What's the difference between molding and mould?



  • (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mould
  • (n.) Alt. of Moulding
  • (p.a.) Alt. of Moulding

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Maximal yields of lipid and aflatoxin were obtained with 30% glucose, whereas mold growth, expressed as dry weight, was maximal when the medium contained 10% glucose.
  • (2) Results showed no consistent difference in either the total viable fungal content or the number of different mold species encountered between the labeled and unlabeled foods.
  • (3) Inhalant allergens as mite house dust, animal danders, pollens, molds and food allergens are considered, now, to be the most sensitizing agents.
  • (4) The amoeba, however, could not use yeasts, molds, or a green alga as a nutritional source.
  • (5) The control flaps consisted of intact muscle without any evidence of tissue transformation, whereas the flaps treated with osteogenin and demineralized bone matrix were entirely transformed into cancellous bone that matched the exact shape of the mold.
  • (6) With the proper choice of packaging, molded nitroglycerin tablets stabilized with povidone maintained acceptable potency for up to 2 years at 26 degrees when strip packaged in unit doses.
  • (7) Reality television molded Trump into the ratings and polls-obsessed performer that we know today, and created a new generation of Americans ready to be entertained by him.
  • (8) The ear canal molds were analyzed in terms of tortuosity, caliber, and degree of funneling.
  • (9) The feeding test indicated a relatively low toxicity of molded bread.
  • (10) In all cases, an increase in mold population was concomitant with elevated carbon dioxide concentrations, which indicated the sensitivity of this parameter for measuring fungal activity.
  • (11) Electron microscopic evidence demonstrated that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) induces formation of giant intranuclear microfilament bundles in the interphase nucleus of a cellular slime mold, Dictyostelium.
  • (12) These flaws were controlled by cooling the metal mold assembly and the cast immediately after the pouring of the molten cerrobend alloy, evenly with water.
  • (13) Several lines of experimental evidence suggest that an anterior-posterior gradient of cyclic AMP exists in migrating pseudoplasmodia of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum, and that this gradient may be responsible for control of the proportions of stalk and spore cells that form during culmination.
  • (14) The Werner syndrome should not, therefore, be forced into the mold of premature aging but should be studied on its own merits as a condition which may provide us with clues to the pathogenesis of many important problems.
  • (15) The nucleoproteins resulting from digestion of the nuclei of the true slime mold Pysarum polycephalum with micrococcal nuclease have been resolved according to the size classes in linear sucrose gradients containg 0.5 M NaCl, and analysed for DNA, RNA and protein content.
  • (16) A molded rubber sleeve connecting the prosthesis and the thigh was found to enhance this effect so that suction suspension occurred during the entire swing phase.
  • (17) The biological test systems utilized here include humans and other mammals, bacteria, Drosophila, yeasts, molds, and plants.
  • (18) Some responses of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum to ultraviolet light (UV) irradiation were investigated by analyzing two aspects of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) excision repair in the vegetative cells: (i) the fate of thymine-containing dimers and (ii) the production and rejoining of single-strand breaks.
  • (19) Structures resembling red blood cells have been seen in mummies, but have been considered by some to be artifacts or molds.
  • (20) The procedure involved the transfer of heavy mold-form inocula to flasks that contained small volumes of brain heart infusion broth.



