What's the difference between moreover and nevertheless?



  • (adv.) Beyond what has been said; further; besides; in addition; furthermore; also; likewise.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) Moreover in MIT-1, the size of the novel polypeptide was not that predicted of the precursor (44.9 kDa) but was about 39 kDa, the same size as the authentic GS gamma polypeptide in CYT-4.
  • (2) Moreover, homozygous deletion of the FMS gene may be an important event in the genesis of the MDS variant 5q- syndrome.
  • (3) Moreover, in DCVC-treated cells the mitochondria could not be stained with rhodamine-123, indicating severe mitochondrial damage and loss of membrane potential.
  • (4) Moreover, one may expect satisfactory results in most cases.
  • (5) Moreover, the data showed for the first time that DNA synthesis in the bone marrow and spleen and colon were markedly statistically significantly stimulated at specific times after treatment.
  • (6) Simple interconversion cannot account for the changes in binding that occur upon adding GMP-PNP or removing magnesium, since the increase in [R2]t exceeds the decrease in [R1]t. Moreover, the apparent amount of high-affinity complex exhibits a biphasic dependence on the concentration of [3H]histamine; an increase at low concentrations is offset by a decrease that occurs at higher concentrations.
  • (7) Moreover, the ribosylation inhibitors converted the glucocorticoid antagonist RU-486 into a potent agonist for cytolysis of L1210 cells.
  • (8) Moreover, it allows the clinician to be alert towards findings which could be missed when not carefully searched for and which may be useful to raise or strengthen the suspicion of this disease.
  • (9) However, this inhibition was not found in rats treated with castor oil for 3 d. Moreover, 5-HT concentration in the midbrain significantly decreased in rats that acquired the adaptability for the occurrence of diarrhea.
  • (10) Moreover, the most recent combined application of the rat interstitial cell testosterone (RICT) bioassay and a novel multiple-parameter deonvolution model has allowed investigators to dissect plasma concentration profiles of bioactive LH into defined secretory bursts, which have numerically explicit amplitudes, locations in time, and durations, and are acted upon by determinable subject- and study-specific endogenous metabolic clearance rates.
  • (11) Moreover, 8 of 10 cats in the 10% HAES group showed extravasation of red cells.
  • (12) Long-term treatment with agents that stimulate the beta-receptor (prenalterol and pirbuterol) has not proved to be useful in the treatment of chronic heart failure; moreover, prolonged treatment with beta-agonists (dobutamine and pirbuterol) may adversely affect survival.
  • (13) Moreover, nick-translated [32-P]-pCS75, which is a pUC9 derivative containing a PstI insert with L and S subunit genes (for RuBisCO) from A. nidulans, hybridizes at very high stringency with restriction fragments from chromosomal DNA of untransformed and transformed cells as does the 32P-labeled PstI fragment itself.
  • (14) Moreover, it is the recombinant p70 polypeptides of slowest mobility that coelute with S6 kinase activity on anion-exchange chromatography.
  • (15) Moreover, a prominent reduction in serum Apo A-1 was found in dialysed diabetic patients.
  • (16) Moreover, complete absence of rhythm disturbances right up to the beginning of cardiac arrest was as frequent in the patient groups as in the control series (around 20%).
  • (17) Moreover, the majority of the 'out of phase' units showed an increased discharge during side-up animal tilt and side-down neck rotation.
  • (18) These findings show that humoral factors that can inhibit natural killer cell activity in vitro are present in the peripheral blood of patients who have endometriosis; moreover, they suggest that the suppressed natural killer cell activity may allow the development of endometrial cells at ectopic sites.
  • (19) Moreover, the ratio in all patients with sialectasia, which is characteristic of Sjögren's syndrome, was more than 1.0.
  • (20) Moreover, it seems that multiple subdomains of the TR beta interact cooperatively to achieve optimal T3 activity.



  • (adv. / conj.) Not the less; notwithstanding; in spite of that; yet.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) To this figure an additional 250,000 older workers must be added, who are no longer registered as unemployed but nevertheless would be interested in finding another job.
  • (2) Atmaca, who belongs to the Gregorian-Armenian church in Istanbul, said that he nevertheless holds the current pontiff in high regard.
  • (3) Nevertheless, this LTR does not govern efficient transcription of adjacent genes in a transient expression assay.
  • (4) Nevertheless, acquisition of thermotolerance can be induced at any stage of the life cycle.
  • (5) Nevertheless a small proportion of the largest molecules (excluded from Sepharose 2B) was present even in the first extract.
  • (6) Nevertheless, the patterns of chromosomal abnormalities, and consequently that of associated malformations, were related to the different types of renal defects.
  • (7) Nevertheless, Richard Bacon MP, a member of the Public Accounts Committee, who has tirelessly tracked failings in NHS IT, said last night: "I think the chances that Lorenzo will be turned into a credible and popular product are vanishingly small.
  • (8) Nevertheless, they are still being widely used, since in most cases only the epidemiology of the disease points to the etiologic role of A. cantonensis.
  • (9) Nevertheless the difference was too little to suggest abandoning one treatment in favour of the others.
  • (10) Nevertheless, the structure of the signal peptide and propeptide in the N-terminal region is different in these two chains.
  • (11) Nevertheless we know that there will remain a large number of borrowers with payday loans who are struggling to cope with their debts, and it is essential that these customers are signposted to free debt advice.
  • (12) Nevertheless, XA is transcribed into a stable 2.6-kb polyadenylated RNA that is expressed uniquely in the adrenal gland.
  • (13) Nevertheless between 18% and 20% appear to have done so – a stunning result for the far right.
  • (14) Nevertheless, a wide clinical spectrum was found varying from pictures correlating with the topography and extent of the MRI-detected anomaly to conditions indicating wider cerebral involvement.
  • (15) Nevertheless, with respect to public health approaches, there seems to be a shift in consciousness.
  • (16) Nevertheless, oxidation of the phenyldiazene-treated enzyme with ferricyanide provides the NA and NC regioisomers of N-phenylprotoporphyrin IX in a 40:60 ratio.
  • (17) Nevertheless some technical variations are required, to maintain the typical homogeneity of photon beams.
  • (18) Nevertheless, there are farms on which satisfactory results are obtained in rearing calves with low Ig levels.
  • (19) Nevertheless, it is the black male group between the ages of 25 and 34 years that bears the brunt of both suicide and homicide.
  • (20) These findings of enhanced breakage by FUdR exposure in vitro, nevertheless, may suggest that leukemic cells in general are more susceptible to breakage than normal cells, thereby predisposing the former to secondary chromosome rearrangements.