(n.) The act of mixing, or the state of being mixed; as, made by a mixture of ingredients.
(n.) That which results from mixing different ingredients together; a compound; as, to drink a mixture of molasses and water; -- also, a medley.
(n.) An ingredient entering into a mixed mass; an additional ingredient.
(n.) A kind of liquid medicine made up of many ingredients; esp., as opposed to solution, a liquid preparation in which the solid ingredients are not completely dissolved.
(n.) A mass of two or more ingredients, the particles of which are separable, independent, and uncompounded with each other, no matter how thoroughly and finely commingled; -- contrasted with a compound; thus, gunpowder is a mechanical mixture of carbon, sulphur, and niter.
(n.) An organ stop, comprising from two to five ranges of pipes, used only in combination with the foundation and compound stops; -- called also furniture stop. It consists of high harmonics, or overtones, of the ground tone.
Example Sentences:
(1) Stimulation is also observed with mixtures of APC expressing DPw3 and APC expressing A1, and likewise, DPw3+ APC become stimulatory when preincubated with supernatants from A1-positive cells.
(2) Fluorination with [18F]acetylhypofluorite yields 6-[18F]fluoro-L-dopa with 95% radiochemical purity; fluorination of the same substrate with [18F]F2 yields a mixture of all three structural isomers in a ratio of 70:16:14 for 6-, 5-, and 2-fluoro compounds.
(3) In addition to the phase diagrams reported here for these two binary mixtures, a brief theoretical discussion is given of other possible phase diagrams that may be appropriate to other lipid mixtures with particular consideration given to the problem of crystalline phases of different structures and the possible occurrence of second-order phase transitions in these mixtures.
(4) However, within 5 min potassium overcame the vanadate potentiation of ouabain binding regardless of the order in which it was added to the reaction mixture.
(5) Mixtures of 2 components involving kappa-casein were more readily dephosphorylated than alphas- and beta-casein mixtures.
(6) None of the animals injected with either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells became overtly diabetic during the 30 days of observation whereas 8 of 23 mice inoculated with a mixture of the two subsets developed glycosuria and hyperglycemia.
(7) The hypothesis that experimentally determined survival times of Treponema pallidum in stored donor blood could be related to the number of treponemes initially present in the treponeme-blood mixtures was investigated by inoculating rabbits with three graded doses of treponemes suspended in donor blood and stored at 4 degrees C for various periods of time.
(8) The IL-8 isolated from each of these cell types is a mixture of two IL-8 polypeptides, one consisting of 72 amino acids (herein called [ser-IL-8]72) and the other 77 amino acids (an N-terminal extended form herein called [ala-IL-8]77).
(9) Differential absorption experiments showed that LG-1 contained a mixture of specific and cross-reacting antibodies.
(10) The method involves the use of a monoclonal antibody fragment mixture that binds to platelets.
(11) It is shown that, by comparison of a reacting mixture at chemical equilibrium with a non-reacting but equally composed one, the sum of the mean concentrations of the reaction products can immediately be taken from optical absorption or from interferometric measurements.
(12) The 105 000 X g supernatant of the reaction mixture, which contained more than 85% of the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, did not inactivate the plasmid DNA.
(13) Blood acid-base status, serum electrolytes, and urine pH were examined in 64 infants and children with phenylketonuria (PKU) treated with three different low phenylalanine protein hydrolyzates (Aponti, Cymogran, AlbumaidXP) and two synthetic amino acid mixtures (Aminogran, PAM).
(14) Anaesthesia was achieved by a mixture of oxygen, nitrous oxide and fluothane without use of muscle relaxants.
(15) Variations in light chain composition, particularly fast and slow myosin light chain 1, appeared to occur independently of the variations in heavy chain composition, suggesting that some myosin molecules consist of mixtures of slow- and fast-type subunits.
(16) That piece was placed on the slide and embedded with a mixture of agar and antiserum.
(17) In addition, a beta-linked sialic acid:nucleoside conjugate (Kl-8111) and an equimolar mixture of Kl-8110 and Kl-8111 (Kl-414) also inhibited the metastatic ability of NL cells to the same extent as Kl-8110 did.
(18) In contrast, boundary layer diffusion is operative in the release from the matrixes prepared by compression of physical mixtures.
(19) The bacterial strains did not liberate free patulin from the adduct mixture present in the growth medium.
