What's the difference between missed and mussed?



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Miss

Example Sentences:

  • (1) City badly missed Yaya Touré, on international duty at the Africa Cup of Nations, and have not won a league match since last April when he has been missing.
  • (2) Despite a 10-year deadline to have the same number of ethnic minority officers in the ranks as in the populations they serve, the target was missed and police are thousands of officers short.
  • (3) Amid the acrimony of the failed debate on the Malaysia Agreement, something was missed or forgotten: many in the left had changed their mind.
  • (4) He missed the start of the season while rehabbing from last season's ankle injury, played exactly six games with the Los Angeles Lakers before getting hurt again and even if he's healthy he may still sit the game out .
  • (5) In that respect, it's difficult to see Allen's anthem as little more than same old same old, and it's probably why I ultimately feel she misses the mark.
  • (6) Moreover, it allows the clinician to be alert towards findings which could be missed when not carefully searched for and which may be useful to raise or strengthen the suspicion of this disease.
  • (7) The striker missed the whole 2006-07 season but returned to make 35 appearances in 2007-08.
  • (8) They would say 'Here comes Miss Marple' when I came by."
  • (9) They have already missed the critical periods in language learning and thus are apt to remain severely depressed in language skills at best.
  • (10) I have the BBC app on my phone and it updates me, and I saw the wire ‘Malaysian flight goes missing over Ukraine.’ I’m like, well it’s probably the Russians who shot it down.
  • (11) The type of semantic categories missing from the UMLS consisted mainly of modifier information relating to certainty, degree, and change type of information.
  • (12) On the other hand, the total number of missing hair cells, irrespective of location, was a good, general indicator of the hearing capacity in a given ear.
  • (13) They said it shows Bergdahl, now 27, in poorer health than previous footage taken in the years since he went missing in Afghanistan on 30 June 2009.
  • (14) Phosphoglucomutase 1, an enzyme mapping on the short arms of chromosome 1, is constantly missing in the leukemic cell line K-562 in spite of the presence of three No.
  • (15) We report a case of popliteal vein obstruction by an osteochondroma, arising from the proximal tibia, in which the diagnosis was initially missed.
  • (16) the EcoR1 fragment of 8.6 kbp length which contains the oriC region (Marsh and Worcel, 1977; v. Meyenburg et al., 1977; Yasuda and Hirota, 1977) is missing.
  • (17) In patients with less than 15 diverticula, 3.1% of lesions were missed, while in those with more than 15 diverticula, 20.4% of tumors were undetected.
  • (18) The fitting element to a Cabrera victory would have been thus: the final round of the 77th Masters fell on the 90th birthday of Roberto De Vicenzo, the great Argentine golfer who missed out on an Augusta play-off by virtue of signing for the wrong score.
  • (19) Thirty-eight bodies have been removed from the mass graves, but DNA tests have shown that none is that of a missing student.
  • (20) The interplay of policies and principles to which Miss Nightingale subscribed, the human frailty of one of her women, Miss Nightingale's illness, and the confusion and stress which characterized the Crimean War are discussed.



  • (imp. & p. p.) of Muss

Example Sentences:

  • (1) While studying the ultrastructure of rat celiac nodes, it was stated that lemmocytes from the intercellular plexus develop around separate neuronal processes spiral membranes and multilayer membranes in the shape of concentric "musses".
  • (2) Tory pundits jeered that the pretty boy, the effete “Dauphin” of Canadian politics, was about to get his famous hair badly mussed.
  • (3) Almost as soon as two HIV-prevention activists set up outside the pharmacy in the outskirts of Moscow with two huge backpacks of supplies, a skinny young man with mussed hair and an impish grin quickly walked up to them.
  • (4) Eight anticoagulant rodenticides were used against Rattus norvegicus, R. r. frugivorous and Muss musculus.
  • (5) Three of those charged on Monday – Mohamed Farah, Zacharia Yusuf Abdurahman and Hanad Mustafe Musse – had previously been stopped at a New York City airport in November along with 19-year-old Hamza Ahmed, but had not been charged.
  • (6) A doe-eyed stare and mussed-up hair denotes natural beauty, as if you've just woken up and can't help looking like this.
  • (7) Then you'll muss it up with your fingers as soon as you're out of his eyeline and pray that it'll look better once it's washed.
  • (8) For primary molar amalgams the 4-year survival rates "estimate" ist ein Schätzwert--wenn der Autor es so gemeint hat, muss "estimate" stehenbleiben, andernfalls heisst es "iate" (= Quote) were 67% for Class 1 restorations and for 55% Class 2 fillings.
  • (9) Methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS)-sensitive, radiation-induced mutants of Aspergillus were shown to define nine new DNA repair genes, musK to musS.
  • (10) If you're a woman reading this – or, more importantly, looking at the pictures – you will know exactly what I'm talking about: you probably feel like telling me there's a wasp near my hair, just so you can reach out and muss it up a little.
  • (11) This, say campaigners, is because children are unwilling to speak out against their families and communities and that is why Faduma, along with her daughter, Lul Musse, and granddaughter, Samira Hashi, have agreed to explain how – even in a loving and close-knit family such as theirs – such a custom can be perpetuated.
  • (12) (Hochstrasser, K., Muss, M., and Werle, E. (1967) Z. Physiol.
  • (13) Previous injection of cathergen (+)-cyanidonol-3) decreased the region of hepatocytes necrosis, stabilized microvessels diameter and increased muss cells degranulation.
  • (14) As foreign minister, Boris Johnson now has to lie in the bed he made himself” Nikolaus Blome (@NikolausBlome) Es gibt doch noch Gerechtigkeit: Als Außenminister muss Boris #Johnson die Suppe (mit) auslöffeln, die er seinem Land eingebrockt hat... July 13, 2016 Sweden’s former prime minister Carl Bildt was among those despairing over the decision.
  • (15) Hair carefully mussed, suit slightly awry, he deadpanned the line he knew would guarantee his place on the front pages and in the comment columns for days and weeks to come.
  • (16) Jacob Varghese from Maurice Blackburn Lawyers, Luke Hilakari from the Victorian Trades Hall, Waleed Muss from the board of directors of Rise and Brigid Arthur from the Brigidine Asylum seeker project are also board members.

Words possibly related to "mussed"