated; as, the atmosphere is tranquil; the condition of the country is tranquil.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) The pharmacological examination showed that the new compounds are deprived of the hypnotic activity characteristic for 3,3'-spirobi-5-methyltetrahydrofuranone-2 (2) and behaved in most tests as tranquillizers.
  • (2) The magnitude of enzyme activation by DZM and CDP appear to correlate with their relative potency of tranquilizing effect.
  • (3) The recognition that all minor tranquillizers carry the risk of dependence has had a significant impact in their prescription over the years.
  • (4) Contrary to other studies, central nervous system stimulants are not the most widely prescribed psychoactive drugs in childhood and adolescence, but rather, minor tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics are the most widely prescribed psychoactive drugs.
  • (5) It is important to maintain a perspective of dependence on minor tranquillizers, particularly as attitudes are in danger of being distorted by excessive media attention.
  • (6) Therefore it is not surprising that drugs - notably the barbiturates and more recently the benzodiazepines (tranquilizers) - have been prescribed to give to the brain that peace of mind that it seeks.
  • (7) The use of major tranquilizers also decreased significantly (-23%) on Gotland.
  • (8) The only individual factor independently associated with use of minor tranquilizers was mental health status.
  • (9) In the rural tranquillity of Jamaica, people routinely reach the high 90s and a great many make 100.
  • (10) The authors propose a differential approach to the treatment of the identified disorders including the use of tranquilizers, antidepressants, neuroleptics and nootropic drugs, as well as methods of rational psychotherapy.
  • (11) To determine the effect of relaxation training on the frequency of intake of pro re nata medication for relief of tension and to compare the difference between live and taped instructions of this training 60 patients on PRN minor tranquilizers and sedatives in one nursing unit were studied.
  • (12) LH may be decreased subsequent to treatment with oral contraceptives or phenothiazine tranquilizers and in a few other conditions.
  • (13) When relating the results to comparable research on the effects of alcohol, tranquilizers and stimulants, it is concluded that with Neoston in the relatively high dosage as used here, no real detrimental effects on traffic safety are to be expected.
  • (14) A good agreement was established between the anxiolytic (tranquilizing) effect of phenazepam after administration to rats per os and the rate of its supply to the systemic blood flow.
  • (15) They made the hypothesis that if a tranquillizing drug were administered the operative level of neuroticism would be decreased, and as a consequence the level of susceptibility of neurotic extraverts would be raised, and that of neurotic introverts lowered.
  • (16) Beta-blockers reduced HR increases due to mental stress, whereas the minor tranquilizer reduced skin conductance level throughout the whole trial.
  • (17) In our hands it has been used to reverse the adverse central effects of tranquilizers, antihistamines and belladonna alkaloids.
  • (18) The modulators are the wellknown drugs: diazepam which is a facilitator of some of the GABA receptors, and used clinically for its tranquilizing, anxiolytic, sedative-hypnotic and anti-convulsant properties; sodium valproate which is known to enhance the GABA synapse function, and used clinically for its anti-convulsant property; haloperidol which is a dopaminergic receptor (D2) blocker, and clinically used for its anti-psychotic property; cyproheptadine which is both anti-histaminic and anti-serotonergic (blocks 5-HT2 receptor), used clinically for its antihistaminic and other beneficial properties; and hydrocortisone which is the stress-resisting glucocorticoid having direct effects on both brain and body cells, used clinically for the wide-ranging glucocorticoid therapeutic effects.
  • (19) An analysis has been made of individual purchases of hypnotics, sedatives and minor tranquilizers made during 1973 by patients who had bought such drugs either only once (group S, n= 417) or regularly (group R, n=76) during a 16-month period five years earlier from pharmacies in the town of Ostersund, county of Jmtland, Sweden.
  • (20) Increased risk for glioma was associated with rural residence, history of a positive tuberculosis skin test and consumption of pork products; increased meningioma risk was associated with a positive reaction to a tuberculosis skin test, previous stroke, use of tranquillizers and a vegetarian life-style in childhood.