(20) (Tokyo) 58, 227), yields a protein mixture that has a time-dependent 13C-NMR spectrum.
(v. t.) Internal constitution; state with respect to the relative proportion of different qualities, or constituent parts.
(v. t.) Due mixture of qualities; a condition brought about by mutual compromises or concessions.
(v. t.) The act of tempering or modifying; adjustment, as of clashing rules, interests, passions, or the like; also, the means by which such adjustment is effected.
(v. t.) Condition with regard to heat or cold; temperature.
(v. t.) A system of compromises in the tuning of organs, pianofortes, and the like, whereby the tones generated with the vibrations of a ground tone are mutually modified and in part canceled, until their number reduced to the actual practicable scale of twelve tones to the octave. This scale, although in so far artificial, is yet closely suggestive of its origin in nature, and this system of tuning, although not mathematically true, yet satisfies the ear, while it has the convenience that the same twelve fixed tones answer for every key or scale, C/ becoming identical with D/, and so on.
(v. t.) The peculiar physical and mental character of an individual, in olden times erroneously supposed to be due to individual variation in the relations and proportions of the constituent parts of the body, especially of the fluids, as the bile, blood, lymph, etc. Hence the phrases, bilious or choleric temperament, sanguine temperament, etc., implying a predominance of one of these fluids and a corresponding influence on the temperament.
Example Sentences:
(1) Factors affecting outcome include characteristics related to the child (for example, health, temperament, IQ) and characteristics of the family (for example, socioeconomic status, emotional and psychological aspects of the family, family composition and structure, and the larger social and physical environment.
(2) Moreover, much evidence is directly contrary to a strong temperament interpretation of attachment patterns (changing attachments, differing attachments with different caregivers, prospective data on the early characteristics of infants later classified as securely or anxiously attached).
(3) Psychological factors include temperament, a history of abuse, and current life stresses.
(4) Infant characteristics were measured by emotion and temperament questionnaires (mother report) and objective coding of facial expressions of emotions.
(5) The relationship between extreme temperament in infancy and clinical status at 4.7 years of age was studied in temperamentally different groups of infants matched for sex and SES, and subselected from a large birth cohort representative of the general population.
(6) A cat which developed a change of temperament, with muscle tremors, ataxia and pupillary dilatation was suspected and later confirmed histopathologically to have a spongiform encephalopathy.
(7) In a comparative study of temperament and intelligence in groups of mentally retarded and normal children, it was found that mentally retarded children who also had excess of psychopathology in them, showed greater signs of 'difficult' child temperament.
(8) In 2 commentaries on the theorists' answers, Hinde highlights differences among their positions and indicates issues that current theories of temperament must take into consideration, and McCall draws on common aspects to propose a synthesizing definition that draws on all 4 approaches.
(9) Mothers' opinions of their child's temperament constellation differed considerably from those resulting from the questionnaire analysis for the STWU and Difficult constellations.
(10) Theories about aetiology relate to minimal brain damage, heredity, temperament variations, maturational lag, dysfunction of the reticular activating system, food sensitivity, and learned response to unorganized environment.
(11) There were significant differences in temperament dimension scores between Australian toddlers and those studied in an American setting.
(12) During the first Republican presidential debate, Kelly questioned whether Trump had the temperament for the job, given that he had called women he disliked “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals” in the past.
(13) Patients with Down's syndrome usually have mild and pleasant temperaments, rarely exhibiting temper tantrums or behavioral problems.
(14) Only in this way could they assume active stewardship over the disbursement of their fortunes, applying the knowledge, expertise and temperament that gained them their piles toward the difficult task of giving them away.
(15) (5) Are there sex differences in the risk associated with adverse temperament in the population?
(16) Families react in a variety of ways to a disability, and their reaction may interact with the child's temperament to affect emotional development for better or worse.
(17) Having a strong temperament is good,” he told CNN when asked about reported comments by House speaker Paul Ryan claiming his anti-Muslim rhetoric could “ruin the party”.
(18) Parent judgments of an easier temperament in each of the two age periods, and their sum, related consistently and significantly to positive ratings of current child adjustment.
(19) When specifically considering food animals, additional emphasis is directed toward animal size, temperament, and anatomy.
(20) Clinton also scored the biggest moment of wit, at the end of a long Trump boast about his temperament, which he delivered hotly.