(n.) An implement for washing floors, or the like, made of a piece of cloth, or a collection of thrums, or coarse yarn, fastened to a handle.
(n.) A fair where servants are hired.
(n.) The young of any animal; also, a young girl; a moppet.
(v. t.) To rub or wipe with a mop, or as with a mop; as, to mop a floor; to mop one's face with a handkerchief.
Example Sentences:
(1) Morphometry of photographed semithin sections was realized after whole body glutaraldehyde perfusion with semiautomatic MOP AM 02 and MOP Videoplan.
(2) The workload for two different methods of floor mopping in 11 healthy female cleaners was evaluated by rating the perceived exertion, by recording the ECG and EMG and by video analysis of postures and movements.
(3) These lesions appear to be more easily repaired than the cross-links induced by 8-MOP.
(4) The comparison of the efficiency of mutagenic effects of 8-MOP+light with mutagenic effects of other kinds of irradiations was carried out.
(5) When permeant anions in the bath (Cl-) were replaced with relatively impermeant anions (gluconate, MOPS, propionate, or Hepes), the Po vs. voltage relationship was shifted by approximately -35 mV.
(6) They want disinfectant and mops, they say, and they have only two delivery kits left.
(7) The combined action of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and light with lambda greater than 310 nm on bacteriophages and bacteria results in the formation of the following two types of photo-products in the DNA: monoadducts, in which 8-MOP is covalently bound to a pyrimidine base, and diadducts or cross links, in which the 8-MOP is covalently bound to two pyrimidines from complementary strands.
(8) Consistent with this, 8-MOP has been shown to act as an inhibitor of a component of repair of 254-nm ultraviolet light damage in WP2 but not in AB1157.
(9) Microcoulometric titrations of NADH:nitrate reductase at 25 degrees C in Mops buffer, pH 7.0, showed that the native enzyme, containing functional FAD, haem and Mo, required addition of five electrons for complete reduction.
(10) Two hours after oral administration of therapeutic doses of the drug enough 8-MOP was taken up in vivo by the circulating peripheral lymphocytes to cause significant inhibition of phytohaemagglutinin induced lymphocyte proliferation when the cells were exposed in vitro to UVA irradiation.
(11) Monoclonal antibodies specific for DNA damaged by 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) plus ultraviolet A (UVA) light were used to study adduct formation in human keratinocytes and mouse and rat skin in vivo.
(12) The use of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and UV-A irradiation to inactivate contaminating donor leukocytes in platelet concentrates and to prevent primary alloimmunization against donor class I major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens in mice was investigated.
(13) The sequence of markers in the corresponding segment (mel to purA; 91.5 to 93.5 min) of the E. coli linkage map was shown to be mel--aspA--mop(groE)--ampA--frdA--pur A.
(14) 8-Methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) (currently in vogue for the treatment of psoriasis) is a well-known photosensitizing agent.
(15) The psoralen analogs 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) and 4,5',8-trimethylpsoralen (TMP), in combination with ultraviolet light (UVA, 320-400 nm), are potent modulators of epidermal cell growth and differentiation and are commonly used in photochemotherapy of psoriasis and vitiligo.
(16) This methodology was applied to 7 substances: 5 known photosensitizers (8-MOP, chlorpromazine, 5-fluorouracil, Vitamin A acid and benzoyl peroxide) and 2 products without any photoactive properties (aspirin and erythromycin).
(17) The pharmacokinetics of 8-MOP were studied in six dogs following intravenous administration of 2 mg kg-1.
(18) A new psoralen plus UVA therapy has been developed in which the 8-MOP-containing blood of cutaneous T cell lymphoma (CTCL) patients is irradiated with UVA light extracorporeally (i.e., extracorporeal photopheresis).
(19) By using APAAP method with MoP in cytologic studies it was possible to diagnose T-lymphoblastic lymphoma in six children before the results of histopathologic examination of the lymph nodes.
(20) Mean residence time of theophylline increased from 10.7, 17.2, and 12.2 hr in the control period, to 20.3, 19.0, and 18.4 hr after 8-MOP.