  • (v.) Crumbling, soft, friable earth; esp., earth containing the remains or constituents of organic matter, and suited to the growth of plants; soil.
  • (v.) Earthy material; the matter of which anything is formed; composing substance; material.
  • (v. t.) To cover with mold or soil.
  • (n.) A growth of minute fungi of various kinds, esp. those of the great groups Hyphomycetes, and Physomycetes, forming on damp or decaying organic matter.
  • (v. t.) To cause to become moldy; to cause mold to grow upon.
  • (v. i.) To become moldy; to be covered or filled, in whole or in part, with a mold.
  • (n.) The matrix, or cavity, in which anything is shaped, and from which it takes its form; also, the body or mass containing the cavity; as, a sand mold; a jelly mold.
  • (n.) That on which, or in accordance with which, anything is modeled or formed; anything which serves to regulate the size, form, etc., as the pattern or templet used by a shipbuilder, carpenter, or mason.
  • (n.) Cast; form; shape; character.
  • (n.) A group of moldings; as, the arch mold of a porch or doorway; the pier mold of a Gothic pier, meaning the whole profile, section, or combination of parts.
  • (n.) A fontanel.
  • (n.) A frame with a wire cloth bottom, on which the pump is drained to form a sheet, in making paper by hand.
  • (v. t.) To form into a particular shape; to shape; to model; to fashion.
  • (v. t.) To ornament by molding or carving the material of; as, a molded window jamb.
  • (v. t.) To knead; as, to mold dough or bread.
  • (v. t.) To form a mold of, as in sand, in which a casting may be made.
  • () Alt. of Mouldy

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Most intriguing of all is the potential for the mould to "expect" changes in its environment.
  • (2) The median exposure of total dust was well below the Swedish threshold value, and the exposure of mould and bacteria was also low.
  • (3) We therefore used two different tRNA genes from the cellular slime mould Dictyostelium discoideum which are efficiently transcribed and processed in vivo in yeast.
  • (4) A mould which was isolated from a solution of paracetamol was identified as a Penicillium species and was found to possess the ability to utilise a series of substituted acetanilides, including paracetamol (4-hydroxyacetanilide), phenacetin (4-ethoxyacetanilide) and metacetamol (3-hydroxyacetanilide) as sole carbon sources for growth.
  • (5) Studies of substrate and cosubstrate specificities of mould alpha-glucosidases suggest that the binding site of the active center of mould alpha-glucosidase consits of two subsites--glucone and aglucone ones.
  • (6) Patients are instructed to wear the mould for 6 months, removing it only to clean or for a change of size.
  • (7) In all patients except one, specific IgE-antibodies to the respective mould were demonstrated by immunoblotting.
  • (8) In addition to mesophilic species, xerophilic moulds appear to be common, often developing together with mites.
  • (9) These antisera were characterized by immunofluorescence and by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for their reactivity with 44 strains of moulds.
  • (10) It is recommended to apply cast fillings with a replacement of the occlusive area as quickly after the wax mould as possible because of the diminished gap due to the motion of the teeth.
  • (11) Agreement between RAST and provocation tests was 79% for the house dust mite Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 71.5% for cat and dog epithelium, 70% for the Penicillium mould, 63% for Alternaria, 55% for Hormodendron and Aspergillus and only 53% for house dust.
  • (12) An isotope dilution technique has been used to analyze the synthesis of metabolically stable nucleic acids during the mitotic cycle in surface plasmodia of the slime mould Physarum polycephalum.
  • (13) Reactions to moulds were observed in 9% of the patients.
  • (14) The analyses of more than 200 samples of various foods of plant origin showed that patulin was contained in 36% of the fresh and canned fruits infested with mould, and in 7% of the vegetables.
  • (15) Other kids were out there playing at whatever; I was off making something blow up and filming it, or making a mould of my sister's head using alginating plaster.
  • (16) This carnival of camera phones, caressing and even groping (the waxen men do have "moulds" where their private parts would be so that their trousers hang properly, but no, nothing too realistic down there) is the celebrity world were we in control.
  • (17) A soluble cytochrome was isolated and purified from the slime mould Physarum polycephalum and identified as cytochrome c by room-temperature and low-temperature (77 degrees K) difference spectroscopy.
  • (18) The use of fibrin as a resorbable biological adhesive permits moulding of HA granules into individually shaped implants.
  • (19) Under improvement of technology of the cobalt-base-alloy "Gisadent KCM 83", the influence of different mould temperatures to the alloy surface was inquired with help of comparism.
  • (20) As related to the control lot, the addition of these acid results, in the first two doses, in a decrease and slowing-down of the growth of the mould and the production of its two mycotoxins (patulin and byssochlamic acid).