What's the difference between moon and planet?



  • (n.) The celestial orb which revolves round the earth; the satellite of the earth; a secondary planet, whose light, borrowed from the sun, is reflected to the earth, and serves to dispel the darkness of night. The diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles, its mean distance from the earth is 240,000 miles, and its mass is one eightieth that of the earth. See Lunar month, under Month.
  • (n.) A secondary planet, or satellite, revolving about any member of the solar system; as, the moons of Jupiter or Saturn.
  • (n.) The time occupied by the moon in making one revolution in her orbit; a month.
  • (n.) A crescentlike outwork. See Half-moon.
  • (v. t.) To expose to the rays of the moon.
  • (v. i.) To act if moonstruck; to wander or gaze about in an abstracted manner.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) A second operation, total adrenalectomy, resulted in an improvement of the clinical and laboratory findings such as hypokalemia, high blood pressure, muscle atrophy and moon face.
  • (2) The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, a former South Korean foreign minister, said the resolution "sent an unequivocal message to [North Korea] that the international community will not tolerate its pursuit of nuclear weapons."
  • (3) Perhaps you'd like to know how she felt holding the Olympic flag alongside Ban Ki-moon at the 2012 opening ceremony .
  • (4) Nevertheless, moonlight does not seem to have any effect on the composition of adult mosquito population since the difference in the parous rate of females collected during full moon and during no moon was not significant (P greater than 0.05).
  • (5) They are traditionally consumed on the first full moon of the new year; in our family we always like to have them right after the new year countdown.
  • (6) The HLP submitted its report (pdf) to Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary general, in May, proposing 12 goals.
  • (7) By October the Chronicle's editors had announced a new series of articles, aimed at providing "a full and detailed description of the moral, intellectual, material, and physical condition of the industrial poor throughout England", and Mayhew was to be the Metropolitan Correspondent, filing regular reports from areas of London that might as well have been on the moon for all the notice most people took of them.
  • (8) "These results," said Ban Ki-moon, the UN secretary-general, "represent a tremendous reduction in human suffering and are a clear validation of the approach embodied in the MDGs.
  • (9) On the eve of the latest suicide data for the UK, Madeleine Moon, chair of the all-party parliamentary group for suicide and self-harm prevention (APPG), said a third of local authorities in England had no suicide action plan.
  • (10) Recently, two US congressmen proposed a bill known as the Apollo Lunar Landing Legacy Act that would declare a national park on the surface of the moon to protect the Apollo landings.
  • (11) 1.49am BST Michael Aston writes: Gota feeling this is going to be a thrashing, a major and total beat down... After watching the Spurs humiliate the Heat and Oranje murder Spain...this has a horror show Full moon Friday the 13th nightmare for NY written all over it.....then again, triple OT would be fun too Triple OT?
  • (12) Daballen navigates the jeep between thorn bushes and over furrows, guided by a rising moon and his intimate knowledge of the terrain.
  • (13) She was often at Moon's side for the mass weddings.
  • (14) A statement by the spokesman for UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon demanded that both sides "immediately translate these commitments into action on the ground".
  • (15) World leaders will assemble at the UN general assembly this month to hear Ban Ki-moon set out his vision for what should replace the millennium development goals (MDGs).
  • (16) Ending marginalisation and exclusion of LGBT people is a human rights priority – and a development imperative,” said Ban Ki-moon at the UN general assembly last September , despite the fact there is no mention of LGBT rights in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) announced at the conference.
  • (17) Speaking from a hotel in Cape Town, South Africa, where she is promoting her novel, she said: "I'm over the moon.
  • (18) The UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon,has promised a separate UN investigation.
  • (19) Accusing Raquel Rolnik, the UN special rapporteur on housing, of having an agenda, Shapps said he had written to the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, demanding an apology and an explanation of Rolnik's findings.
  • (20) W hat do you think happens to the rubbish when you throw it out into the street?” asks the Mighty Boosh ’s great realist Howard Moon.



  • (n.) A celestial body which revolves about the sun in an orbit of a moderate degree of eccentricity. It is distinguished from a comet by the absence of a coma, and by having a less eccentric orbit. See Solar system.
  • (n.) A star, as influencing the fate of a men.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) It is a place that occupies two thirds of our planet but very little is known of vast swaths of it.
  • (2) Two years ago, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change declared Egypt's Nile Delta to be among the top three areas on the planet most vulnerable to a rise in sea levels, and even the most optimistic predictions of global temperature increase will still displace millions of Egyptians from one of the most densely populated regions on earth.
  • (3) Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as [burning] fossil fuels.” The recommendation follows advice last year that a vegetarian diet was better for the planet from Lord Nicholas Stern , former adviser to the Labour government on the economics of climate change.
  • (4) A planet with conditions that could support life orbits a twin neighbour of the sun visible to the naked eye, scientists have revealed.
  • (5) For the second, this means identifying greener consumption opportunities that result in a competitive advantage while improving the planet’s natural capital.
  • (6) Beyond capitalism and socialism: could a new economic approach save the planet?
  • (7) I salute you.” So clear-fall logging and burning of the tallest flowering forests on the planet, with provision for the dynamiting of trees over 80 metres tall, is an ultimate good in Abbott’s book of ecological wisdom.
  • (8) The melting of sea ice, ice caps and glaciers across the planet is one of the clearest signs of global warming and the UK-led team of scientists will use the data from CryoSat-2 to track how this is affecting ocean currents, sea levels and the overall global climate.
  • (9) "The forces of capitalism are squeezing out anything that doesn't focus on extracting as much surplus value as it can from people and the planet.
  • (10) Venus has a special place in the sun’s family of planets.
  • (11) On this planet, extinction is the norm – of the 4 billion species ever thought to have evolved, 99% have become extinct.
  • (12) Plus, unlike planet-screwing fossil fuels, solar could actually be subsidy-free in a few years.
  • (13) Both groups are served by about 17,000 restaurants, most of them proud of their contribution to what the city believes is the highest-quality and most diverse cuisine on the planet.
  • (14) It's the first in our planet's history where one species - ours - has Earth's future in its hands, and could jeopardise not only itself, but life's immense potential.
  • (15) The breathtaking response of the geosphere as the great ice sheets crumbled might be considered as providing little more than an intriguing insight into the prehistoric workings of our world, were it not for the fact that our planet is once again in the throes an extraordinary climatic transformation – this time brought about by human activities.
  • (16) He is the embodiment of the belief that money and power provide a licence to impose one’s will on others, whether that entitlement is expressed by grabbing women or grabbing the finite resources from a planet on the verge of catastrophic warming.
  • (17) One would assume that green groups would want to make absolutely sure that the money they have raised in the name of saving the planet is not being invested in the companies whose business model requires cooking said planet, and which have been sabotaging all attempts at serious climate action for more than two decades.
  • (18) The chancellor was full of jokes at Labour’s expense yesterday: gags about Wallace and Gromit, Emily Thornberry, the arid Red Planet.
  • (19) There we conclude that growth is indeed an “enemy of the planet” – and of its people.
  • (20) Friends of the Earth's executive director, Andy Atkins, said: "We can't continue to ignore the stark warnings of the catastrophic consequences of climate change on the lives and livelihoods of people across the planet.