What's the difference between monocle and monocular?



  • (n.) An eyeglass for one eye.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Monoclate was the first essentially pure form of factor VIII available for hemophilia therapy.
  • (2) Hemofil M, Monoclate HT, and Monoclate P are high-purity Factor VIII concentrates, obtained from plasma by immunoaffinity chromatography with monoclonal antibodies specific for Factor VIII (Hemofil M) or von Willebrand Factor (Monoclate HT and Monoclate P).
  • (3) Twelve patients were treated in three centers with Monoclate-P. Recovery and survival of factor VIII clotting activity were determined and patients were closely monitored for infusion safety.
  • (4) Recently, the availability of affinity isolated factor VIII (Monoclate) has allowed for a highly purified preparation for the chronic therapy of hemophilia A.
  • (5) What a Lovely War, The Monocled Mutineer and Blackadder, as a misbegotten shambles – a series of catastrophic mistakes perpetrated by an out-of-touch elite.
  • (6) Please, everyone, send all of your spare false beards, monocles and latex fake noses to Holland , care of AFC Ajax.
  • (7) The liquid pasteurized form of Monoclate represents a new standard for therapy that attempts to eliminate a broad spectrum of viral content in factor VIII preparations.
  • (8) These values are very similar to those found for Monoclate in previous studies indicating that pasteurized factor VIIIC purified by immunoaffinity chromatography retains satisfactory pharmacokinetic properties with an added margin of viral safety.
  • (9) His small circle of acquaintances included Hitler's interpreter Paul Schmidt, as well as a sinister-looking, monocled spy called Johann Jebsen.
  • (10) In the process of isolation of factor VIII from human plasma making use of immunoadsorbents prepared by coupling monoclonal murine antibodies to resins, trace amounts of murine immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibodies are released from the resin into the final Monoclate product.
  • (11) His article in the Daily Mail last Friday, attacking "leftwing academics all too happy to feed the myths" of Blackadder and The Monocled Mutineer , was clever but unwary journalism.
  • (12) Screening of sera from adults and children treated with Monoclate showed that in no case were any antibodies produced in response to injection of Monoclate.
  • (13) There are significant differences in cases with "monocle-haematomas" if the age difference of the haematomas is more than two days.
  • (14) Nevertheless, we have developed a series of highly sensitive and specific radioimmunoassays for the determination of human antibodies of the IgG, IgM, and IgE classes against the murine monoclonal IgG used for purification of Monoclate.
  • (15) In particular, 16 of 35 (46%) of patients receiving only monoclonally purified Factor VIII products (Monoclate or Hemofil-M) had a reduced serum haptoglobin value.
  • (16) When a two-stage assay was used, lower recoveries were calculated and the recovery with Hemofil-M was slightly but significantly lower than that with Monoclate.
  • (17) Monoclate (which is assayed by the manufacturer using a two-stage method) contained 97% of the labelled potency and Hemofil-M (which is assayed by the manufacturer using a one-stage method) contained 81% of the labelled potency.
  • (18) And this, contended the chief editor of the Egypt Monocle, Rania al-Malky, was Scaf's plan all along.
  • (19) Surprisingly, sera from several patients had a high activity against murine IgG both before and after treatment with Monoclate.
  • (20) What a Lovely War , The Monocled Mutineer and Blackadder .



  • (a.) Having only one eye; with one eye only; as, monocular vision.
  • (a.) Adapted to be used with only one eye at a time; as, a monocular microscope.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Errors in the initial direction of response were fewer in binocular viewing in comparison with monocular viewing.
  • (2) It appears that the effects of monocular lid suture upon MIN are in most respects similar to the effects of monocular lid suture previously reported for the A laminae.
  • (3) Fish were trained monocularly via the compressed or the normal visual field using an aversive classical conditioning model.
  • (4) The present report details an unusual patient with "occult temporal arteritis" who sustained abrupt monocular visual loss and subsequent ipsilateral ophthalmoplegia involving all functions of the oculomotor nerve.
  • (5) Results of tests on 4 mammalian, 19 reptilian, and 17 avian species confirmed the prediction that lack of optomotor response to monocular optokinetic stimulation in one of the two horizontal directions would correlate with afoveate retinal organization, whereas consistent optomotor responses to monocular stimulation in either horizontal direction would correlate with foveate organization.
  • (6) IBA was defined as the percentage increment of the largest binocular response compared with the monocular response.
  • (7) The reports of rod-dominated psychophysical spectral sensitivity from the deprived eye of monocularly lid-sutured (MD) monkeys are intriguing but difficult to reconcile with the absence of any reported deprivation effects in retina.
  • (8) After training, this abduction-adduction asymmetry was preserved in the light and dark with monocular or dichoptic viewing, indicating again that all adaptive changes were conjugate.
  • (9) Cataracts accounted for 22% of bilateral and 6% of monocular blindness.
  • (10) Two visually monocular patients with retinopathy of prematurity, followed up for 14 and 5 years, developed progressive visual loss in their twenties and thirties, respectively.
  • (11) Lateral peristriate differences were less than those of striate cortex, and regions of greater and lesser monocular input could be distinguished.
  • (12) All but two patients noted monocular diplopia; in three patients this was so intolerable that the diffractive lens was explanted and exchanged for a monofocal lens, following which the visual acuity improved by an average of two Snellen lines and complaints of monocular diplopia disappeared.
  • (13) in monkeys monocularly deprived from birth for up to 27 weeks, and compared them with results from the non-deprived layers in the same animals and in a series of normal animals.
  • (14) These differential responses to monocular deprivation suggest different time courses of development among the dLGN laminae.
  • (15) Monocular and binocular depth thresholds were measured for all kittens when they were between three and five months old.
  • (16) We may thus conclude that both the binocular and monocular contrast sensitivity seemed independent of age within the range of 6 to 40 years.
  • (17) In addition, our data indicate that, following neonatal monocular enucleation, developmental abnormalities in the topography of geniculocortical projections can occur independently of any alteration in the retinogeniculate projection patterns.
  • (18) In monocularly enucleated monkeys, patches are larger and darker above and below the ocular dominance stripes of the remaining eye than in the alternate stripes.
  • (19) A more sensitive within-animal comparison was carried out to detect any small shifts in metabolic activity which might have occurred during retinal blockade; after 1 or 2 months of monocular TTX treatment, either binocular enucleation or binocular TTX injections were performed 24 h before 2-DG, depriving both sides of the SC of retinal input.
  • (20) When a perspective drawing is viewed monocularly, changes in fixation point are accompanied by changes in steady-state vergence; their direction is usually appropriate for the distance relationships implied in the illustration.

Words possibly related to "monocular"