(1) Most anti-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) antibodies in myasthenia gravis are directed against an immunodominant epitope or epitopes [main immunogenic region (MIR)] on the AChR alpha-subunit.
(2) The data challenge the concept that a MIR of the AChR is the principal stimulus for antibody production in MG and emphasize a potential pitfall in assuming seronegativity in MG on the basis of a single assay system.
(3) The likelihood of performing a surgical procedure in space will increase as the Soviet Mir space station is expanded and the Space Station Freedom becomes operational.
(4) Mir M7 is a spontaneous morphologically conditional mutant of Klebsiella pneumoniae which grows as round cells (cocci) at pH 7 and as normal rods at pH 5.8.
(5) The beta-subunits of insulin receptor in CHO, CIR-0, Monr-31, and MIR-2 were similarly phosphorylated.
(6) Amino acid composition was qualitatively similar in both strains, but Mir M7 cocci contained a higher amount of alanine and glucosamine.
(7) Eldar Mustafayev, a former Turkish Airlines representative who returned to farming when his employer left Crimea after the referendum, said the canal bringing drinking and irrigation water from Ukraine's Dnieper river into Crimea was dry near their village of Novy Mir.
(8) The mAb inhibition was not explainable by epitope competition because (1) the mAb was reactive with both Torpedo and human AChR, but antibodies in 85 of the MG sera did not bind to Torpedo AChR, and (2) the mAb blocked binding of rat anti-peptide antibodies to an alpha subunit region of the human AChR unrelated antigenically to the designated MIR region.
(9) This suggest that the majority of the human MG antibodies are also directed against the MIR.
(10) The three-dimensional and clavulanate double-disk potentiation tests were compared as procedures for the detection of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production in 32 strains of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, 31 of which produced TEM-1, TEM-2, TEM-3, TEM-4, TEM-5, TEM-7, TEM-8, TEM-9, TEM-10, TEM-12, TEM-101, SHV-1, SHV-2, SHV-3, SHV-4, SHV-5, CAZ-2, MIR-1, or an unidentified extended-spectrum beta-lactamase with a pI of 5.95, with some strains producing multiple beta-lactamases.
(11) Mir Ali is a hotbed of al-Qaida and Taliban militancy that has borne the brunt of a sharp escalation in US attacks this year.
(12) Two-dimensional NMR experiments [correlated spectroscopy (COSY) and two-dimensional transferred nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (TR-NOESY)] have been applied to study the interactions of a monoclonal antibody (mAb) directed to the main immunogenic region (MIR) of the acetylcholine receptor (AChR), and four synthetic decapeptides from the MIR.
(13) Nick Kanas, a psychiatrist at the University of California, San Francisco, who has studied astronauts on the international space station and the Russian Mir station, said the crew face a tough time.
(14) The computer program MIR previously described (R. Bianchi, G.M.
(15) Fab fragments of an anti-MIR monoclonal antibody (mAb) or a mAb to the beta-subunit (neither of which causes antigenic modulation) were allowed to shield their corresponding regions on the AChR on the mouse muscle cell line BC3H1.
(16) Indices of JE transmission activity (vector abundance, pig seroconversions, and MIRs) increased proportionately with rainfall.
(17) We report the isolation and characterization of a strain of Bacillus, designed MIR 15, which appears to produce and excrete antimicrobials active against Gram-negative bacteria, but not against fungi.
(18) Chick dorsal root ganglion neurons thought to lack nicotinic acetylcholine receptors were not labeled by the anti-MIR mAb.
(19) The patient underwent a CT scan and MIR which showed a diffuse involvement of the ilium and sacrum along with the presence of two cysts (anterior and posterior).
(20) This is interpreted as the contribution to antigenic modulation of the anti-MIR antibody fraction in the human sera.
(v. t.) To beat to obtuseness; to deprive of keenness; to blunt; to turn back the point of, as a lance used for exercise.
(v. t.) To deduct from; to make a discount from, as interest due, or customs duties.
(v. i.) To abate; to withdraw.
(n.) Diminution.
(n.) Deduction; abatement; as, a rebate of interest for immediate payment; a rebate of importation duties.
(n.) A rectangular longitudinal recess or groove, cut in the corner or edge of any body; a rabbet. See Rabbet.
(n.) A piece of wood hafted into a long stick, and serving to beat out mortar.
