What's the difference between mishear and overhear?



  • (v. t. & i.) To hear incorrectly.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) And are violations of the rule obvious products of mishearing, careless reading, or a chintzy attempt to sound highfalutin?
  • (2) The Big Bang Theory’s Kaley Cuoco has been getting a lot of play this week—as William Shatner’s secret daughter in the new Priceline ads , and now as a goofy genie who mishears wishes Emily Litella -style while promoting the Toyota RAV4 .
  • (3) One change no one could have predicted is that from the 80s onwards, Maxwell Davies acquired a “light music” manner, reflected in such pieces as Farewell to Stromness (1980) and Mavis in Las Vegas (1997), the latter inspired by a hotel receptionist’s mishearing of his distinguished English guest’s name as “Mavis”.
  • (4) I’ve always called him Cold Pecker and I always will.” I mishear her.
  • (5) But troubles with the name (not least that people mishear it as "Cadaver") prompt a change.
  • (6) he wails in mock misery when he mishears or fails to comprehend something the rest of us got instantly.
  • (7) In a halting performance, at times pausing, mumbling and mishearing, Murdoch said those culpable were "the people I hired and trusted, and perhaps then people who they hired and trusted".
  • (8) That was based on a mishearing of a recording of the call.



  • (v. t.) To hear more of (anything) than was intended to be heard; to hear by accident or artifice.
  • (v. t.) To hear again.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) I remember his name being whispered by my uncles for fear I would overhear.
  • (2) Or the afternoon I was standing outside a hotel room awaiting a private audience with Martin Scorsese, only to overhear him complaining that he had done enough interviews for one day.
  • (3) One of her favourites is overhearing a colleague saying: "You can't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die."
  • (4) Women had complained of harassment ranging from being groped in the office and told to sit on their bosses’ laps if they wanted a Christmas bonus, to being forced to overhear male colleagues ranking new female recruits based on their sexual attractiveness.
  • (5) Overhearing my family say negative comments about other LGBT people made me censor myself in their presence, lest they discover that I was too.
  • (6) I overhear two parties from Essex reacquainting themselves, the afternoon after the early hours before.
  • (7) He describes overhearing Gates discussing ways to dilute his stake in the firm and says he burst into the room, shouting, "This is unbelievable!
  • (8) The top OIC and the overhearing battle captain informed me that they didn't need or want to know this information anymore.
  • (9) It's just like overhearing a friend at a party talking quietly to someone else, saying something completely different from what they had just spent an hour talking to you about.
  • (10) It was charged as burglary, but I remember overhearing a conversation between his dad and the solicitor standing outside: "Why is this not just shoplifting?
  • (11) Just as I once delighted in overhearing an American fashion journalist in Paris go nuclear down the phone at her poor assistant in New York for shipping over the wrong Balenciaga ankle boots, so I was pleased to eavesdrop on one particular English tabloid sports writer scream down his phone at his desk assistant in London to find a direct flight to Recife "or I'll go fucking ballistic".
  • (12) It’s a conversation that millions of Pratchett fans would ache to overhear.
  • (13) Overhearing Amir's comments, Parisa, 24, and her boyfriend, Mohammad, 25, erupt into an argument.
  • (14) Returning to uni after a three-month stint working shifts at a fish factory, I was shocked to walk through campus and overhear tales of leisurely trips to South America and South-East Asia.” Ramsden adds: “Apart from my small group of friends, who all spent the summer working to fund their university living, it seemed like everyone around me came from a background completely alien to me.” Tom Dixon, a sabbatical officer at the University of Leeds who receives a maintenance loan for his politics degree, says: “I’ve spent my entire life watching people who are less deserving being handed things on a plate just because of what they were born into.
  • (15) In Sense and Sensibility Elinor overhears Willoughby discussing the gift of a horse with her sister and saying, "Marianne, the horse is still yours."
  • (16) I feel uncomfortable being in the City or Canary Wharf,” he says, “and overhearing conversations in coffee shops and wine bars.” He finds “the certainty, the self-confidence, the reluctance to open up to alternative views” depressing.
  • (17) When you overhear them in the corridor discussing something they learned in your lesson, when you see their interests and talents bloom as a result of the input you have been able to give.
  • (18) She must be really good at giving the editor head Seeing yourself discussed online is like overhearing someone talking about you while you’re changing in the school locker room: you’re trapped, you have to stay and listen but you do it with this horrible, growing nausea.
  • (19) Don't worry," says a passer-by overhearing the conversation.
  • (20) "A Bunny's Tale" takes the form of a diary and moves from Steinem's initial decision to adopt the alias of Marie Catherine Ochs to her last day on the job when she overhears another Bunny say of a customer, "He's a real gentleman.

Words possibly related to "mishear"

Words possibly related to "overhear"