(n.) Epithelial mesoderm; a layer of cuboidal epithelium cells, formed from a portion of the mesoderm during the differetiation of the germ layers. It constitutes the boundary of the c/lum.
Example Sentences:
(1) Recognition of this deficiency in our knowledge spurred a belated explosion of research that began with an exploration of the fine structure of the mesothelium.
(2) A case of mucous metaplasia of mesothelium in an 80 year old woman is described.
(3) The other main sites of expression are the genital ridge, fetal gonad and mesothelium.
(4) We have previously shown that progesterone receptor (PR) is expressed in the mesothelium of the chick oviduct and ovary and in the smooth muscle cells of the oviduct and the bursa of Fabricius.
(5) We now describe, for the first time, that cells morphologically similar to uterine decidual cells found beneath the peritoneal mesothelium in inguinal hernia and in the cervical mucosa during normal pregnancy and in the mesenchymal tissue of the Fallopian tubes and ovaries at term react with the monoclonal antibody for IGFBP-1 equally to endometrial decidual cells.
(6) Adenomatoid change or squamous metaplasia of the mesothelium occurs in one-third of cases.
(7) Animals had poor early weight gain, and gross necropsy examination revealed intestinal adhesions and a mesothelium that was sclerotically thickened.
(8) They arise from the tissues of the broad ligament, predominantly from mesothelium covering the peritoneum but also from paramesonephric and mesonephric remnants.
(9) The mesothelium is a target of the toxic and carcinogenic effects of asbestos fibers.
(10) The first mesothelial mitoses appeared: in the first series (I) of experiments - in 24 h, in the second series (II) of experiments - 21 h. Further, proliferation of the mesothelium appeared in different parts of the tissue with various intencity and was of wavy character.
(11) Peritoneal mesothelium was exposed for 2-60 min to solutions of horseradish peroxidase by incubation in vitro, or after intraperitoneal injection in vivo.
(12) Rat pleural mesothelium was studied 16 to 22 months after intrapleural inoculation of chrysotile-asbestos.
(13) In the present study, immunohistochemical analysis of normal rabbit, dog, and monkey tissues using monoclonal antibody OC125, revealed that in these animals positive staining for CA125 is found in all tissues that produce this mucin-like glycoprotein in man, i.e., the peritoneal and pleural mesothelium, the different Müllerian-duct-derived epithelia of the female genital tract, and the epithelium of trachea, bronchi, bronchioli, and mucoserous respiratory glands; CA125 was also detected in some ductal and acinar cells of the dog mammary gland.
(14) The study of the morphologic features of mesothelial cells in effusions in experimental asbestos-induced mesotheliomas may contribute to the understanding of the neoplastic transformation of the mesothelium.
(15) 3) Between 9 and 12 days of age U-shaped folds of the bursal mesothelium began to invade the connective tissue of the bursa.
(16) In the absence of a primary tumor elsewhere, we considered this tumor to be primary in the spleen, and it was presumed that the tumor arose either from invaginated capsular mesothelium of the spleen or from heterotopic pancreatic or enteric tissue within the spleen.
(17) Keratin 7 was found to occur in the columnar and glandular epithelium of the lung, cervix, breast, in bile ducts, collecting ducts in the kidney and in mesothelium, but to be absent from gastrointestinal epithelium, hepatocytes, proximal and distal tubules of the kidney and myoepithelium.
(18) When studying total pleural mesothelium films in rats after intrapleural injection of chrysotile the pathological regeneration of the mesothelium is observed.
(19) The fetal tracheal and bronchial epithelium, tracheal glands, and pleural mesothelium were positive for CA 125.
(20) These results indicate that B. fragilis adheres to rat peritoneal mesothelium better than unencapsulated species and suggests that the capsular polysaccharide of B. fragilis plays some role in this increased adherence.
() Covered with, or consisting of, scales; resembling a scale; scaly; as, the squamose cones of the pine; squamous epithelial cells; the squamous portion of the temporal bone, which is so called from a fancied resemblance to a scale.
() Of or pertaining to the squamosal bone; squamosal.
Example Sentences:
(1) This study was undertaken to determine whether the survival of Hispanic patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck was different from that of Anglo-American patients.
(2) There is, however, conflicting evidence as to whether squamous cell NPCs are also EBV-associated.
(3) Histological and electron-microscopic study of the lungs of 15 patients who had been treated with bleomycin for advanced squamous cell carcinoma demonstrated marked histological changes in nine.
(4) Light microscopy of both apneics and snorers revealed mucous gland hypertrophy with ductal dilation and focal squamous metaplasia, disruption of muscle bundles by infiltrating mucous glands, focal atrophy of muscle fibers, and extensive edema of the lamina propria with vascular dilation.
(5) The flow cytometric measured DNA content (i.e., DNA index), S-fractions, and histopathologic malignancy grades were studied for ninety uterine cervical squamous cell carcinomas using tissue biopsies taken prior to radiotherapy.
(6) Expression of p185neu was found in all histological subtypes of non-small cell carcinomas including large cell carcinomas, squamous cell carcinomas, and adenocarcinomas.
(7) Using a silver staining technique (AgNOR technique), we have investigated the nucleolar organizer-associated proteins (NORs) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded conjunctival specimens of 15 intraepithelial squamous carcinomas, 10 hyperplastic-dysplastic samples and 10 control epithelial fragments; the mean number of intranuclear black dots was determined for each case.
(8) Because of its potential significance in human lung cancer, we investigated the expression of the CYP1A1 structural gene in 24 established human lung cancer cell lines including 15 non-small cell (eight adenocarcinomas, three large cell undifferentiated carcinomas, two bronchioloalveolar cell carcinomas, and two squamous cell carcinomas) and nine small cell lung carcinomas.
(9) The type I cells are squamous and give off attenuated sheets of cytoplasm which spread widely over the septal surface; these sheets contain few organelles.
(10) Histologically, all 17 lesions were squamous cell carcinomas; 10 lesions being mucosal carcinomas, the remaining 7 lesions mucosal carcinomas spreading beyond the epithelial layer.
(11) In malignant tumors, 41 cases were lung cancers, 24 of which were squamous cell carcinomas.
(12) Results of the present study show that epithelial cells of ciliated columnar type covering vocal cords change remarkably to nonciliated squamous cells between prenatal and postnatal stages.
(13) Histologic analysis revealed typical changes of verruca vulgaris and, from several sites, a transformation toward squamous cell carcinoma.
(14) Superficial x-ray therapy is an excellent modality for the treatment of squamous cell carcinomas of the lower extremity in the elderly.
(15) It is a pluri-stratified squamous layer which has some epithelial features (desmosomes and tonofilaments), and lacks connective tissue fibers in the extracellular spaces.
(16) In this study, the surgical management of 82 patients with vulvar squamous cell carcinoma was reviewed in order to assess morbidity and risk of recurrence.
(17) We have reported the first case in the English literature in which there is a strong association between long-term immunosuppressive therapy and squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
(18) These results suggest that 5-FU sensitivity of cervical adenocarcinoma cell line (OMC-4) is lower than that of cervical squamous carcinoma cell line (OMC-1) and it may owe much not to the TS inhibition rate but to the intracellular FdUMP.
(19) A monoclonal antibody specific for columnar epithelium (RGE 53) gave a positive reaction in endocervical columnar cells and in some immature metaplastic cells but was negative in subcolumnar reserve cells, squamous (metaplastic) cells, dysplastic cells, and most cases of carcinoma in situ.
(20) No guidelines for the margin of resection of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma have been based on data measuring subclinical tumor extension, as have been formulated for basal cell carcinoma.