What's the difference between money and wealth?



  • (n.) A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government; also, any number of such pieces; coin.
  • (n.) Any written or stamped promise, certificate, or order, as a government note, a bank note, a certificate of deposit, etc., which is payable in standard coined money and is lawfully current in lieu of it; in a comprehensive sense, any currency usually and lawfully employed in buying and selling.
  • (n.) In general, wealth; property; as, he has much money in land, or in stocks; to make, or lose, money.
  • (v. t.) To supply with money.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Richard Bull Woodbridge, Suffolk • Why does Britain need Chinese money to build a new atomic generator ( Letters , 20 October)?
  • (2) However, used effectively, credit can help you to make the most of your money - so long as you are careful!
  • (3) Madrid now hopes that a growing clamour for future rescues of Europe's banks to be done directly, without money going via governments, may still allow it to avoid accepting loans that would add to an already fast-growing national debt.
  • (4) Adding a layer of private pensions, it was thought, does not involve Government mechanisms and keeps the money in the private sector.
  • (5) We could do with similar action to cut out botnets and spam, but there aren't any big-money lobbyists coming to Mandelson pleading loss of business through those.
  • (6) I hope they fight for the money to make their jobs worth doing, because it's only with the money (a drop in the ocean though it may be) that they'll be able to do anything.
  • (7) More evil than Clocky , the alarm clock that rolls away when you reach out to silence it, or the Puzzle Alarm , which makes you complete a simple puzzle before it'll go quiet, the Money Shredding Alarm Clock methodically destroys your cash unless you rouse yourself.
  • (8) A good example is Apple TV: Can it possibly generate real money at $100 a puck?
  • (9) The London Olympics delivered its undeniable panache by throwing a large amount of money at a small number of people who were set a simple goal.
  • (10) It just means there won't be any money when another child is in need.
  • (11) There were soon tales of claimants dying after having had money withdrawn, but the real administrative problem was the explosion of appeals, which very often succeeded because many medical problems were being routinely ignored at the earlier stage.
  • (12) The headteacher of the school featured in the reality television series Educating Essex has described using his own money to buy a winter coat for a boy whose parents could not afford one, in a symptom of an escalating economic crisis that has seen the number of pupils in the area taking home food parcels triple in a year.
  • (13) For me, it would be to protect the young and vulnerable, to reduce crime, to improve health, to promote security and development, to provide good value for money and to protect.
  • (14) But there was a clear penalty on Diego Costa – it is a waste of time and money to have officials by the side of the goal because normally they do nothing – and David Luiz’s elbow I didn’t see, I confess.
  • (15) "I have tried to borrow the money, but it was simply impossible."
  • (16) I would like to see much more of that money go down to the grassroots.” The Premier League argues that its focus must remain on investing in the best players and facilities and claims it invests more in so-called “good causes” than any other football league.
  • (17) The money will initially be sought from governments.
  • (18) They can go into the money markets: a highly male-dominated industry.
  • (19) For more than half a century, Saudi leaders manipulated the United States by feeding our oil addiction, lavishing money on politicians, helping to finance American wars, and buying billions of dollars in weaponry from US companies.
  • (20) For Burroughs, who had been publishing ground-breaking books for 20 years without much appreciable financial return, it was association with fame and the music industry, as well as the possible benefits: a wider readership, film hook-ups and more money.



  • (n.) Weal; welfare; prosperity; good.
  • (n.) Large possessions; a comparative abundance of things which are objects of human desire; esp., abundance of worldly estate; affluence; opulence; riches.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) This suggests his wealth exceeds the total worth of 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney, who was attacked for his wealth throughout the campaign.
  • (2) On the other hand, the expectation that authority will be bestowed by market forces following a miraculous ‘‘transfer of wealth’’ does suggest an alternative route to normal democratic processes: theocracy via plutocracy.
  • (3) Dinner is the usual “international” menu that few will bother with given the wealth of choice nearby.
  • (4) We have the nuclear-related wealth, which captures the highly skilled and the affluent and the upwardly mobile.
  • (5) If that's something to boast about, then living off inherited wealth must be something to be ashamed of.
  • (6) The current president of the supreme court, Lord Phillips, who steps down at the end of September, welcomed his successor, praising his "wealth of judicial experience" and "ability to lead a collegiate court".
  • (7) Sir Ken Morrison, supermarkets Jersey trusts protect the billion-pound wealth of the 83-year-old Bradford-born Morrisons supermarket founder and a large number of his family members.
  • (8) But through the takeover of land, exploitation of minerals and privatisation of resources, west Africa’s wealth is leaving in shiploads, just as it always has done.
  • (9) The sanctions that could be levied in the aftermath of the Geneva meeting were expected to focus on Putin's close associates, including oligarchs who control much of Russia's wealth, as well as businesses and other entities they control.
  • (10) The wealth of new information on BBM transport of Pi which has accumulated in recent years gives an indication of the importance and intellectual challenge that the mechanism of this process poses to investigators.
  • (11) According to the latest World Wealth Report from Merrill Lynch, there are now 10.1 million people worth more than $1m (£507,000), excluding the value of their homes.
  • (12) According to the latest available ABS data, which is for 2013-14, 72% of investment property assets are owned by, and 52% of investment property debt is owed by, households in the top 20% (ie the richest one-fifth) of the household wealth distribution.
  • (13) I believe in wealth creation and company profits, and for the government to play its part, and we have been working closely with business to shape that agenda.” Specifically, Miliband pointed out David Cameron, during his chairmanship of the G8 in 2013, had promised to make a crackdown on tax evasion one of his central goals.
  • (14) Good mental health brings with it a whole lot of goodies in Santa’s stocking, because after all, physical fitness and wealth are meaningless without it.
  • (15) The Tony Abbott lecturing the American president on taxation fairness is, of course, the one who as Australian prime minister is presiding over policies of taxation amnesty for the richest Australians who have themselves offshored their hidden wealth, capping their taxable liability to merely the last four years.
  • (16) A world of hidden wealth: why we are shining a light offshore Read more However, the Nahmad lawyers have also insisted that because the painting is not in New York and the IAC is based in Panama, the court case should not be allowed to proceed in the US.
  • (17) When the Occupy movement suggested a distinction between the 1% and the 99% in society, this was based on the distribution of wealth, going right to the root of social inequalities: the 1% are the multimillionaires.
  • (18) Part of the new wealth has been driven by the rise in commodity prices.
  • (19) The federal government wanted all this wealth for itself."
  • (20) Michael Yoshikami, the founder of Destination Wealth Management, said Citigroup had a long way to go.