(n.) A deep trench around the rampart of a castle or other fortified place, sometimes filled with water; a ditch.
(v. t.) To surround with a moat.
Example Sentences:
(1) Khao Soi Khun Yai, Sri Poom Road, next to Wat Kuan Kama, Old City, North Moat; meal for two £1.60-£3 Warorot evening market Facebook Twitter Pinterest You could pick other food markets (Sompet, Thanin, Chiang Mai Gate, Chang Phuak Gate) and be as deliriously sated, but the night-time street food at Warorot remains special to me.
(2) When you read of such sentences, remember that this is the same country in which – just a few years ago – over 300 parliamentarians were found to have claimed expenses to which they weren’t entitled; hundreds of thousands handed over to some of the richest people in the country for duck houses, moat repairs and heating their stables.
(3) Bars and cages are out; moats and discreet electric fences are in.
(4) He stepped down from contesting the 2010 election after it emerged he had claimed £2,200 for the cleaning of the moat at his 13th-century manor house.
(5) It is believed that they went across the small moat to the north of the centre, and got as far as the car park, where they shouted "Our world is not for sale" before being arrested.
(6) An Englishman's home is his castle, and that castle now includes a moat to keep the peasants out.
(7) He informed the housing association retrospectively, and Moat says it "reluctantly" gave permission for the sub-let to run its two-year term, which ends on 13 February.
(8) It sits, forlorn, in a moat of open space, like a lone domino.
(9) Douglas Hogg , who was ordered by the Tory party leadership to repay the £2,200 cost of clearing his moat, politely declined.
(10) Missing correspondence between MPs and Commons officials must have given most of the game away regarding Tory expense claims for moat cleaning and duck houses.
(11) Yet I recall influential voices – including in cabinet – arguing that rather than confront the problem (under IMF supervision), Britain should pull up the drawbridge behind the moat of the English Channel.
(12) Facebook, which still has sites eulogising murderer Raoul Moat and Holocaust deniers, said it drew the line on groups that attack others, a bold move considering the site's WikiLeaks page boasts more than 1.3 million supporters.
(13) We get lost on our way out and end up standing in the darkness, trapped by a maze of brutalist architecture and a large moat, laughing at our inability to navigate one of the most iconic structures in London.
(14) Minimal bodily adjustment was necessary for free foraging, whereas discrete food presentations on land (DFP-land) and in a moat (DFP-moat) promoted a gross reorientation of the animal's entire body.
(15) "Is it really true that a Romanian side once built a moat filled with crocodiles to stop the crowd from invading the pitch?"
(16) And they have dug a legal moat around the charmed circle, criminalising, for example, the squatting of empty buildings and most forms of peaceful protest.
(17) Activists tried a variety of methods to enter the conference centre, approaching in large groups from several directions and, at one point, sending several hundred people running with seven giant lilos to bridge a moat next to the centre.
(18) Elizabeth Austerberry, the chief executive of Moat, said: “These people are not going to go away.
(19) The couple can't understand why Moat won't allow them to continue sub-letting for a further period.
(20) When he wasn't writing, he was usually swimming, most often in his moat, or wallowing in the massive cast-iron bath that lived at the back of the house.
(n.) Alt. of Moult
() imp. of Melt.
(v. t.) Alt. of Moult
(v. t.) Alt. of Moult
Example Sentences:
(1) In Experiment 1 (summer), hens regained body weight more rapidly, returned to production faster, and had larger egg weights (Weeks 1 to 4) when fed the 16 or 13% CP molt diets than when fed the 10% CP molt diet.
(2) After molting, resulting nymphs (n = 74) were fed on susceptible mice.
(3) The MT-2, derived from an adult T-cell leukaemia (ATL) cell, the Molt-4F, a human T-cell line, and the Isk, an EB virus-transformed B-cell line, were found to have high-affinity receptors for somatostatin, a cyclic tetradecapeptide that inhibits the release of substances such as growth hormone, TSH, glucagon, insulin, secretin, gastrin and cholecystokinin.
(4) The demonstration of cAMP-dependent protein kinase and of VIP- and PHI-mediated protein phosphorylation in Molt 4b lymphoblasts provides evidence on a molecular level for neuropeptide modulation of human lymphocyte function.
(5) The ability of various gangliosides to inhibit the cytotoxic activity of natural killers (NK-cells) from Syrian hamsters towards human lymphoma MOLT-4 cells was studied.
(6) Measurements were made at the imaginal molt and on fed and crowded imagos at 10, 20 and 30 post-imaginal days.
(7) A comparison between primary cells and resulting cell lines showed that the cell lines established from patients with T-ALL (MOLT 12, 13, 14 and MOLT 16, 17) expressed similar phenotypes and isoenzyme patterns, but were different in a few specific aspects.
(8) At the culmination of each molt, the larval tobacco hornworm exhibits a pre-ecdysis behavior prior to shedding its old cuticle at ecdysis.
(9) 2'-Deoxycytidine (10 microM) also blocked dGTP accumulation in MOLT-4 cells.
(10) Cytotoxicity resulting from dUMP misincorporation was consistent with the enhanced toxicity of piritrexim which was observed when HL-60 cells or MOLT-4 cells were exposed concurrently to exogenous deoxyuridine.
(11) Molting occurred in almost all kinds of organs examined.
(12) Syncytium formation between HUT-78 cells persistently infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and uninfected CD4-bearing MOLT-4 or CEM cells results in a rapid destruction of the MOLT-4 or CEM cells.
(13) Furthermore these cells exhibited cytotoxic activity against several tumour cell lines including the syngeneic L1210, the TNF-insensitive P815 mastocytoma, the human MOLT-4 lymphoblastic leukaemia, as well as the murine TNF-sensitive L929 fibroblast cell line.
(14) Second instar larvae which survive the molt exhibit a marked reduction in growth and eventually die as small second instar larvae.
(15) These lines of evidence were in accord with previous accounts of the so-called "molt inhibiting hormone" (MIH) effect.
(16) The objective of this study was to determine the molting process of Dirofilaria immitis third-stage larvae (L-3) to fourth-stage larvae (L-4), as it occurred in vitro.
(17) Injections of ovine prolactin during the pause-inducing procedure significantly reduced the subsequent rate of loss of primary wing feathers, suggesting that in certain physiological states, PRL may function to suppress molting.
(18) 1-beta-D-Arabinofuranosyl-E-5-(2-bromovinyl)uracil (BV-araU) and E-5-(2-bromovinyl)uracil, a metabolite of BV-araU, did not affect either the anti-human immunodeficiency virus activity or the cytotoxicity of azidothymidine in MT-4 and MOLT-4 cells.
(19) After the L1 molt, energy metabolism in animals destined to become dauer larvae diverges from that of animals committed to growth.
(20) Thus, one may deduce that stopped larvae could have low levels of ecdysone, and perhaps these are the ultimate physiological cause of their arrested development before the critical larva-pupa molt.