(n.) A wry face.
(v. i.) To make mouths.
(n.) Same as Mew, a gull.
(pres. sing.) of Mow
(v.) May; can.
(v. t.) To cut down, as grass, with a scythe or machine.
(v. t.) To cut the grass from; as, to mow a meadow.
(v. t.) To cut down; to cause to fall in rows or masses, as in mowing grass; -- with down; as, a discharge of grapeshot mows down whole ranks of men.
(v. i.) To cut grass, etc., with a scythe, or with a machine; to cut grass for hay.
(n.) A heap or mass of hay or of sheaves of grain stowed in a barn.
(n.) The place in a barn where hay or grain in the sheaf is stowed.
(v. t.) To lay, as hay or sheaves of grain, in a heap or mass in a barn; to pile and stow away.
Example Sentences:
(1) But pipeline opponents say that by moving beetles from the Nebraska sandhills and mowing miles of grass where the insects once lived, TransCanada has illegally begun construction on the project.
(2) Mowing was very effective when it was done at a height of 2 cm from the soil.
(3) Four years ago, a poll of DC energy insiders found that 91% thought Transcanada (the Canadian company that wants to build the pipeline) would quickly and easily acquire the permit for the pipeline; the company was so confident that they mowed the strip they were about to dig up across the centre of the country.
(4) Grass-mowing of swampy meadows at the beginning of summer drying distinctly restricts numbers of snails, when Zonitoides nitidus lives in the habitats.
(5) --predators-placing without previous grass-mowing is effective only on banks of rivers.
(6) Highest was the activity of lucerne from the first mowing, gradually decreasing in each of the following mowings.
(7) "They're burning billions of dollars to catch a guy who wants to mow somebody's lawn."
(8) We believe that the increased nasal and ocular symptoms coincident with lawn mowing are allergic phenomena significantly associated with skin test sensitivity and specific IgE antibodies to grass pollens but not with sensitivity or specific IgE to molds or grass-leaf extract.
(9) When it's all done, you look back and you're like: 'Oh look, I mowed a whole lawn.
(10) Variations were likewise established in the content of genestein and cumestrol in dependence on the mowing itself and the yield.
(11) Westminster map The fact is that the attacker in his attempt to spread terror, was reduced to mowing down pedestrians on a crowded Westminster Bridge to tragically fatal effect.
(12) If you're going to cleanse the country of indigents, then you may as well do it all in one go: clear out the squatters, get rid of all the "beds in sheds", demolish unofficial Gypsy sites, hustle the rough sleepers out of doorways, and sweep away anyone a bit weird, like Anne Naysmith, 75, who slept in her old car, and built a charming garden in a car park corner next to a railway embankment, until TfL came along and mowed down the shelter, flowers and fruit trees.
(13) Ecological Impacts "Minimal" George said the overall ecological impact of mowing the grass and removing the beetles would likely be "minimal."
(14) Positive skin tests to grasses, trees, and weed pollens were more frequent in those patients with symptoms exacerbated by lawn mowing (p less than 0.03).
(15) Not the drunk neighbour who called us little black bastards, even when we mowed his lawn for him.
(16) A number of individuals with perennial or seasonal rhinoconjunctivitis state that their symptoms may suddenly worsen on exposure to lawn mowing.
(17) The spiel for Jeff Allen’s book, Get Laid Or Die Trying , entices the reader by promising to teach them tactics for: “Deflecting last-minute resistance with a single word” and “Convincing a girl you just met that before you fuck her, she must mow your lawn” and he gets around his home of San Francisco in a vehicle he’s nicknamed a “rape van” .
(18) 6.24am GMT Third set: Dimitrov* 5-4 Nadal Dimitrov positively mows through the next game to make it 5-4!
(19) Graham, the Fish and Wildlife biologist, compared the mowing to the hay harvesting that regularly takes place in the region's ranches.
(20) All samples demonstrated that genestein was present in the first and fourth mowing, while the content of cumestrol varied within a wide range showing no markedly expressed correlations.