(n.) An iron tool sharpened something like a chisel, and used for dressing and polishing wood.
(n.) A kind of hard freestone used in making pavements.
(v. t.) To cut a rebate in. See Rabbet, v.
Example Sentences:
(1) UK negotiatiors, though, fought back hard -- thus Cameron's fighting talk in his press conference ( see 12.46pm ) 12.49pm BST Open Europe tweets Cameron's tough talk on the rebate: Open Europe (@OpenEurope) Cameron: in Feb we reached a clear deal rebate would remain unchanged, since then some have tried to question this agreement June 28, 2013 Open Europe (@OpenEurope) Cameron: I defeated these attempts to change the rebate, it will remain unchanged for this long term budget June 28, 2013 12.46pm BST David Cameron press conference underway In Brussels, David Cameron is holding his press conference now.
(2) Senior government sources have confirmed the budget razor gang has the fuel tax credit (formerly known as the diesel fuel rebate) “firmly in its sights” – a scheme that rebates miners and farmers and others for the off-road use of diesel.
(3) Established methods of drug product management, such as formularies and MACs, were most commonly reported by HMOs; however, nearly half reported using new approaches, including contracts with manufacturers, incentives, such as discounts and rebates based on use, and exclusive or preferred status.
(4) If there had been no rebate, the UK would have paid more to the common budget than the other countries.
(5) We will retain the UK rebate, but it must be bearable for the other net contributors."
(6) He also launched a strong attack on Labour, which brokered an above-inflation increase and placed the British EU rebate on the table when it led the last budget negotiations during the 2005 UK presidency of the EU.
(7) Although it will include some $150bn in tax relief for people on low and middle incomes, the Obama administration's emphasis on spending marks a shift from the approach of George Bush, who tried to stimulate the economy over the summer simply by sending out millions of tax rebate cheques.
(8) The deputy prime minister and leader of the Nationals, Warren Truss, said: “Nothing that comes out of Paris will affect or have any impact on the diesel fuel rebate.” George Christensen, a Liberal National party MP based in regional Queensland, said signing the proposed communique would be “madness”.
(9) Banks and insurance companies regulated by the Bank of England are receiving a £8m rebate on the fees they pay to fund the banking watchdog – partly as a result of a fine imposed on Royal Bank of Scotland .
(10) As Guardian Australia reported, the government was also seriously considering changes to the rebate paid to farmers and miners for the off-road use of diesel, but after fierce lobbying from both sectorsit is understood to have dropped the idea.
(11) Brussels has never liked the UK’s rebate and it seems unlikely an independent Scotland would be allowed to keep a share of it.
(12) It would approach EU negotiations on the basis of "continuity of effect", meaning that it would expect the provisions that apply to the UK (ie, euro opt-out, the rebate) to continue to apply.
(13) The people who are the super-super-rich buying their houses for £140m, this is not necessarily going to affect them because they have got their tax rebates and their amazing accountants.
(14) Cameron showed he would fight hard to retain the rebate when he was asked on Wednesday by the Tory MP David Nuttall to give a commitment that he would not agree to further reductions.
(15) Following Money's intervention, HomeServe rang Rayner, explained why his premium had risen, and gave him a £100 rebate.
(16) All he is doing is simply counting the rebate that was due anyway, a rebate that was never in doubt, trying to fool people into thinking the bill has been halved.
(17) It has emerged that ministers are considering how to persuade most of the country's 27m homeowners to take part in the flagship scheme - which could lead to incentives such as a rebate on council tax or stamp duty.
(18) Lawyers acting on behalf of three jobseekers including Cait Reilly – the unemployed graduate forced to work unpaid in Poundland – are hoping to overturn a controversial law introduced by the DWP in March which allowed the department to ignore court judgments awarding more than £100m in benefits rebates to a quarter of a million jobseekers.
(19) The changes to rebates for short consultations were part of the government’s “plan B” for Medicare , after Abbott and Dutton conceded in December that the budget policy to introduce a co-payment would not pass the Senate.
(20) This could begin as early as daycare, with accredited agencies being funded to provide children aged one to four with specialty education about water familiarisation and general water safety – including teaching toddlers how to ‘swim to the side to stay alive’.” Hart called on the government to offer swimming lesson rebates to help reduce the financial burden, which can reach up to $300 per term .